path: root/Alpha
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2020-04-15 09:54:10 -0700
committerBen Sima <>2020-04-15 10:06:56 -0700
commitf4b8c0df041b063c0b47d2ec6c818a9c202fd833 (patch)
tree01ad246a83fda29c079847b3397ca6509a7f6106 /Alpha
parent6ed475ca94209ce92e75f48764cb9d361029ea26 (diff)
Moving away from the DNS-driven namespacing toward more condensed names, mostly because I don't like typing so much.
Diffstat (limited to 'Alpha')
6 files changed, 493 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Alpha/Core.scm b/Alpha/Core.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a5ac6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Alpha/Core.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+(define-module (Alpha Core)
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 format))
+ #:export (
+ ;; simple printing
+ fmt printf pr prn
+ ;; navigating data
+ first next second rest
+ ;; booleans
+ true? false? nil nil?
+ ;; dev helpers
+ comment
+ ))
+(define (flip f) (lambda (x y) (f y x)))
+(define (curry f a) (lambda (b) (apply f (cons a (list b)))))
+(define pos?
+ (curry < 0))
+(define neg?
+ (curry > 0))
+(define (foldr f end lst)
+ (if (null? lst)
+ end
+ (f (car lst) (foldr f end (cdr lst)))))
+(define (foldl f acc lst)
+ (if (null? lst)
+ acc
+ (foldl f (f acc (car lst)) (cdr lst))))
+(define fold foldl)
+(define (unfold f init pred)
+ (if (pred init)
+ (cons init '())
+ (cons init (unfold f (f init) pred))))
+(define (sum lst) (fold + 0 lst))
+(define (produce lst) (fold * 1 lst))
+(define count length)
+;; clojure-like stuff
+(define (pr . a)
+ (for-each display a))
+(define (prn . a) (apply pr a) (newline))
+(define (first a)
+ "Return the first item in the collection."
+ (car a))
+(define (rest a)
+ "Returns a list of the items after the first."
+ (cdr a))
+(define (next a)
+ "Returns the next item after the first."
+ (cadr a))
+;; same thing, easier to remember/read
+(define second next)
+(define (ffirst a)
+ (first (first a)))
+(define (nnext a)
+ (next (next a)))
+(define (last coll)
+ "Return the last time in coll, in linear time."
+ (if (next coll)
+ (last coll)
+ (first coll)))
+(define (butlast ls)
+ "Return everthing execpt the last element in ls."
+ (let ((len (length ls)))
+ (list-head ls (- len 1))))
+(define (false? x)
+ (eq? #f x))
+(define (true? x)
+ (eq? #t x))
+(define nil #nil)
+(define (nil? x)
+ (eq? nil x))
+;; Ignores body, returns nil.
+(define-syntax comment
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ ...) nil)))
+ ;; nil is different from null. nil is supposed to be more like
+ ;; 'Nothing' in Haskell, it is the absence of any value or type;
+ ;; whereas null is specifically the empty list, which still has a type
+ ;; of 'list'.
+ (null? '()) ;; => #t
+ (nil? '()) ;; => #f
+ )
+(define (some pred coll)
+ (or (pred (first coll))
+ (some pred (next coll))))
+(define comp compose)
+(define (not-any? pred coll)
+ (comp not some))
+(define (printf . args)
+ (display (apply format args)))
+(define-syntax fmt
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ s args ...)
+ (format #f s args ...))))
+;; If I implement ML-like interface abstractions in scheme, what would it look like?
