#!/usr/bin/env sh # tag all messages from "me" as sent notmuch tag +sent -inbox -unread -- from:ben@bsima.me # tag TODOs from myself, always mark as unread so I'm forced to process them notmuch tag +todo -inbox +unread -- subject:TODO and from:ben@bsima.me and to:ben@bsima.me # tag some newsletters, but don't show them in inbox notmuch tag +newsletters -inbox -- \ from:the-morning-paper@onelanday.co.uk or \ from:newsletter@fightaging.org or \ subject:'The Reading List Email*' or \ from:info@haskellweekly.news or \ from:kale@hackernewsletter.com # tag logwatch emails & remove from inbox notmuch tag +logwatch -new -inbox -- subject:'Logwatch*' # tag job-related emails notmuch tag +jobs -inbox -- \ from:alist.co or \ from:angel.co or \ from:stackoverflow.com or \ from:stackoverflow.email or \ from:cdmtechnology.com or \ subject:job # tag github emails notmuch tag +github -inbox -- from:github.com # haskell-cafe notmuch tag +haskell -- to:haskell-cafe@haskell.org