path: root/Biz
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2021-01-11 20:15:45 -0500
committerBen Sima <>2021-01-11 20:15:45 -0500
commitb8cebc361d5d12b8ea6832658a0efa55493306d9 (patch)
treefee4dc38e5863923e28e8ea077eb717032958f24 /Biz
parentf7d9e8e4833bfda8332e064385df1f0cf8dee64a (diff)
Add navbar mostly everywhere
This necessitated adding a few more paths for clarity and such, and a type for the analysis page. There seem to be some bugs with session handling I think, but I'll suss those out later. Also I'm running into many uncaught exceptions so eventually I will need to tackle those as well.
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Devalloc.hs b/Biz/Devalloc.hs
index 667b6fe..91668c3 100644
--- a/Biz/Devalloc.hs
+++ b/Biz/Devalloc.hs
@@ -327,6 +327,10 @@ data Paths path = Paths
{ home ::
:- Get '[Lucid.HTML] (HtmlApp Home),
+ login ::
+ path
+ :- "login"
+ :> Verb 'GET 301 '[Lucid.HTML] (Headers '[Header "Location" Text] NoContent),
githubAuth ::
:- "auth"
@@ -334,6 +338,11 @@ data Paths path = Paths
:> "callback"
:> QueryParam "code" Text
:> Get '[Lucid.HTML] (SetCookies (HtmlApp UserHome)),
+ account ::
+ path
+ :- Auth.Auth '[Auth.Cookie] User
+ :> "account"
+ :> Get '[Lucid.HTML] (HtmlApp UserHome),
selectRepo ::
:- Auth.Auth '[Auth.Cookie] User
@@ -346,7 +355,7 @@ data Paths path = Paths
:> "github"
:> Capture "user" Text
:> Capture "repo" Text
- :> Get '[Lucid.HTML] (HtmlApp Analysis),
+ :> Get '[Lucid.HTML] (HtmlApp AnalysisDisplay),
css ::
:- "css"
@@ -373,8 +382,14 @@ htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs =
{ home =
pure <. HtmlApp <| Home oAuthArgs,
+ login = pure <| addHeader (githubLoginUrl oAuthArgs) NoContent,
githubAuth =
auth kp cooks jwk oAuthArgs,
+ account = \case
+ Auth.NoSuchUser -> throwError err401 {errBody = "No such user"}
+ Auth.BadPassword -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Bad password"}
+ Auth.Indefinite -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Incorrect authentication method"}
+ Auth.Authenticated user -> pure <| HtmlApp <| UserHome user,
selectRepo = \case
Auth.NoSuchUser -> throwError err401 {errBody = "No such user"}
Auth.BadPassword -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Bad password"}
@@ -399,12 +414,34 @@ htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs =
- >>= HtmlApp
+ >>= AnalysisDisplay user
+ .> HtmlApp
.> pure,
css =
return <. toStrict <. Clay.render <| do
"body" Clay.? Biz.Look.fontStack
+ "nav" Clay.? do
+ Clay.display Clay.flex
+ Clay.justifyContent Clay.spaceBetween
+ "nav > ul" Clay.? do
+ Clay.display Clay.flex
+ Clay.justifyContent Clay.flexEnd
+ Clay.listStyleType <| Clay.none
+ Clay.margin (Clay.px 0) 0 0 0
+ "nav > ul > li" Clay.? do
+ Clay.padding 0 (Clay.px 5) 0 (Clay.px 5)
+ {-
+ - nav > ul {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: flex-end;
+ list-style: none;
+ }
+ nav > ul > li {
+ padding: 0 5px;
+ }
+ - -}
-- | The front page pitch. Eventually I'd like to load the content from markdown
@@ -414,7 +451,7 @@ newtype Home = Home OAuthArgs
instance Lucid.ToHtml Home where
toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
toHtml (Home oAuthArgs) = do
- Lucid.h1_ "Devalloc"
+ Lucid.toHtml <| nav Nothing
"Devalloc analyzes your codebase trends, finds patterns \
\ in how your developers work, and protects against tech debt."
@@ -447,6 +484,7 @@ newtype UserHome = UserHome User
instance Lucid.ToHtml UserHome where
toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
toHtml (UserHome user) = do
+ Lucid.toHtml <| nav <| Just user
Lucid.h1_ <. Lucid.toHtml <| "Welcome, " <> email <> "!"
