#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i python -p python3 """ Create a ~/.deskrc file like so: [desk] location = ~/desk [work.git] remote = git@github.com/user/repo.git local = repo [work.git] remote = git@github.com/user/other.git local = other-repo [work.command] name = clock in exec = echo i $(date) > ~/.timelog [work.env] PATH = /whatever EDITOR = vim [work.command] name = block some websites exec = echo 'twitter.com' > /etc/hosts sudo = true [home.command] name = start media server exec = plex start # or whatever The command 'desk work' will provision the 'work' environment for you, as well as track your current state. Think of this like 'clocking in' to work. You could also do 'desk home' and it would provision the 'home' environment. These are meant to be *soft environments*. The command 'desk clear' will attempt to close out all your existing work. It will: - Do a 'git status' on all 'work' projects to see if you have any unpushed changes - If so, fail and tell you where to save/push - If not, remove all the git repos - Clock out of your work This creates a clean separation of work, a nice way to close out whatever you're working on for the day. """