""" extract factors the build is dependent on: [X] compute capability [ ] TODO: Q - What if we have multiple GPUs of different makes? - CUDA version - Software: - CPU-only: only CPU quantization functions (no optimizer, no matrix multipl) - CuBLAS-LT: full-build 8-bit optimizer - no CuBLAS-LT: no 8-bit matrix multiplication (`nomatmul`) alle Binaries packagen evaluation: - if paths faulty, return meaningful error - else: - determine CUDA version - determine capabilities - based on that set the default path """ import ctypes import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Set, Union from ..utils import print_err, warn_of_missing_prerequisite, execute_and_return def check_cuda_result(cuda, result_val): # 3. Check for CUDA errors if result_val != 0: error_str = ctypes.c_char_p() cuda.cuGetErrorString(result_val, ctypes.byref(error_str)) raise Exception(f"CUDA exception! ERROR: {error_str}") # taken from https://gist.github.com/f0k/63a664160d016a491b2cbea15913d549 def get_compute_capability(): # 1. find libcuda.so library (GPU driver) (/usr/lib) # init_device -> init variables -> call function by reference # 2. call extern C function to determine CC # (https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-driver-api/group__CUDA__DEVICE__DEPRECATED.html) # 3. Check for CUDA errors # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14038589/what-is-the-canonical-way-to-check-for-errors-using-the-cuda-runtime-api # 1. find libcuda.so library (GPU driver) (/usr/lib) libnames = ("libcuda.so",) for libname in libnames: try: cuda = ctypes.CDLL(libname) except OSError: continue else: break else: raise OSError("could not load any of: " + " ".join(libnames)) nGpus = ctypes.c_int() cc_major = ctypes.c_int() cc_minor = ctypes.c_int() result = ctypes.c_int() device = ctypes.c_int() check_cuda_result(cuda, cuda.cuInit(0)) check_cuda_result(cuda, cuda.cuDeviceGetCount(ctypes.byref(nGpus))) ccs = [] for i in range(nGpus.value): check_cuda_result(cuda, cuda.cuDeviceGet(ctypes.byref(device), i)) ref_major = ctypes.byref(cc_major) ref_minor = ctypes.byref(cc_minor) # 2. call extern C function to determine CC check_cuda_result(cuda, cuda.cuDeviceComputeCapability(ref_major, ref_minor, device)) ccs.append(f"{cc_major.value}.{cc_minor.value}") # TODO: handle different compute capabilities; for now, take the max ccs.sort() max_cc = ccs[-1] return max_cc CUDA_RUNTIME_LIB: str = "libcudart.so" def tokenize_paths(paths: str) -> Set[Path]: return {Path(ld_path) for ld_path in paths.split(":") if ld_path} def resolve_env_variable(env_var): '''Searches a given envirionmental library or path for the CUDA runtime library (libcudart.so)''' paths: Set[Path] = tokenize_paths(env_var) non_existent_directories: Set[Path] = { path for path in paths if not path.exists() } if non_existent_directories: print_err( "WARNING: The following directories listed your path were found to " f"be non-existent: {non_existent_directories}" ) cuda_runtime_libs: Set[Path] = { path / CUDA_RUNTIME_LIB for path in paths if (path / CUDA_RUNTIME_LIB).is_file() } - non_existent_directories if len(cuda_runtime_libs) > 1: err_msg = ( f"Found duplicate {CUDA_RUNTIME_LIB} files: {cuda_runtime_libs}.." ) raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) elif len(cuda_runtime_libs) == 0: return None # this is not en error, since other envs can contain CUDA else: return next(iter(cuda_runtime_libs)) # for now just return the first def get_cuda_runtime_lib_path() -> Union[Path, None]: '''Searches conda installation and environmental paths for a cuda installations.''' cuda_runtime_libs = [] # CONDA_PREFIX/lib is the default location for a default conda # install of pytorch. This location takes priortiy over all # other defined variables if 'CONDA_PREFIX' in os.environ: lib_conda_path = f'{os.environ["CONDA_PREFIX"]}/lib/' print(lib_conda_path) cuda_runtime_libs.append(resolve_env_variable(lib_conda_path)) if len(cuda_runtime_libs) == 1: return cuda_runtime_libs[0] # if CONDA_PREFIX does not have the library, search the environment # (in particualr LD_LIBRARY PATH) for var in os.environ: cuda_runtime_libs.append(resolve_env_variable(var)) if len(cuda_runtime_libs) < 1: err_msg = ( f"Did not find {CUDA_RUNTIME_LIB} files: {cuda_runtime_libs}.." ) raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) return cuda_runtime_libs.pop() def evaluate_cuda_setup(): cuda_path = get_cuda_runtime_lib_path() print(f'CUDA SETUP: CUDA path found: {cuda_path}') cc = get_compute_capability() binary_name = "libbitsandbytes_cpu.so" if not (has_gpu := bool(cc)): print( "WARNING: No GPU detected! Check your CUDA paths. Processing to load CPU-only library..." ) return binary_name has_cublaslt = cc in ["7.5", "8.0", "8.6"] # TODO: # (1) CUDA missing cases (no CUDA installed by CUDA driver (nvidia-smi accessible) # (2) Multiple CUDA versions installed cuda_home = str(Path(cuda_path).parent.parent) # we use ls -l instead of nvcc to determine the cuda version # since most installations will have the libcudart.so installed, but not the compiler ls_output, err = execute_and_return(f"ls -l {cuda_path}") major, minor, revision = ls_output.split(' ')[-1].replace('libcudart.so.', '').split('.') cuda_version_string = f"{major}{minor}" binary_name = f'libbitsandbytes_cuda{cuda_version_string}{("" if has_cublaslt else "_nocublaslt")}.so' return binary_name