path: root/Biz
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2021-03-19 22:13:48 -0400
committerBen Sima <>2021-03-19 22:13:48 -0400
commit1ec7bb90bec47fce2558204d123b7f3df9415970 (patch)
treebe35d87595ca88d9d9c1314eac3c003cf3c23c8e /Biz
parent477ea9f4614a9c3d41b9d2d9ad926878f39720fe (diff)
Add ability to clone private repos
The strategy is to clone over https with the OAuth token: git clone https://<user>:<oauth-token><user>/<repo>
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Devalloc.hs b/Biz/Devalloc.hs
index 28bf50e..cafe9fa 100644
--- a/Biz/Devalloc.hs
+++ b/Biz/Devalloc.hs
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import Data.IxSet (Indexable (..), IxSet, ixFun, ixSet, (&&&), (@=))
import qualified Data.IxSet as IxSet
import qualified Data.List as List
-import Data.SafeCopy (base, deriveSafeCopy)
+import Data.SafeCopy (base, deriveSafeCopy, extension)
import qualified Data.SafeCopy as SafeCopy
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.String as String
@@ -123,7 +123,9 @@ import qualified Web.FormUrlEncoded as Web
-- the `SafeCopy.Migrate T` class compile, then make changes to `T`. If you
-- don't, there will be a runtime exception when you try to start the new
-- service. I'm not sure how to guard against this, except maybe run a test
--- deployment by copying a database backup locally, or something.
+-- deployment by copying a database backup locally, or something:
+-- rm -rf _/var/devalloc
+-- rsync -avz /var/devalloc/ _/var
newtype UserEmail = UserEmail {unUserEmail :: Maybe Text}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic, Show)
@@ -158,6 +160,15 @@ instance Auth.FromJWT GitHubId
$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''GitHubId)
+newtype GitHubHandle = GitHubHandle {unGitHubHandle :: Text}
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic, Show)
+instance Aeson.ToJSON GitHubHandle
+instance Aeson.FromJSON GitHubHandle
+$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''GitHubHandle)
data Subscription = Free | Invoice
deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Ord, Generic, Show)
@@ -178,10 +189,23 @@ instance Auth.FromJWT Subscription
$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Subscription)
+data User0 = User0
+ { userEmail :: UserEmail,
+ userGitHubId :: GitHubId,
+ -- | So we can make GitHub API calls on their behalf.
+ userGitHubToken :: Text,
+ userSubscription :: Subscription,
+ userId :: Id.Id User0
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Ord, Generic, Show)
+$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''User0)
-- | The main representation of a user.
data User = User
{ userEmail :: UserEmail,
userGitHubId :: GitHubId,
+ userGitHubHandle :: GitHubHandle,
-- | So we can make GitHub API calls on their behalf.
userGitHubToken :: Text,
userSubscription :: Subscription,
@@ -197,7 +221,16 @@ instance Auth.ToJWT User
instance Auth.FromJWT User
-$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''User)
+instance SafeCopy.Migrate User where
+ type MigrateFrom User = User0
+ migrate User0 {..} =
+ User
+ { userId = (Proxy :: Proxy User) <| Id.untag userId,
+ userGitHubHandle = GitHubHandle "unknown",
+ ..
