path: root/Com/MusicMeetsComics/Client.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2020-02-15 23:03:40 -0800
committerBen Sima <>2020-02-16 00:37:52 -0800
commitd480cce48d04d5e4353281f014f66fd61301c393 (patch)
tree395e1ed88036a9511f2197cce885c1a8a2256d64 /Com/MusicMeetsComics/Client.hs
parent9c01b1fc7dac01b5d2a53ffc710c24811a773904 (diff)
Split buildHaskellApp into buildGhc and buildGhcjs
Two functions makes it simpler to reason about what is being built and when, even if it is a bit more explicit. I also removed the dumb Apex/Aero naming thing because Server/Client is just easier to remember.
Diffstat (limited to 'Com/MusicMeetsComics/Client.hs')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Com/MusicMeetsComics/Client.hs b/Com/MusicMeetsComics/Client.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dad3b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Com/MusicMeetsComics/Client.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+module Com.MusicMeetsComics.Client where
+import Com.MusicMeetsComics.App ( Action(..)
+ , Comic(..)
+ , ComicReaderState(..)
+ , ComicReaderView(..)
+ , Model(..)
+ , AudioState(..)
+ , audioId
+ , chooseExperienceLink
+ , comicPlayerSpreadLink
+ , comicPlayerFullLink
+ , comicVideoLink
+ , handlers
+ , initModel
+ , the404
+ , routes
+ )
+import qualified Com.Simatime.Network as Network
+import Data.Aeson ( eitherDecodeStrict )
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified GHC.Show as Legacy
+import JavaScript.Web.XMLHttpRequest ( Request(..)
+ , Method(GET)
+ , RequestData(NoData)
+ , contents
+ , xhrByteString
+ )
+import Miso
+import Miso.Effect.DOM (scrollIntoView)
+import qualified Miso.FFI.Audio as Audio
+import qualified Miso.FFI.Document as Document
+import qualified Miso.FFI.Fullscreen as Fullscreen
+import Miso.String
+import Protolude
+-- | Entry point for a miso application
+main :: IO ()
+main = miso $ \currentURI -> App { model = initModel currentURI, .. }
+ where
+ update = move
+ view = see
+ subs = [ uriSub HandleURI
+ , keyboardSub keynav
+ ]
+ events = defaultEvents
+ initialAction = FetchComics
+ mountPoint = Nothing
+(∈) :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Bool
+(∈) = Set.member
+-- | Keyboard navigation - maps keys to actions.
+keynav :: Set Int -> Action
+keynav ks
+ | 37 ∈ ks = PrevPage -- ^ left arrow
+ | 39 ∈ ks = NextPage -- ^ right arrow
+ | 191 ∈ ks = DumpModel -- ^ ?