+;; ;; seq
+;; (define-class <seq> () (_first))
+;; ;; Functor
+;; (define-class <functor> ())
+;; (define-method (fmap (f <procedure>) (coll <functor>)))
+;; ;; Applicative
+;; ;; a -> f a
+;; (define-method (pure (a <any>)))
+;; ;; f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
+;; (define-method (<*> (f <procedure>) (a <applicative>) (b <applicative>)))
+;; ;; f a -> f b -> f b
+;; (define-method (*> (a <applicative>) (b <applicative>)))
+;; ;; f a -> f b -> f a
+;; (define-method (<* (a <applicative>) (b <applicative>)))
diff --git a/Alpha/Logic.scm b/Alpha/Logic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e438a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Alpha/Logic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+;; my mini kanren impl - basically untested so far
+(define-module (Alpha Logic))
+(define-syntax λg
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ (s) e) (lambda (s) e))))
+(define-syntax λf
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ () e) (lambda () e))))
+(define (unify u v s)
+ (let ([u (walk u s)]
+ [v (walk v s)])
+ (cond
+ [(eq? u u) s]
+ [(var? u)
+ (cond
+ [(var? v) (ext-s-check u v s)]
+ [else (ext-s-check u v s)])]
+ [(and (pair? u) (pair? v))
+ (let ([s (unify (car u) (car v) s)])
+ (and s (unify (cdr u) (cdr v) s)))]
+ [(equal? u v) s]
+ [else #f])))
+(define-syntax if-not
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ pred then else)
+ (if (not pred) then else))))
+(define (walk v s)
+ (if-not (var? v)
+ v
+ (let ([a (assq v s)])
+ (if a
+ (walk (cdr a) s)
+ v))))
+(define (ext-s-check x v s)
+ (if-not (occurs-check x v s)
+ (ext-s x v s)
+ #f))
+(define (occurs-check x v s)
+ (let ([v (walk v s)])
+ (cond
+ [(var? v) (eq? v x)]
+ [(pair? v)
+ (or (occurs-check x (car v) s)
+ (occurs-check x (cdr v) s))]
+ [else #f])))
+(define (ext-s x v s)
+ (cons `(,x . ,v) s))
+(define empty-s '())
+(define var vector)
+(define var? vector?)
+(define reify
+ (letrec ([reify-s (lambda [v s]
+ (let ([v (walk v s)])
+ (cond
+ [(var? v) (ext-s v (reify-name (length s)) s)]
+ [(pair? v) (reify-s (cdr v) (reify-s (car v) s))]
+ [else s])))])
+ (lambda [v s]
+ (let ([v (walk* v s)])
+ (walk* v (reify-s v empty-s))))))
+(define walk*
+ (lambda [w s]
+ (let ([v (walk w s)])
+ (cond
+ [(var? v) v]
+ [(pair? v) (cons (walk* (car v) s)
+ (walk* (cdr v) s))]
+ [else v]))))
+(define reify-name
+ (lambda [n]
+ (string->symbol
+ (string-append "_" "." (number->string n)))))
+(define-syntax mzero
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_) #f)))
+(define-syntax unit
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ a) a)))
+(define-syntax choice
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ a f) (cons a f))))
+(define-syntax inc
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ e) (λf () e))))
+(define-syntax case-inf
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ e on-zero
+ [(a^) on-one]
+ [(a f) on-choice]
+ [(f^) on-inc])
+ (let ([a-inf e])
+ (cond
+ ;; a-inf = #f
+ [(not a-inf) on-zero]
+ ;; a-inf = lambda
+ [(procedure? a-inf) (let ((f^ a-inf)) on-inc)]
+ ;; a-inf = (x . lambda)
+ [(and (pair? a-inf) (procedure? (cdr a-inf)))
+ (let ([a (car a-inf)]
+ [f (cdr a-inf)])
+ on-choice)]
+ [else (let ((a^ a-inf)) on-one)])))))
+(define-syntax ==
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ u v)
+ (λg (s) (unify u v s)))))
+(define-syntax conde
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ (g0 g ...) (g1 g^ ...) ...)
+ (λg (s)
+ (inc (mplus*
+ (bind* (g0 s) g ...)
+ (bind* (g1 s) g^ ...) ...))))))
+(define-syntax mplus*
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ e) e)
+ ((_ e0 e ...) (mplus e0 (λf () (mplus* e ...))))))
+(define mplus
+ (lambda (a-inf f)
+ (case-inf a-inf (f)
+ ((a) (choice a f))
+ ((a f^) (choice a (λf () (mplus (f) f^))))
+ ((f^) (inc (mplus (f) f^))))))
+(define-syntax fresh
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ (x ...) g0 g ...)
+ (λg (s)
+ (let ((x (var 'x)) ...)
+ (bind* (g0 s) g ...))))))
+(define-syntax bind*
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ e) e)
+ ((_ e g0 g ...)
+ (let ((a-inf e))
+ (and a-inf (bind* (bind a-inf g0) g ...))))))
+(define bind
+ (lambda (a-inf g)
+ (case-inf a-inf (mzero)
+ ((a) (g a))
+ ((a f) (mplus (g a) (λf () (bind (f) g))))
+ ((f) (inc (bind (f) g))))))
+(define-syntax run
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ n (x) g0 g^ ...)
+ (take n
+ (λf
+ ()
+ (let ((g (fresh
+ (x)
+ (λg
+ (s)
+ (bind* (g0 s) g^ ...
+ (λg (s)
+ (list (reify x s))))))))
+ (g empty-s)))))))
+(define-syntax run*
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ (x) g ...) (run #f (x) g ...))))
