path: root/Biz
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2022-08-03 12:00:29 -0400
committerBen Sima <>2022-08-03 12:00:29 -0400
commit82dd88a0f77ee9840a2b8f0e73ebfbc78b0ab8c5 (patch)
tree5c4290b3b93316cb9dd474e0dfac3a66a49ac955 /Biz
parentfe05cee60697039ea3ab4b15c5a967f8d8ac89f1 (diff)
Fold analyses with a caching container
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Bild.hs b/Biz/Bild.hs
index f23d04a..127b6a7 100644
--- a/Biz/Bild.hs
+++ b/Biz/Bild.hs
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ import Data.Conduit ((.|))
import qualified Data.Conduit as Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Process as Conduit
-import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.String as String
import qualified Data.Text as Text
@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ main = Cli.main <| Cli.Plan help move test_ pure
[ Test.unit "can bild bild" <| do
- analyze "Biz/Bild.hs"
- /> Maybe.fromJust
- +> build False False
+ analyze mempty "Biz/Bild.hs"
+ /> Map.elems
+ +> traverse (build False False)
+> \case
- Exit.ExitFailure _ ->
+ [Exit.ExitFailure _] ->
Test.assertFailure "can't bild bild"
_ ->
pure ()
@@ -149,10 +149,9 @@ move args =
>> pure (Cli.getAllArgs args (Cli.argument "target"))
/> filter (not <. Namespace.isCab)
+> filterM Dir.doesFileExist
- +> traverse analyze
- /> filter isJust
- /> map Maybe.fromJust
- /> filter (namespace .> isBuildableNs)
+ +> foldM analyze mempty
+ /> Map.filter (namespace .> isBuildableNs)
+ /> Map.elems
+> printOrBuild
+> exitSummary
@@ -303,217 +302,225 @@ removeVersion = takeWhile (/= '.') .> butlast2
butlast2 s = take (length s - 2) s
+type Analysis = Map FilePath Target
-- | TODO: globally cache analyses, so I'm not re-analyzing modules all the
-- time. This is important as it would speed up building by a lot.
-analyze :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Target)
-analyze path = do
- content <-
- withFile path ReadMode <| \h ->
- IO.hSetEncoding h IO.utf8_bom
- >> Text.IO.hGetContents h
- let contentLines = Text.lines content
- root <- Env.getEnv "BIZ_ROOT"
- absPath <- Dir.makeAbsolute path
- user <- Env.getEnv "USER" /> Text.pack
- host <- Text.pack </ fromMaybe "interactive" </ Env.lookupEnv "HOSTNAME"
- ["bild", "analyze", str path]
- case Namespace.fromPath root absPath of
- Nothing ->
- Log.warn ["bild", "analyze", str path, "could not find namespace"]
- >>
- >> pure Nothing
- Just namespace@(Namespace _ ext) -> case ext of
- -- basically we don't support building these
- Namespace.Css -> pure Nothing
- Namespace.Json -> pure Nothing
- Namespace.Keys -> pure Nothing
- Namespace.Md -> pure Nothing
- Namespace.None -> pure Nothing
- Namespace.Py -> pure Nothing
- Namespace.Sh -> pure Nothing
- Namespace.C -> do
- let out =
- contentLines
- /> Text.unpack
- /> Regex.match (metaOut "//" <|> metaLib "//")
- |> catMaybes
- |> head
- |> fromMaybe None
- let sysdeps =
- contentLines
- /> Text.unpack
- /> Regex.match (metaSys "//")
- |> catMaybes
- |> Set.fromList
- guileFlags <-
- if "guile_3_0" `elem` sysdeps
- then
- Process.readProcess "guile-config" ["compile"] ""
- /> String.words
- /> (++ ["-shared", "-fPIC"])
- /> map Text.pack
- else pure mempty
- Just
- </ pure
- Target
- { langdeps = Set.empty, -- c has no lang deps...?
- compiler = Gcc,
- builder = user <> "@localhost",
- compilerFlags =
- concat
- [ [o, dir, Text.pack absPath] ++ guileFlags
- | let outable = out /= None,
- o <- outable ?: (["-o"], []),
- dir <- outable ?: ([Text.pack <| root </> outdir out], [])
- ],
- ..
