path: root/Com/InfluencedByBooks
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2020-03-27 12:07:16 -0700
committerBen Sima <>2020-03-28 18:18:17 -0700
commit9f9dcf54c3adb45012dd01dfd8137764046c968f (patch)
tree46bc1295db4ccd87de7b58fc283424bdef67d09c /Com/InfluencedByBooks
parent0bbc82c83043102b3ba1f1a8c1608e92c65ec225 (diff)
Add onomatopoeitic operators
It's easier to remember what operators do, and thus easier to write and read condens code, if they follow some symbolic pattern or visually represent the concept to which they map. This is in part inspired by hoon, in part by OCaml's operators. I'm not married to these operators specifically, but I think they are good so far.
Diffstat (limited to 'Com/InfluencedByBooks')
2 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Com/InfluencedByBooks/Core.hs b/Com/InfluencedByBooks/Core.hs
index 1a8bf6f..6984004 100644
--- a/Com/InfluencedByBooks/Core.hs
+++ b/Com/InfluencedByBooks/Core.hs
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ see m = div_ [ class_ "container mt-5" ]
NotAsked -> [ text "Initializing..." ]
Loading -> [ text "Loading..." ]
Failure err -> [ text err ]
- Success ps -> seePerson /@ ps
+ Success ps -> seePerson </ ps
seePerson :: Person -> View Action
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ seePerson person = div_ [ class_ "card" ]
, p_ [ class_ "card-text" ]
[ text $ ms $ _blurb person
- , ul_ [] $ seeBook /@ _books person
+ , ul_ [] $ seeBook </ _books person
diff --git a/Com/InfluencedByBooks/Move.hs b/Com/InfluencedByBooks/Move.hs
index 3baafc6..d6cb12e 100644
--- a/Com/InfluencedByBooks/Move.hs
+++ b/Com/InfluencedByBooks/Move.hs
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ move :: Action -> Model -> Effect Action Model
move Nop m = noEff m
move (HandleRoute u) m = m { uri = u } <# pure Nop
move (ChangeRoute u) m = m <# do pushURI u >> pure Nop
-move FetchPeople m = m <# (SetPeople /@ fetchPeople)
+move FetchPeople m = m <# (SetPeople </ fetchPeople)
move (SetPeople ps) m = noEff m { people = ps }
fetchPeople :: IO (WebData [Core.Person])
fetchPeople = do
- mjson <- contents /@ xhrByteString req
+ mjson <- contents </ xhrByteString req
case mjson of
Nothing -> pure $ Failure "could not read from server"
Just a -> pure