path: root/csrc/kernels.cuh
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Diffstat (limited to 'csrc/kernels.cuh')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/csrc/kernels.cuh b/csrc/kernels.cuh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06ae1e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csrc/kernels.cuh
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
+// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
+// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+#include <float.h>
+#include <ops.cuh>
+#ifndef kernels
+#define kernels
+template<typename T>__global__ void kEstimateQuantiles(T *__restrict__ const A, float *code, const float offset, const T max_val, const int n);
+__global__ void kQuantize(float * code, float * __restrict__ const A, unsigned char *out, const int n);
+__global__ void kDequantize(float *code, unsigned char *A, float *out, const int n);
+template<typename T, int BLOCK_SIZE, int NUM_PER_TH, int STOCHASTIC> __global__ void kQuantizeBlockwise(float * code, T * __restrict__ const A, float *absmax, unsigned char *out, float * __restrict__ const rand, const int rand_offset, const int n);
+template<typename T, int BLOCK_SIZE, int THREADS, int NUM_PER_TH> __global__ void kDequantizeBlockwise(float *code, unsigned char * __restrict__ const A, float * __restrict__ const absmax, T *out, const int n);
+template<typename T, int OPTIMIZER, int BLOCK_SIZE, int NUM_VALS>
+__global__ void kPreconditionOptimizer32bit2State(T* g, T* p,
+ float* state1, float* state2, float *unorm,
+ const float beta1, const float beta2, const float eps, const float weight_decay,
+ const int step, const float lr, const float gnorm_scale, const int n);
+template<typename T, int OPTIMIZER>
+__global__ void kOptimizer32bit2State(T* g, T* p,
+ float* state1, float* state2, float *unorm, const float max_unorm, const float param_norm,
+ const float beta1, const float beta2, const float eps, const float weight_decay,
+ const int step, const float lr, const float gnorm_scale, const int n);
+template<typename T, int OPTIMIZER, int BLOCK_SIZE, int NUM_VALS>
+__global__ void kPreconditionOptimizer32bit1State(T* g, T* p,
+ float* state1, float *unorm,
+ const float beta1, const float eps, const float weight_decay,
+ const int step, const float lr, const float gnorm_scale, const int n);
+template<typename T, int OPTIMIZER>
+__global__ void kOptimizer32bit1State(T* g, T* p,
+ float* state1, float *unorm, const float max_unorm, const float param_norm,
+ const float beta1, const float eps, const float weight_decay,
+ const int step, const float lr, const float gnorm_scale, const int n);
+template<typename T, int OPTIMIZER>
+__global__ void
+kPreconditionOptimizerStatic8bit1State(T* p, T* __restrict__ const g, unsigned char*__restrict__ const state1,
+ float *unorm,
+ const float beta1,
+ const float eps, const int step,
+ float* __restrict__ const quantiles1,
+ float* max1, float* new_max1,
+ const float weight_decay,
+ const float gnorm_scale, const int n);
+template<typename T, int OPTIMIZER>
+__global__ void
+kOptimizerStatic8bit1State(T* p, T* const g, unsigned char* state1,
+ const float *unorm, const float max_unorm, const float param_norm,
+ const float beta1,
+ const float eps, const int step, const float lr,
+ float* __restrict__ const quantiles1,
+ float* max1, float* new_max1,
+ float weight_decay, const float gnorm_scale, const int n);
+template<typename T, int OPTIMIZER>
+__global__ void
+kPreconditionOptimizerStatic8bit2State(T* p, T* __restrict__ const g, unsigned char*__restrict__ const state1, unsigned char* __restrict__ const state2,
+ float *unorm,
+ const float beta1, const float beta2,
+ const float eps, const int step,
+ float* __restrict__ const quantiles1, float* __restrict__ const quantiles2,
+ float* max1, float* max2, float* new_max1, float* new_max2,
+ const float gnorm_scale, const int n);
+template<typename T, int OPTIMIZER>
+__global__ void
+kOptimizerStatic8bit2State(T* p, T* const g, unsigned char* state1, unsigned char* state2,
+ const float *unorm, const float max_unorm, const float param_norm,
+ const float beta1, const float beta2,
+ const float eps, const int step, const float lr,
+ float* __restrict__ const quantiles1, float* __restrict__ const quantiles2,
+ float* max1, float* max2, float* new_max1, float* new_max2,
+ float weight_decay, const float gnorm_scale, const int n);
+template<typename T, int OPTIMIZER, int BLOCK_SIZE, int N_PER_TH> __global__ void kOptimizerStatic8bit2StateBlockwise(
+ T* p, T* __restrict__ const g, unsigned char* state1, unsigned char* state2,
+ const float beta1, const float beta2, const float eps, const int step, const float lr,
+ float* __restrict__ const quantiles1, float* __restrict__ const quantiles2,
+ float* absmax1, float* absmax2, float weight_decay, const float gnorm_scale, const int n);
+template<typename T, int OPTIMIZER, int BLOCK_SIZE, int N_PER_TH> __global__ void kOptimizerStatic8bit1StateBlockwise(
+ T* p, T* __restrict__ const g, unsigned char* state1,
+ const float beta1, const float beta2,
+ const float eps, const int step, const float lr,
+ float* __restrict__ const quantiles1,
+ float* absmax1,
+ float weight_decay,
+ const float gnorm_scale, const int n);
+template<typename T, int BLOCK_SIZE, int NUM_VALS> __global__ void kPercentileClipping(T * __restrict__ g, float *gnorm_vec, int step, const int n);
+__global__ void kHistogramScatterAdd2D(float* histogram, int *index1, int *index2, float *src, const int maxidx1, const int n);