- }
- Namespace.Hs -> do
- langdeps <- detectHaskellImports contentLines
- let out =
- contentLines
- /> Text.unpack
- /> Regex.match (metaOut "--")
- |> catMaybes
- |> head
- |> fromMaybe None
- Just
- </ pure
- Target
- { builder = user <> "@localhost",
- compiler = detectGhcCompiler out,
- compilerFlags =
- map
- Text.pack
- [ "-Werror",
- "-i" <> root,
- "-odir",
- root </> intdir,
- "-hidir",
- root </> intdir,
- "--make",
- path
- ]
- ++ (out /= None)
- ?: ( map
- Text.pack
- [ "-main-is",
- Namespace.toHaskellModule namespace,
- "-o",
- root </> outdir out
- ],
- []
- ),
- sysdeps =
+analyze :: Analysis -> FilePath -> IO Analysis
+analyze hmap path_ = case Map.lookup path_ hmap of
+ Nothing -> do
+ mTarget <- analyze' path_
+ pure <| maybe hmap (\t -> Map.insert path_ t hmap) mTarget
+ Just _ -> pure hmap
+ where
+ analyze' :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Target)
+ analyze' path = do
+ content <-
+ withFile path ReadMode <| \h ->
+ IO.hSetEncoding h IO.utf8_bom
+ >> Text.IO.hGetContents h
+ let contentLines = Text.lines content
+ root <- Env.getEnv "BIZ_ROOT"
+ absPath <- Dir.makeAbsolute path
+ user <- Env.getEnv "USER" /> Text.pack
+ host <- Text.pack </ fromMaybe "interactive" </ Env.lookupEnv "HOSTNAME"
+ ["bild", "analyze", str path]
+ case Namespace.fromPath root absPath of
+ Nothing ->
+ Log.warn ["bild", "analyze", str path, "could not find namespace"]
+ >>
+ >> pure Nothing
+ Just namespace@(Namespace _ ext) -> case ext of
+ -- basically we don't support building these
+ Namespace.Css -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.Json -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.Keys -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.Md -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.None -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.Py -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.Sh -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.C -> do
+ let out =
/> Text.unpack
- /> Regex.match (metaSys "--")
+ /> Regex.match (metaOut "//" <|> metaLib "//")
|> catMaybes
- |> Set.fromList,
- ..
- }
- Namespace.Lisp -> do
- let out =
- contentLines
- /> Text.unpack
- /> Regex.match (metaOut ";;")
- |> catMaybes
- |> head
- |> fromMaybe None
- langdeps <- detectLispImports contentLines
- Just
- </ pure
- Target
- { sysdeps = Set.empty,
- compiler = Sbcl,
- compilerFlags =
- map
- Text.pack
- [ "--load",
- path,
- "--eval",
- "(require :asdf)",
- "--eval",
- "(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die #p\"" <> (root </> outdir out) <> "\" :toplevel #'main :executable t)"
- ],
- builder = user <> "@localhost",
- ..
- }
- Namespace.Nix -> do
- let builder =
- (host == "lithium")
- ?: ( "local",
- Text.concat
- [ "ssh://",
- user,
- "",
- user,
- "/.ssh/id_rsa"
- ]
- )
- Just
- </ pure
- Target
- { langdeps = Set.empty,
- sysdeps = Set.empty,
- compiler = NixBuild,
- compilerFlags =
- map
- Text.pack
- [ path,
- "--out-link",
- root </> nixdir </> Namespace.toPath namespace,
- "--builders",
- Text.unpack builder
- ],
- out = None,
- ..
- }
- Namespace.Scm -> do
- let out =
- contentLines
- /> Text.unpack
- /> Regex.match (metaOut ";;")
- |> catMaybes
- |> head
- |> fromMaybe None
- Just
- </ pure
- Target
- { langdeps = Set.empty,
- sysdeps = Set.empty,
- compiler = Guile,
- compilerFlags =
- map
- Text.pack
- [ "compile",
- "--r7rs",
- "--load-path=" ++ root,
- "--output=" ++ root </> intdir </> replaceExtension path ".scm.go",
- path
- ],
- builder = user <> "@localhost",
- ..
- }
- Namespace.Rs -> do
- let out =
- contentLines
- /> Text.unpack
- /> Regex.match (metaOut "//")
- |> catMaybes
- |> head
- |> fromMaybe None
- Just
- </ pure
- Target
- { langdeps = Set.empty,
- sysdeps = Set.empty,
- compiler = Rustc,
- compilerFlags = map Text.pack [path, "-o", root </> outdir out],
- builder = user <> "@localhost",
- ..
- }
- where
+ |> head
+ |> fromMaybe None
+ let sysdeps =
+ contentLines
+ /> Text.unpack
+ /> Regex.match (metaSys "//")
+ |> catMaybes
+ |> Set.fromList
+ guileFlags <-
+ if "guile_3_0" `elem` sysdeps
+ then
+ Process.readProcess "guile-config" ["compile"] ""
+ /> String.words
+ /> (++ ["-shared", "-fPIC"])
+ /> map Text.pack
+ else pure mempty
+ Just
+ </ pure
+ Target
+ { langdeps = Set.empty, -- c has no lang deps...?
