{ epkgs }: with epkgs; [ ace-window ace-link ag avy avy-zap bbdb blacken melpaStablePackages.cider cheat-sh circe cl-lib clojure-mode company company-cabal counsel counsel-dash counsel-notmuch counsel-projectile crux dashboard define-word deft diminish dired-narrow direnv editorconfig elpher erc-hl-nicks evil evil-collection melpaStablePackages.evil-escape evil-magit evil-org evil-surround emojify eww-lnum eyebrowse forge flycheck flycheck-haskell geiser general #git-gutter-plus melpaStablePackages.git-timemachine haskell-mode #hercules #hindent highlight-symbol hledger-mode hlint-refactor htmlize hydra ibuffer-vc imenu-anywhere indent-guide ivy ivy-rich ix ledger-mode lispy magit magit-annex #magit-stgit # build fails magit-todos markdown-mode multiple-cursors neotree notmuch nix-mode org-alert org-bullets org-clock-today org-dashboard org-jira melpaStablePackages.org-journal org-plus-contrib org-pomodoro org-ref org-trello org-web-tools pass # persp-mode # this causes emacs to die, i think pinentry popwin projectile rainbow-mode rainbow-delimiters restclient rotate s shakespeare-mode smart-mode-line smart-mode-line-powerline-theme spacemacs-theme spaceline swiper sx twittering-mode undo-tree use-package which-key windresize winum yaml-mode yasnippet yasnippet-snippets zoom ]