{ pkgs, ... }: let solarized-xresources = ./xresources; homedir = builtins.getEnv "HOME"; in { # Waiting for the accounts feature to land in the 18.03 release branch... # #accounts = { # email = { # maildirBasePath = "$HOME/Mail"; # accounts = { # "ben@bsima.me" = { # primary = true; # realName = "Ben Sima"; # address = "ben@bsima.me"; # folders = { # inbox = "INBOX"; # }; # imap = { # host = "mail.bsima.me"; # port = 993; # }; # smtp = { # host = "mail.bsima.me"; # port = 587; # }; # userName = "ben@bsima.me"; # mbsync.enable = true; # notmuch.enable = true; # passwordCommand = "pass bnet/helium/mail/ben"; # }; # }; # }; #}; home = { packages = import ./packages.nix { inherit pkgs; }; sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "vim"; LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"; PATH = "${homedir}/bin:${homedir}/.cabal/bin:${homedir}/.local/bin:$PATH"; PAGER = "less"; }; file = { mutt = { text = (builtins.readFile ./muttrc) + (builtins.readFile ./mutt/solarized.muttrc); target = ".muttrc"; }; mailcap = { source = ./mailcap; target = ".mailcap"; }; msmtp = { source = ./msmtprc; target = ".msmtprc"; }; notmuch = { source = ./notmuch; target = ".notmuch-config"; }; tmux = { source = ./tmux; target = ".tmux.conf"; }; }; }; fonts.fontconfig.enableProfileFonts = true; xresources = { properties = { "XTerm*font" = "*-fixed-*-*-*-*-*"; "XTerm*faceName" = "mononoki"; "XTerm*faceSize" = "10"; "XTerm*termName" = "xterm-256color"; "XTerm*metaSendsEscape" = true; }; extraConfig = builtins.readFile(solarized-xresources + "/Xresources.light"); }; services = { network-manager-applet.enable = false; polybar = { enable = false; config = { "bar/top" = { font-0 = "mononoki:size-10"; monitor = "\${env:MONITOR:eDP1}"; monitor-fallback = "HDMI1"; width = "100%"; height = "2%"; radius = 0; background = "#fdf6e3"; # solarized base3 foreground = "#657b83"; # solarized base00 tray-position = "right"; tray-detached = false; tray-maxsize = 16; tray-transparent = false; tray-background = "#fdf6e3"; tray-offset-x = 0; tray-offset-y = 0; tray-padding = 0; tray-scale = 1.0; module-margin = 4; modules-center = "date"; modules-right = "battery"; }; "module/date" = { type = "internal/date"; internal = 5; date = "%Y.%m.%d"; time = "%H.%M"; label = "%date%..%time%"; }; "module/battery" = { type = "internal/battery"; battery = "BAT0"; adapter = "AC"; full-at = 99; }; "module/ewmh" = { type = "internal/xworkspaces"; pin-workspaces = true; enable-click = true; enable-scroll = false; }; }; script = '' #!/usr/bin/env sh systemctl --user daemon-reload polybar top & ''; }; taffybar = { enable = false; }; redshift = { enable = false; latitude = "33.044444"; longitude = "-117.271667"; }; gpg-agent = { enable = false; defaultCacheTtl = 600; enableSshSupport = true; }; }; xsession = { enable = false; windowManager = { xmonad = { enable = false; extraPackages = hpkgs: [ hpkgs.xmonad-contrib hpkgs.xmonad-extras hpkgs.monad-logger hpkgs.taffybar ]; enableContribAndExtras = true; config = ./xmonad.hs; }; }; }; programs = { home-manager = { enable = true; path = https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/archive/release-18.03.tar.gz; }; direnv = { enable = true; }; vim = { enable = true; plugins = [ "ctrlp" "fugitive" "editorconfig-vim" "gitgutter" "surround" "vim-colorschemes" ]; extraConfig = builtins.readFile ./vimrc; }; git = { enable = true; userName = "Ben Sima"; userEmail = "ben@bsima.me"; ignores = [ "*~" "*.swp" ]; package = pkgs.gitAndTools.gitFull; extraConfig = '' [push] default = simple [commit] template = ~/.config/nixpkgs/git-commit-template [sendemail] smtpuser = ben@bsima.me smptserverport = 587 smptserver = mail.bsima.me chainreplyto = false composeencoding = UTF-8 ''; }; bash = { enable = true; initExtra = '' DIR=~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d [[ -f "$DIR/nix.sh" ]] && . "$DIR/nix.sh" [[ -f "$DIR/hm-session-vars.sh" ]] && . "$DIR/hm-session-vars.sh" ''; shellAliases = { #z = "fasd_cd -d"; # cd, same functionality as j in autojump #zz = "fasd_cd -d -i"; # cd with interactive selection a = "fasd -a"; # any add = "git add --ignore-removal"; ci = "git commit"; d = "fasd -d"; # directory day = "date +%a"; ddate = "date +%Y.%m.%d"; dday = "date +%A"; et = "emacs -nw"; # emacs in a terminal f = "fasd -f"; # file fetch = "git fetch"; g = "grep -in"; ga = "git add -A"; gb = "git branch"; gc = "git commit"; gca = "git commit -a"; gco = "git checkout"; gd = "git diff"; gl = "git pull --prune"; glog = ''git log --graph --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset %an: %s - %Creset %C(yellow)%d%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset" --abbrev-commit --date=relative''; gp = "git push origin HEAD"; gs = "git status -sb"; hs = "home-manager switch"; ll = "ls -l"; pull = "git pull"; push = "git push"; rm = "rm -i"; s = "fasd -si"; # show / search / select sd = "fasd -sid"; # interactive directory selection sf = "fasd -sif"; # interactive file selection showpath = "echo $PATH | sed 's/:/\n/g'"; tdate = "date +%Y.%m.%d..%H.%M"; ttime = "date +%H.%M"; typeless = "history | tail -n 20000 | sed 's/.* //' | sort | uniq -c | sort -g | tail -n 100"; v = "vim"; "v." = "vim ."; vimdiff = "vim -d"; }; }; emacs = { enable = true; extraPackages = epkgs: import ./emacs-packages.nix { inherit epkgs; }; }; firefox = { enable = true; }; }; }