path: root/Hero/Client.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2020-06-27 09:20:59 -0700
committerBen Sima <>2020-06-27 09:20:59 -0700
commit14e3c6a61f7727e994c4e1cf2568a3e606f84648 (patch)
tree6322dcfecf06bad2be8f85d560fd81e5206262e2 /Hero/Client.hs
parent1ad6b3248f788cc178162bac5919c0b0fd6f9d39 (diff)
hero: implement the basics of user logins
There's also a lot of refactoring/renaming in here, so the diff is really messy. The overall problem is that I've only ever added code, I've never gone back and reorganized/rearchitected stuff. So adding even small features is becoming an enormous effort. Anyway, this adds the basics of user auth. Next I need to add the auth checks for every route that needs it, and make sure everything is back to working correctly.
Diffstat (limited to 'Hero/Client.hs')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/Hero/Client.hs b/Hero/Client.hs
index 2b222bd..06a7eab 100644
--- a/Hero/Client.hs
+++ b/Hero/Client.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
@@ -18,9 +19,12 @@
-- : dep ghcjs-base
module Hero.Client where
+import Alpha
+import Biz.Auth as Auth
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecodeStrict)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified GHC.Show as Legacy
+import GHCJS.Types (JSVal)
import Hero.App
( Action (..),
AudioState (..),
@@ -34,18 +38,13 @@ import Hero.App
+ discoverLink,
-import JavaScript.Web.XMLHttpRequest
- ( Method (GET),
- Request (..),
- RequestData (NoData),
- contents,
- xhrByteString,
- )
+import JavaScript.Web.XMLHttpRequest as Ajax
import Miso
import Miso.Effect.DOM (scrollIntoView)
import qualified Miso.FFI.Audio as Audio
@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ main = miso $ \currentURI -> App {model = initModel currentURI, ..}
keyboardSub keynav
events = defaultEvents
- initialAction = FetchComics
+ initialAction = NoOp
mountPoint = Nothing
(∈) :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Bool
@@ -75,8 +74,8 @@ main = miso $ \currentURI -> App {model = initModel currentURI, ..}
-- | Keyboard navigation - maps keys to actions.
keynav :: Set Int -> Action
keynav ks
- | 37 ∈ ks = PrevPage -- left arrow
- | 39 ∈ ks = NextPage -- right arrow
+ | 37 ∈ ks = PrevPage -- ←
+ | 39 ∈ ks = NextPage -- →
| 191 ∈ ks = DumpModel -- ?
| 32 ∈ ks = ToggleAudio audioId -- SPC
| otherwise = NoOp
@@ -89,13 +88,16 @@ see model =
-- | Console-logging
foreign import javascript unsafe "console.log($1);"
- say :: MisoString -> IO ()
+ jslog :: MisoString -> IO ()
+foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.value"
+ getValue :: JSVal -> IO MisoString
-- | Updates model, optionally introduces side effects
move :: Action -> Model -> Effect Action Model
move NoOp model = noEff model
move DumpModel model = model <# do
- say $ ms $ model
+ jslog $ ms $ model
pure NoOp
move (SelectExperience comic) model = model {cpState = ChooseExperience (comicId comic) 1}
<# do pure $ ChangeURI $ chooseExperienceLink (comicId comic) 1
@@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ move (ToggleZoom c pg) m = m {cpState = newState} <# pure act
x -> (x, NoOp)
move (ToggleInLibrary c) model = model {user = newUser} <# pure NoOp
- newUser = (user model) { userLibrary = newLib }
+ newUser = (user model) {userLibrary = newLib}
| c `elem` (userLibrary $ user model) =
Protolude.filter (/= c) $ userLibrary $ user model
@@ -171,27 +173,79 @@ move (SetMediaInfo x) model = model {dMediaInfo = x}
Nothing ->
pure NoOp
move (ScrollIntoView id) model = model <# do
- say $ ms $ id
+ jslog $ ms $ id
scrollIntoView id
pure NoOp
+move ValidateUserPassword model =
+ batchEff
+ model
+ [doLogin, (SetComics </ fetchComics)]
+ where
+ doLogin = do
+ user <- getValue =<< Document.getElementById "user"
+ pass <- getValue =<< Document.getElementById "pass"
+ jslog "sending login"
+ sendLogin (ms user) (ms pass) >>= \case
+ Network.Success user -> do
+ jslog "successful login"
+ pure $ ChangeURI discoverLink
+ -- TODO: handle these error cases
+ Network.Loading -> pure NoOp
+ Network.Failure _ -> pure NoOp
+ Network.NotAsked -> pure NoOp
fetchComics :: IO (Network.RemoteData MisoString [Comic])
-fetchComics = do
- mjson <- contents <$> xhrByteString req
- case mjson of
- Nothing ->
- pure $ Network.Failure "Could not fetch comics from server."
- Just json ->
- pure $ Network.fromEither
- $ either (Left . ms) pure
- $ eitherDecodeStrict json
+fetchComics = Ajax.xhrByteString req /> Ajax.contents >>= \case
+ Nothing ->
+ pure $ Network.Failure "Could not fetch comics from server."
+ Just json ->
+ pure $ Network.fromEither
+ $ either (Left . ms) pure
+ $ eitherDecodeStrict json
+ where
+ req =
+ Ajax.Request
+ { Ajax.reqMethod = Ajax.GET,
+ Ajax.reqURI = "/api/comic", -- FIXME: can we replace this hardcoding?
+ Ajax.reqLogin = Nothing,
+ Ajax.reqHeaders = [],
+ Ajax.reqWithCredentials = False,
+ Ajax.reqData = Ajax.NoData
+ }
+sendLogin ::
+ Auth.Username ->
+ Auth.Password ->
+ IO
+ ( Network.RemoteData MisoString
+ User
+ )
+sendLogin u p = Ajax.xhrByteString req /> Ajax.contents >>= \case
+ Nothing ->
+ pure $ Network.Failure "Could not send login request."
+ Just json ->
+ pure $ Network.fromEither
+ $ either (Left . ms) pure
+ $ eitherDecodeStrict json
req =
- Request
- { reqMethod = GET,
- reqURI = "/api/comic", -- FIXME: can we replace this hardcoding?
- reqLogin = Nothing,
- reqHeaders = [],
- reqWithCredentials = False,
- reqData = NoData
+ Ajax.Request
+ { Ajax.reqMethod = Ajax.POST,
+ Ajax.reqURI = "/login-hook",
+ Ajax.reqLogin = Nothing, -- FIXME
+ Ajax.reqHeaders =
+ [ ("Accept", "application/json"),
+ ("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ ],
+ Ajax.reqWithCredentials = False,
+ -- TODO: make this use Aeson
+ Ajax.reqData =
+ Ajax.StringData $
+ Miso.String.concat
+ [ "{\"loginEmail\": \"",
+ u,
+ "\", \"loginPass\": \"",
+ p,
+ "\"}"
+ ]