+ compiler = Gcc,
+ builder = user <> "@localhost",
+ compilerFlags =
+ concat
+ [ [o, dir, Text.pack absPath] ++ guileFlags
+ | let outable = out /= None,
+ o <- outable ?: (["-o"], []),
+ dir <- outable ?: ([Text.pack <| root </> outdir out], [])
+ ],
+ ..
+ }
+ Namespace.Hs -> do
+ langdeps <- detectHaskellImports contentLines
+ let out =
+ contentLines
+ /> Text.unpack
+ /> Regex.match (metaOut "--")
+ |> catMaybes
+ |> head
+ |> fromMaybe None
+ Just
+ </ pure
+ Target
+ { builder = user <> "@localhost",
+ compiler = detectGhcCompiler out,
+ compilerFlags =
+ map
+ Text.pack
+ [ "-Werror",
+ "-i" <> root,
+ "-odir",
+ root </> intdir,
+ "-hidir",
+ root </> intdir,
+ "--make",
+ path
+ ]
+ ++ (out /= None)
+ ?: ( map
+ Text.pack
+ [ "-main-is",
+ Namespace.toHaskellModule namespace,
+ "-o",
+ root </> outdir out
+ ],
+ []
+ ),
+ sysdeps =
+ contentLines
+ /> Text.unpack
+ /> Regex.match (metaSys "--")
+ |> catMaybes
+ |> Set.fromList,
+ ..
+ }
+ Namespace.Lisp -> do
+ let out =
+ contentLines
+ /> Text.unpack
+ /> Regex.match (metaOut ";;")
+ |> catMaybes
+ |> head
+ |> fromMaybe None
+ langdeps <- detectLispImports contentLines
+ Just
+ </ pure
+ Target
+ { sysdeps = Set.empty,
+ compiler = Sbcl,
+ compilerFlags =
+ map
+ Text.pack
+ [ "--load",
+ path,
+ "--eval",
+ "(require :asdf)",
+ "--eval",
+ "(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die #p\"" <> (root </> outdir out) <> "\" :toplevel #'main :executable t)"
+ ],
+ builder = user <> "@localhost",
+ ..
+ }
+ Namespace.Nix -> do
+ let builder =
+ (host == "lithium")
+ ?: ( "local",
+ Text.concat
+ [ "ssh://",
+ user,
+ "",
+ user,
+ "/.ssh/id_rsa"
+ ]
+ )
+ Just
+ </ pure
+ Target
+ { langdeps = Set.empty,
+ sysdeps = Set.empty,
+ compiler = NixBuild,
+ compilerFlags =
+ map
+ Text.pack
+ [ path,
+ "--out-link",
+ root </> nixdir </> Namespace.toPath namespace,
+ "--builders",
+ Text.unpack builder
+ ],
+ out = None,
+ ..
+ }
+ Namespace.Scm -> do
+ let out =
+ contentLines
+ /> Text.unpack
+ /> Regex.match (metaOut ";;")
+ |> catMaybes
+ |> head
+ |> fromMaybe None
+ Just
+ </ pure
+ Target
+ { langdeps = Set.empty,
+ sysdeps = Set.empty,
+ compiler = Guile,
+ compilerFlags =
+ map
+ Text.pack
+ [ "compile",
+ "--r7rs",
+ "--load-path=" ++ root,
+ "--output=" ++ root </> intdir </> replaceExtension path ".scm.go",
+ path
+ ],
+ builder = user <> "@localhost",
+ ..
+ }
+ Namespace.Rs -> do
+ let out =
+ contentLines
+ /> Text.unpack
+ /> Regex.match (metaOut "//")
+ |> catMaybes
+ |> head
+ |> fromMaybe None
+ Just
+ </ pure
+ Target
+ { langdeps = Set.empty,
+ sysdeps = Set.empty,
+ compiler = Rustc,
+ compilerFlags = map Text.pack [path, "-o", root </> outdir out],
+ builder = user <> "@localhost",
+ ..
+ }
detectHaskellImports :: [Text] -> IO (Set Dep)
detectHaskellImports contentLines = do
let imports =
@@ -527,8 +534,8 @@ analyze path = do
|> map (Namespace.fromHaskellModule .> Namespace.toPath)
|> traverse Dir.makeAbsolute
+> filterM Dir.doesFileExist
- +> Async.mapConcurrently analyze
- /> catMaybes
+ +> foldM analyze hmap
+ /> Map.elems
/> map langdeps
/> mconcat
pure <| pkgs <> transitivePkgs