<| Lucid.a_
@@ -511,12 +549,21 @@ getAccessToken OAuthArgs {..} code =
<> "code" =: code
<> "state" =: githubState
+githubLoginUrl :: OAuthArgs -> Text
+githubLoginUrl OAuthArgs {..} =
+ ""
+ <> encodeParams
+ [ ("client_id", githubClientId),
+ ("state", githubState)
+ ]
-- | This view presents a list of repos to select for analysis.
data SelectRepo = SelectRepo User (Vector GitHub.Repo)
instance Lucid.ToHtml SelectRepo where
toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
toHtml (SelectRepo user repos) = do
+ Lucid.toHtml <. nav <| Just user
Lucid.h1_ <. Lucid.toHtml <| "Welcome, " <> email <> "!"
Lucid.h2_ "Select a repo to analyze"
Lucid.ul_ <| forM_ (Vector.toList repos) <| \repo ->
@@ -545,19 +592,46 @@ encodeParams =
-- | Login button for GitHub.
loginButton :: OAuthArgs -> Lucid.Html ()
-loginButton OAuthArgs {..} =
+loginButton oAuthArgs =
- [ Lucid.href_
- <| ""
- <> encodeParams
- [ ("client_id", githubClientId),
- ("state", githubState)
- ]
- ]
+ [Lucid.href_ <| githubLoginUrl oAuthArgs]
"Get Started with GitHub"
+-- | Universal top navbar
+-- nav :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => Maybe User -> Lucid.HtmlT m ()
+nav :: Maybe User -> Lucid.Html ()
+nav = \case
+ Nothing ->
+ Lucid.nav_ <| do
+ a "Devalloc" <| fieldLink home
+ Lucid.ul_ <| do
+ li "Login" <| fieldLink login
+ li "Pricing" <| fieldLink home
+ Just u ->
+ Lucid.nav_ <| do
+ a "Devalloc" <| fieldLink home
+ Lucid.ul_
+ <| li "My Account"
+ <| fieldLink account
+ where
+ a :: Text -> Link -> Lucid.Html ()
+ a txt href =
+ Lucid.a_ [Lucid.linkHref_ "/" href] <| Lucid.toHtml txt
+ li :: Text -> Link -> Lucid.Html ()
+ li txt href = Lucid.li_ <| a txt href
-- * analysis
+-- | I need more information than just 'Analysis' has to render a full, useful
+-- web page, hence this type.
+data AnalysisDisplay = AnalysisDisplay User Analysis
+instance Lucid.ToHtml AnalysisDisplay where
+ toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
+ toHtml (AnalysisDisplay user anal) = do
+ Lucid.toHtml <. nav <| Just user
+ Lucid.toHtml anal
-- | The result of analyzing a git repo.
data Analysis = Analysis
{ -- | Where the repo is stored on the local disk.
@@ -671,6 +745,7 @@ lastTouched bareRepo path = do
/> filter (/= '\n')
+ -- TODO: this fails if time is empty?
/> Time.parseTimeOrError True Time.defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
let days = round <| Clock.diffUTCTime now timestamp / Clock.nominalDay
return (path, days)
@@ -743,9 +818,12 @@ analyzeGitHub githubAuth cfg o r = do
-- assume the only active author is the owner, for now
-- TODO: should be userEmail but that requires authentication?
let activeAuthors = [require "user email" <| GitHub.userName user]
- Right repo <- GitHub.github () (GitHub.repositoryR ghOwner ghRepo)
- bareRepo <- fetchBareRepo cfg <. GitHub.getUrl <| GitHub.repoHtmlUrl repo
- analyze activeAuthors bareRepo
+ eRepo <- GitHub.github githubAuth (GitHub.repositoryR ghOwner ghRepo)
+ case eRepo of
+ Left err -> throwIO <| toException err
+ Right repo -> do
+ bareRepo <- fetchBareRepo cfg <. GitHub.getUrl <| GitHub.repoHtmlUrl repo
+ analyze activeAuthors bareRepo
ghOwner = GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Owner) o
ghRepo = GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Repo) r