+ }
+$(deriveSafeCopy 1 'extension ''User)
instance Indexable User where
empty =
@@ -317,7 +350,7 @@ $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Keep)
createUser :: User -> Acid.Update Keep User
createUser u = do
keep <- get
- let newUser = u {userId = nextUserId keep}
+ let newUser = u {userId = nextUserId keep} :: User
<| keep
{ users = IxSet.insert newUser (users keep),
@@ -368,9 +401,9 @@ getAllAnalyses = do
pure <| IxSet.toList analyses
getAnalysesByAsker :: User -> Acid.Query Keep [Analysis]
-getAnalysesByAsker user = do
+getAnalysesByAsker User {..} = do
Keep {..} <- ask
- pure <| IxSet.toList <| analyses @= userId user
+ pure <| IxSet.toList <| analyses @= userId
getAnalysesByUrl :: URL -> Acid.Query Keep [Analysis]
getAnalysesByUrl url = do
@@ -420,6 +453,8 @@ upsertGitHubUser keep tok ghUser =
{ userEmail = UserEmail <| GitHub.userEmail ghUser,
userGitHubId = GitHubId <. GitHub.untagId <| GitHub.userId ghUser,
+ userGitHubHandle =
+ GitHubHandle <| GitHub.untagName <| GitHub.userLogin ghUser,
userGitHubToken = Encoding.decodeUtf8 tok,
userSubscription = Free,
userId = mempty
@@ -433,36 +468,37 @@ test_upsertGitHubUser load =
[ Test.unit "userId is not mempty" <| do
(_, _, k) <- load
- Right User {..} <- upsertGitHubUser k "token" ghUser
+ Right User {..} <- upsertGitHubUser k "token" mock_ghUser
userId @?!= mempty,
Test.unit "creates user when email is empty" <| do
(_, _, k) <- load
- Right User {..} <- upsertGitHubUser k "token" ghUser {GitHub.userEmail = Nothing}
+ Right User {..} <- upsertGitHubUser k "token" mock_ghUser {GitHub.userEmail = Nothing}
userEmail @?!= UserEmail Nothing
- where
- ghUser =
- GitHub.User
- { GitHub.userId = GitHub.mkId (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.User) 123,
- GitHub.userEmail = Just "",
- GitHub.userLogin = "example",
- GitHub.userName = Nothing,
- GitHub.userType = GitHub.OwnerUser,
- GitHub.userCreatedAt =
- Time.UTCTime (Time.ModifiedJulianDay 1) (Time.secondsToDiffTime 100),
- GitHub.userPublicGists = 123,
- GitHub.userAvatarUrl = GitHub.URL "",
- GitHub.userFollowers = 0,
- GitHub.userFollowing = 0,
- GitHub.userHireable = Nothing,
- GitHub.userBlog = Nothing,
- GitHub.userBio = Nothing,
- GitHub.userPublicRepos = 0,
- GitHub.userLocation = Nothing,
- GitHub.userCompany = Nothing,
- GitHub.userUrl = GitHub.URL "",
- GitHub.userHtmlUrl = GitHub.URL ""
- }
+mock_ghUser :: GitHub.User
+mock_ghUser =
+ GitHub.User
+ { GitHub.userId = GitHub.mkId (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.User) 123,
+ GitHub.userEmail = Just "",
+ GitHub.userLogin = "user",
+ GitHub.userName = Nothing,
+ GitHub.userType = GitHub.OwnerUser,
+ GitHub.userCreatedAt =
+ Time.UTCTime (Time.ModifiedJulianDay 1) (Time.secondsToDiffTime 100),
+ GitHub.userPublicGists = 123,
+ GitHub.userAvatarUrl = GitHub.URL "",
+ GitHub.userFollowers = 0,
+ GitHub.userFollowing = 0,
+ GitHub.userHireable = Nothing,
+ GitHub.userBlog = Nothing,
+ GitHub.userBio = Nothing,
+ GitHub.userPublicRepos = 0,
+ GitHub.userLocation = Nothing,
+ GitHub.userCompany = Nothing,
+ GitHub.userUrl = GitHub.URL "",
+ GitHub.userHtmlUrl = GitHub.URL ""
+ }
init :: Keep
init =
@@ -558,6 +594,7 @@ test =
[ test_calculateScore,
+ test_spliceCreds,
(startup True)
(\t@(c, _, _) -> shutdown t >> tidy c)
@@ -839,7 +876,7 @@ htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs =
-- we just assume github for now
- userId
+ user
(userGitHubAuth userGitHubToken)
(depo cfg)
@@ -1524,12 +1561,37 @@ authorsFor gitDir path =
+spliceCreds :: User -> Text -> Text
+spliceCreds User {..} url =
+ scheme <> "//" <> unGitHubHandle userGitHubHandle <> ":" <> userGitHubToken <> "@" <> Text.drop 2 rest
+ where
+ (scheme, rest) = Text.breakOn "//" url
+test_spliceCreds :: Test.Tree
+test_spliceCreds =
+ "spliceCreds"
+ [ Test.unit "simple happy path"
+ <| ""
+ @=? spliceCreds mock_user ""
+ ]
+ where
+ mock_user =
+ User
+ { userEmail = UserEmail <| Just "",
+ userGitHubHandle = GitHubHandle "user",
+ userGitHubId = GitHubId 0,
+ userGitHubToken = "token",
+ userSubscription = Free,
+ userId = mempty
+ }
-- | Clones a repo from GitHub and does the analysis.