+(define take
+ (lambda (n f)
+ (if (and n (zero? n))
+ '()
+ (case-inf (f) '()
+ [(a) a]
+ [(a f) (cons (car a) (take (and n (- n 1)) f))]
+ [(f) (take n f)]))))
+(define-syntax conda
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ (g0 g ...) (g1 g^ ...) ...)
+ (λg (s)
+ (if* (picka (g0 s) g ...) (picka (g1 s) g^ ...) ...)))))
+(define-syntax condu
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ (g0 g ...) (g1 g^ ...) ...)
+ (λg (s)
+ (if* (picku (g0 s) g ...)
+ (picku (g1 s) g^ ...)
+ ...)))))
+(define-syntax if*
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_) (mzero))
+ ((_ (pick e g ...) b ...)
+ (let loop ((a-inf e))
+ (case-inf a-inf (if* b ...)
+ [(a) (bind* a-inf g ...)]
+ [(a f) (bind* (pick a a-inf) g ...)]
+ [(f) (inc (loop (f)))])))))
+(define-syntax picka
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ a a-inf) a-inf)))
+(define-syntax picku
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ a a-inf) (unit a))))
+(define-syntax project
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ (x ...) g0 g ...)
+ (λg (s)
+ (let ((x (walk* x s)) ...)
+ (bind* (g0 s) g ...))))))
diff --git a/Alpha/Repl.scm b/Alpha/Repl.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d9160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Alpha/Repl.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(define-module (Alpha Repl)
+ #:export ())
+;; repl customization
+;; (use-modules (system repl common))
+;; (repl-default-option-set!
+;; 'prompt
+;; (lambda (repl)
+;; (format #f "\n[~a@~a:~a]\nλ> "
+;; (getenv "USER")
+;; (vector-ref (uname) 1)
+;; (pwd))))
+;; TODO(bsima): (doc x)
+;; TODO(bsima): (src x)
+;; TODO(bsima): ,src command
+;; TODO(bsima): ,shell command
+;; TODO(bsima): how to load this file on startup?
+;; for ,src and ,shell
diff --git a/Alpha/Shell.scm b/Alpha/Shell.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f52fd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Alpha/Shell.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(define-module (Alpha Shell)
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 popen) #:prefix popen/)
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 rdelim) #:prefix rdelim/)
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 ftw) #:prefix ftw/)
+ #:export (exec
+ stream
+ pwd
+ ls
+ cd))
+(define (exec cmd)
+ (let* ((port (popen/open-input-pipe cmd))
+ (ret (read port)))
+ (popen/close-pipe port)
+ ret))
+(define (stream cmd)
+ (let* ((port (popen/open-input-pipe cmd))
+ (_ (setvbuf port 'none))
+ (ret (rdelim/read-string port)))
+ (flush-all-ports)
+ (popen/close-pipe port)
+ ret))
+(define (pwd)
+ (regexp-substitute/global
+ #f "/home/ben" (getcwd) 'pre "~" 'post))
+(define (ls)
+ (ftw/scandir (getcwd)))
+(define (cd path)
+ (chdir path)
+ (ls))
diff --git a/Alpha/String.scm b/Alpha/String.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..779c2fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Alpha/String.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(define-module (Alpha String)
+ #:export (replace to-string str capitalize))
+(define (replace s match repl)
+ (let ((f (lambda (a b)
+ (let ((next-char (if (eq? a match) repl a)))
+ (string-concatenate (list b (string next-char)))))))
+ (string-fold f "" s)))
+(define (to-string x)
+ (format #f "~a" x))
+(define str
+ (case-lambda
+ (() "")
+ ((x) (to-string x))
+ ((x . rest) (string-concatenate (map str (cons x rest))))))
+(define (capitalize s)
+ (let ((s (to-string s)))
+ (if (< (string-length s) 2)
+ (string-upcase s)
+ (str (string-upcase (substring s 0 1))
+ (substring s 1 )))))
diff --git a/Alpha/Test.scm b/Alpha/Test.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c0916d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Alpha/Test.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+;; a testing framework for scheme
+;; inspired by clojure.test and srfi-64
+(define-module (Alpha Test)
+ #:use-module ((Alpha Core)
+ #:select (prn))
+ #:export (testing))
+;; TODO: learn srfi-64
+;; TODO: port over `deftest' et al from clojure
+;; TODO: someday a quickcheck-like would be best
+;; simple analog to clojure's `testing'
+(define-syntax testing
+ ((_ description ...)
+ ((begin (prn description) ...))))