+ | 32 ∈ ks = ToggleAudio audioId -- ^ SPC
+ | otherwise = NoOp
+see :: Model -> View Action
+see model =
+ case runRoute routes handlers uri model of
+ Left _ -> the404 model
+ Right v -> v
+-- | Console-logging
+foreign import javascript unsafe "console.log($1);"
+ say :: MisoString -> IO ()
+-- | Updates model, optionally introduces side effects
+move :: Action -> Model -> Effect Action Model
+move NoOp model = noEff model
+move DumpModel model = model <# do
+ say $ ms $ model
+ pure NoOp
+move (SelectExperience comic) model = model { cpState = ChooseExperience (comicId comic) 1 }
+ <# do pure $ ChangeURI $ chooseExperienceLink (comicId comic) 1
+move (StartReading comic) model = model { cpState = Reading Spread (comicId comic) 1 }
+ <# do pure $ ChangeURI $ comicPlayerSpreadLink (comicId comic) 1
+move (StartWatching comic) model = model { cpState = Watching (comicId comic) }
+ <# do pure $ ChangeURI $ comicVideoLink (comicId comic) 1
+move NextPage model = case cpState model of
+ Reading Spread id pg ->
+ model { cpState = Reading Spread id (pg+2) } <# do
+ pure $ ChangeURI $ comicPlayerSpreadLink id (pg+2)
+ Reading Full id pg ->
+ model { cpState = Reading Full id (pg+1) } <# do
+ pure $ ChangeURI $ comicPlayerFullLink id (pg+1)
+ Cover id ->
+ model { cpState = Reading Spread id 1 } <# do
+ pure $ ChangeURI $ comicPlayerSpreadLink id 1
+ _ -> noEff model
+move PrevPage model = case cpState model of
+ Reading Spread id pg ->
+ model { cpState = Reading Spread id (pg-2) } <# do
+ pure $ ChangeURI $ comicPlayerSpreadLink id (pg-2)
+ Reading Full id pg ->
+ model { cpState = Reading Full id (pg-1) } <# do
+ pure $ ChangeURI $ comicPlayerFullLink id (pg-1)
+ Cover _ -> noEff model
+ _ -> noEff model
+move (ToggleZoom c pg) m = m { cpState = newState } <# do pure act
+ where
+ goto lnk = ChangeURI $ lnk (comicId c) pg
+ reading v = Reading v (comicId c) pg
+ (newState, act) = case cpState m of
+ Reading Full _ _ -> (reading Spread, goto comicPlayerSpreadLink)
+ Reading Spread _ _ -> (reading Full, goto comicPlayerFullLink)
+ x -> (x, NoOp)
+move (ToggleInLibrary c) model = model { userLibrary = newLib } <# pure NoOp
+ where
+ newLib | c `elem` (userLibrary model) =
+ Protolude.filter (/= c) $ userLibrary model
+ | otherwise = c : (userLibrary model)
+move (HandleURI u) model = model { uri = u } <# pure NoOp
+move (ChangeURI u) model = model <# do
+ pushURI u
+ pure NoOp
+move FetchComics model = model <# (SetComics <$> fetchComics)
+move (SetComics cs) model = noEff model { appComics = cs }
+move (ToggleAudio i ) model = model { cpAudioState = newState } <# do
+ el <- Document.getElementById i
+ toggle el
+ pure NoOp
+ where
+ (newState, toggle) = case cpAudioState model of
+ Playing -> (Paused, Audio.pause)
+ Paused -> (Playing,
+move ToggleFullscreen model = model { cpState = newState } <# do
+ el <- Document.querySelector "body"
+ -- TODO: check Document.fullscreenEnabled
+ --
+ _ <- toggle el
+ pure NoOp
+ where
+ (toggle, newState) = case cpState model of
+ Reading Full c n -> (const Fullscreen.exit, Reading Full c n)
+ Reading Spread c n -> (Fullscreen.request, Reading Spread c n)
+ -- otherwise, do nothing:
+ x -> (pure, x)
+move (SetMediaInfo x) model = model { dMediaInfo = x } <# do
+ case x of
+ Just Comic {comicId = id} ->
+ pure $ ScrollIntoView $ "comic-" <> ms id
+ Nothing ->
+ pure NoOp
+move (ScrollIntoView id) model = model <# do
+ say $ ms $ id
+ scrollIntoView id
+ pure NoOp
+fetchComics :: IO (Network.RemoteData MisoString [Comic])
+fetchComics = do
+ mjson <- contents <$> xhrByteString req
+ case mjson of
+ Nothing ->
+ pure $ Network.Failure "Could not fetch comics from server."
+ Just json -> pure $ Network.fromEither
+ $ either (Left . ms) pure
+ $ eitherDecodeStrict json
+ where
+ req = Request
+ { reqMethod = GET
+ , reqURI = "/api/comic" -- FIXME: can we replace this hardcoding?
+ , reqLogin = Nothing
+ , reqHeaders = []
+ , reqWithCredentials = False
+ , reqData = NoData
+ }