{ pkgs, ... }: # All common packages go here. Linux-specific should go in `linux.nix' with pkgs; let #urwid-readline = python3.pkgs.buildPythonPackage rec { # pname = "urwid_readline"; # version = "0.13"; # src = python3.pkgs.fetchPypi { # inherit pname version; # sha256 = "1x7s3vnvvhxad72skwr9rdajgbly0rmw4zg1ggc5xfv4r35j1001"; # }; # propagatedBuildInputs = [ python3Packages.urwid ]; # doCheck = false; #}; #zulip-terminal = python3.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec { # pname = "zulip-terminal"; # version = "0.6.0"; # src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { # owner = "zulip"; # repo = pname; # rev = "${version}"; # sha256 = "0nah8dxgzv2q2gnkzlbc2sm68b1mlgsw8izny2p10i8mcdldjnwy"; # }; # propagatedBuildInputs = with python3Packages; [ # urwid # zulip # urwid-readline # beautifulsoup4 # lxml # pygments # typing-extensions # dateutil # pytz # tzlocal # pyperclip # ]; # doCheck = false; #}; in { home.packages = [ amfora ansifilter asciinema aspellDicts.en bat barrier bc cava chafa cloc direnv entr eternal-terminal expect #exercism fd file fira-code #fira-code-nerdfont font-awesome_5 forgit gcal git-branchless git-lfs git-revise github-cli gotop hashcash httpstat inetutils ispell jq lsof mpc_cli nb ncdu nmap ncmpc nerdfonts nix-index nix-prefetch-scripts nixos-generators noto-fonts-emoji obsidian opentimestamps-client paperkey pass pciutils pianobar pup pv python3 qrencode ranger ripgrep scc sshfs sysz tailscale tmux tree unrar unzip urlscan w3m zeal zebra zip ]; }