diff options
2 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/coinlist.hs b/coinlist.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76007fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coinlist.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+-- I don't remember what the problem was... I think I had to index the LinkedIn
+-- directory using a tree?
+data User = User
+ { id :: Int
+ , name :: String
+ }
+data Tree
+ = Node
+ | Tree
+data Node
+ = Start User
+ | End User
+(Node (Start (id "V American Clifton"))
+ (End (id "v♡ g♡"))
+(Node (Start (id "V American Clifton"))
+ (End (id "VANESSA MITCHELL")))
+(Node (Start (id "Vahid Sab"))
+ (End (id "Val Hoskins")))
+(Node V)
+1. First exact matches
+2. Results where one of the words is an exact match
+3. Results that start with the search string
+4. The rest, alphabetically sorted
+query: "word"
+correct ordering: [“Word”, “Microsoft Word”, “Wordpress”, “1Password”, “Google AdWords”]
+"word", "Microsoft Word"
+for w in words:
+ if exactMatch(w, query):
+ putInFront(w, words)
+ else if contains(w, query):
+ putBehindExactMatches(w, query, words)
+ else if: startsWith(w, query):
+ putBehindContains(w, query, words)
+ else
+ sortAlphabetically(words)
+f :: String -> [String] -> [String]
+f "" ls = ls
+f _ [] = []
+f q (x:xs) =
+ if q == x then x:(f xs)
+ else if q `isPrefixOf` x then (f xs):x
+ else if q `isInfixOf` x then placeAfterMatches q (x:xs)
+ else alphabatize((f xs):x)
+placeAfterMatches :: String -> [String] -> [String]
+placeAfterMatches _ [] = []
+placeAfterMatches q (x:xs) = if q == x then x:(placeAfterMatches q xs) else x:xs
+placeAfterContains :: String -> [String] - [String]
+placeAfterContains q (x:xs) = if q `isInfixOf` x then x:(placeAfterContains q xs) else x:xs
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f60c342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env stack
+-- stack --nix --resolver lts-11.7 script
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+import Data.List
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Exception (assert)
+type Coords a = (a, a) -- ^ (line, column)
+-- Extend ordinal operations to both numbers
+instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Ord (Coords Int) where
+ a < b = (fst a) < (fst b) && (snd a) < (snd b)
+ a <= b = (fst a) <= (fst b) && (snd a) <= (snd b)
+ a > b = (fst a) > (fst b) && (snd a) > (snd b)
+ a >= b = (fst a) >= (fst b) && (snd a) >= (snd b)
+-- | A single stack trace element
+data St = St
+ { start :: Coords Int
+ , end :: Coords Int
+ } deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | We have two types of operations on the stacktrace
+data OpType
+ = Jumppoint -- ^ It's a jump point if it moves outside the previous scope
+ | Descending -- ^ We are descending if the scope in th 'St' is narrowing
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | To detect the 'OpType', we need the current and next thing in the
+-- stacktrace.
+detect' :: St -> St -> (St, OpType)
+detect' a b
+ | (end a) == (end b) = (a, Descending)
+ | (start a) < (start b) && (end a) >= (end b) = (a, Descending) -- If a wraps around b, we are still descending
+ | otherwise = (a, Jumppoint)
+detect :: [St] -> [(St, OpType)]
+detect [] = error "empty list"
+detect [a] = error "not enough elements"
+detect [a, b] = [detect' a b]
+detect (a:b:rest) = detect' a b : (detect $ b:rest)
+prune :: [(St, OpType)] -> [(St, OpType)]
+prune ls = filter (\(_, opType) -> opType == Jumppoint) ls
+main = do
+ putStrLn $ assert ([(head ex2, Jumppoint)] == detect ex2) "Jumppoint test passes"
+ putStrLn $ assert ([(head ex3, Descending)] == detect ex3) "Descending test passes"
+ putStrLn "Pruning:"
+ print $ map show $ prune $ detect ex1
+-- Examples
+{- Example
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |main = do
+4 | x <- someFunc 10
+5 | y <- someOtherfunc 53
+6 | putStrLn (show x <> show y)
+8 |
+9 |someFunc x = x
+11|someOtherfunc y = y
+ex1 :: [St]
+ex1 =
+ [ St { start = (3, 1), end = (6, 29) } -- Descending : main
+ , St { start = (3, 7), end = (6, 29) } -- Descending : do
+ , St { start = (4, 2), end = (4, 18) } -- Jumppoint : x <- someFunc 10
+ , St { start = (9, 0), end = (9, 14) } -- Jumppoint : someFunc 10
+ , St { start = (5, 2), end = (5, 18) } -- Jumppoint : y <- someOtherfunc 53
+ , St { start = (11, 0), end = (11, 19) } -- Jumppoint : someOtherfunc 53
+ , St { start = (6, 2), end = (6, 29) } -- Descending : putStrLn
+ , St { start = (6, 11), end = (6, 29) } -- Descending : (show x <> show y)
+ , St { start = (6, 12), end = (6, 18) } -- Jumppoint : show x
+ , St { start = (6, 22), end = (6, 28) } -- Jumppoint : show y
+ ]
+{- Jumppoint example
+1 |(func1 arg)
+2 |
+3 |func1 a = undefined
+ex2 :: [St]
+ex2 =
+ [ St { start = (1, 0), end = (1, 10) }
+ , St { start = (3, 0), end = (3, 20) }
+ ]
+{- Descending example
+2| (func2 arg))
+ex3 :: [St]
+ex3 =
+ [ St { start = (1, 1), end = (2, 14) }
+ , St { start = (2, 3), end = (2, 14) }
+ ]