[ArchiveSentMailsFilter] [SpamFilter] spam_tag = spam # This filter looks for the List-Id header, and if it finds it, adds a # tag lists and a tag named lists/. [ListMailsFilter] [Filter.0] message = mobile todos query = 'from:ben@bsima.me AND to:ben@bsima.me AND subject:TODO' tags = +todo;-inbox;+unread [Filter.1] message = logwatch query = subject:Logwatch tags = +logwatch;-new;-inbox [Filter.2] message = newsletters query = from:the-morning-paper@onelanday.co.uk OR subject:'The Reading List Email*' OR from:info@haskellweekly.news OR from:kale@hackernewsletter.com OR from:newsletter@farnamstreetblog.com tags = -unread;+newsletters;-inbox [Filter.3] message = job emails query = from:alist.co OR from:angel.co OR from:stackoverflow.com OR from:stackoverflow.email OR from:cdmtechnology.com OR subject:job tags = +jobs;-inbox [Filter.4] message = github query = from:github.com tags = +github;-inbox [MailMover] folders = Important INBOX INBOX = 'tag:flagged AND NOT tag:spam':.Important Important = 'NOT tag:flagged':.INBOX 'tag:spam':.INBOX [InboxFilter] [Filter.5] message = remove lists from inbox query = tag:lists AND tag:inbox tags = -inbox [Filter.6] message = remove rspamd from inbox query = from:rspamd tags = -inbox [Filter.7] message = banking activity confirmations query = (from:discover@service.discover.com AND subject:'Your Scheduled Payment') OR (from:citicards@info6.citi.com AND subject:Confirmation) tags = -inbox;+banking [Filter.8] message = receipts query = subject:receipt tags = +receipts;-inbox [Filter.9] message = stupid social networks query = from:messages-noreply@linkedin.com tags = -inbox;-unread;+deleted;+spam [Filter.10] message = meetups query = from:*@meetup.com tags = -inbox;+meetups [Filter.11] message = emacs lists query = to:emacs-devel@gnu.org OR to:info-gnu-emacs@gnu.org OR to:help-gnu-emacs@gnu.org OR cc:emacs-devel@gnu.org OR cc:info-gnu-emacs@gnu.org OR cc:help-gnu-emacs@gnu.org tags = -inbox;+emacs [Filter.12] message = philosophy lists query = to:publish-liv@humanist.kdl.kcl.ac.uk tags = -inbox;+philosophy [Filter.13] message = science lists query = from:newsletter@fightaging.org tags = -inbox;+science [Filter.14] message = work stuff query = from:git@undergroundelephant.com OR subject:HeroOS tags = +work [Filter.15] message = haskell lists query = to:haskell-cafe@haskell.org OR cc:haskell-cafe@haskell.org tags = -inbox;+haskell [Filter.16] message = clojure lists query = to:clojure@googlegroups.com OR cc:clojure@googlegroups.com tags = -inbox;+clojure [Filter.17] message = ai lists query = to:scikit-learn@python.org OR to:tensorflow.org tags = -inbox;+ai [Filter.18] message = bitcoin lists query = to:bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org OR to:bitcoin-discuss@lists.linuxfoundation.org tags = -inbox;+bitcoin