analyzeGitHub ::
GitHub.AuthMethod ghAuth =>
Acid.AcidState Keep ->
-- | The User asking for the analysis, we auth as them
- Id.Id User ->
+ User ->
-- | How to auth with GitHub API
ghAuth ->
-- | The repo depo
@@ -1539,7 +1601,7 @@ analyzeGitHub ::
-- | GitHub repo
Text ->
IO Analysis
-analyzeGitHub keep userId ghAuth depo o r = do
+analyzeGitHub keep user@User {userId} ghAuth depo o r = do
activeAuthors <-
/> (GitHub.simpleUserLogin .> GitHub.userInfoForR)
@@ -1550,9 +1612,11 @@ analyzeGitHub keep userId ghAuth depo o r = do
GitHub.github ghAuth (GitHub.repositoryR ghOwner ghRepo) +> \case
Left err -> throwIO <| toException err
Right repo -> do
- let GitHub.URL url = GitHub.repoHtmlUrl repo
- bareRepo <- fetchBareRepo depo <. GitHub.getUrl <| GitHub.repoHtmlUrl repo
- analyze keep userId activeAuthors (URL url) bareRepo (GitHub.repoPrivate repo)
+ let canonicalUrl = GitHub.getUrl <| GitHub.repoHtmlUrl repo
+ let cloningUrl = if GitHub.repoPrivate repo then spliceCreds user canonicalUrl else canonicalUrl
+ let worktree = depo </> removeScheme canonicalUrl <.> "git"
+ bareRepo <- fetchBareRepo cloningUrl worktree
+ analyze keep userId activeAuthors (URL canonicalUrl) bareRepo (GitHub.repoPrivate repo)
ghOwner = GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Owner) o
ghRepo = GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Repo) r
@@ -1590,19 +1654,12 @@ test_analyzeGitHub load =
[ Test.unit "can analyze a public repo (octocat/hello-world)" <| do
(c, _, k) <- load
- let user =
- User
- { userEmail = UserEmail <| Just "",
- userGitHubId = GitHubId 0,
- userGitHubToken = tokn c,
- userSubscription = Free,
- userId = mempty
- }
+ let user@User {userGitHubToken} = mock_user c
Analysis {..} <-
- (userId user)
- (userGitHubAuth <| userGitHubToken user)
+ user
+ (userGitHubAuth userGitHubToken)
(depo c)
@@ -1615,13 +1672,36 @@ test_analyzeGitHub load =
fst </ headMay stale @?= Just "README"
score @?= 20
totalFiles @?= 1
- commit @?= Sha "7fd1a60b01f91b314f59955a4e4d4e80d8edf11d"
+ commit @?= Sha "7fd1a60b01f91b314f59955a4e4d4e80d8edf11d",
+ Test.unit "can analyze a private repo (bsima/biz)" <| do
+ (c, _, k) <- load
+ let user@User {userGitHubToken} = mock_user c
+ Analysis {..} <-
+ analyzeGitHub
+ k
+ user
+ (userGitHubAuth userGitHubToken)
+ (depo c)
+ "bsima"
+ "biz"
+ url @?= URL ""
+ bareRepo @?= depo c <> "/"
+ where
+ mock_user c =
+ User
+ { userEmail = UserEmail <| Just "",
+ userGitHubHandle = GitHubHandle "bsima",
+ userGitHubId = GitHubId 0,
+ userGitHubToken = tokn c,
+ userSubscription = Free,
+ userId = mempty
+ }
-- | Clone the repo to @<Config.depo>/<url>@. If repo already exists, just do a
-- @git fetch@. pures the full path to the local repo.
-fetchBareRepo :: FilePath -> Text -> IO FilePath
-fetchBareRepo depo url =
+fetchBareRepo :: Text -> String -> IO FilePath
+fetchBareRepo url worktree =
Directory.doesPathExist worktree
+> fetchOrClone
>> pure worktree
@@ -1634,6 +1714,6 @@ fetchBareRepo depo url = ["git", "clone", url]
>> Process.callProcess "git" ["clone", "--bare", "--quiet", "--", Text.unpack url, worktree]
- removeScheme :: Text -> FilePath
- removeScheme u = Text.unpack <. Text.dropWhile (== '/') <. snd <| Text.breakOn "//" u
- worktree = depo </> removeScheme url <.> "git"
+removeScheme :: Text -> FilePath
+removeScheme u = Text.unpack <. Text.dropWhile (== '/') <. snd <| Text.breakOn "//" u