path: root/Hero
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2020-07-24 23:39:21 -0700
committerBen Sima <>2020-07-24 23:39:21 -0700
commitc2827b0560082f5499c178ead746e7ff9448dd64 (patch)
tree2a562390c28b8e62eefb129df83a4b80984e33f3 /Hero
parentddc9b826bdc568004451fb14b458476e4c7e5061 (diff)
hero: working authenticated api calls
Diffstat (limited to 'Hero')
3 files changed, 29 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/Hero/Core.hs b/Hero/Core.hs
index c11456d..3870c59 100644
--- a/Hero/Core.hs
+++ b/Hero/Core.hs
@@ -296,7 +296,8 @@ data Action
deriving (Show, Eq)
type AppRoutes =
- ComicCover
+ Home
+ :<|> ComicCover
:<|> ComicReaderSpread
:<|> ComicReaderFull
:<|> ComicVideo
@@ -304,7 +305,8 @@ type AppRoutes =
:<|> ChooseExperience
handlers =
- comicCover
+ home
+ :<|> comicCover
:<|> comicReader
:<|> comicReader
:<|> comicReader
@@ -316,7 +318,7 @@ routes = Proxy
type PubRoutes =
- :<|> Login
+ :<|> Login
pubRoutes :: Proxy PubRoutes
pubRoutes = Proxy
diff --git a/Hero/Host.hs b/Hero/Host.hs
index fc31c39..267d475 100644
--- a/Hero/Host.hs
+++ b/Hero/Host.hs
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ import qualified Data.Acid.Abstract as Acid
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
-import Hero.Core
import qualified Hero.Assets as Assets
+import Hero.Core
import qualified Hero.Keep as Keep
import qualified Hero.Look as Look
import qualified Hero.Look.Typography as Typography
@@ -98,9 +98,14 @@ main = bracket startup shutdown run
prn $ "node: " ++ heroNode cfg
prn $ "skey: " ++ heroSkey cfg
let jwts = Auth.defaultJWTSettings skey
- cs = Auth.defaultCookieSettings
+ cs =
+ Auth.defaultCookieSettings
+ { -- uncomment this for insecure dev
+ Auth.cookieIsSecure = Auth.NotSecure,
+ Auth.cookieXsrfSetting = Nothing
+ }
ctx = cs :. jwts :. EmptyContext
- proxy = Proxy @(AllRoutes '[Auth.JWT])
+ proxy = Proxy @(AllRoutes '[Auth.JWT, Auth.Cookie])
static = serveDirectoryWith $ defaultWebAppSettings $ heroNode cfg
server =
-- assets, auth, and the homepage is public
@@ -168,7 +173,8 @@ type AppHostRoutes = ToServerRoutes AppRoutes Templated Action
-- | These are the main app handlers, and should require authentication.
appHostHandlers :: User -> Server AppHostRoutes
appHostHandlers _ =
- comicCoverHandler
+ homeHandler
+ :<|> comicCoverHandler
:<|> comicPageHandler
:<|> comicPageFullHandler
:<|> comicVideoHandler
@@ -190,8 +196,11 @@ wrapAuth ::
(user -> route) ->
Auth.AuthResult user ->
-wrapAuth f (Auth.Authenticated user) = f user
-wrapAuth _ _ = Auth.throwAll err401
+wrapAuth f authResult = case authResult of
+ Auth.Authenticated user -> f user
+ Auth.BadPassword -> Auth.throwAll err401
+ Auth.NoSuchUser -> Auth.throwAll err406
+ Auth.Indefinite -> Auth.throwAll err422
jsonHandlers :: AcidState Keep.HeroKeep -> User -> Server JsonApi
jsonHandlers keep _ = Acid.query' keep $ Keep.GetComics 10
diff --git a/Hero/Node.hs b/Hero/Node.hs
index e32cd59..55bc4b0 100644
--- a/Hero/Node.hs
+++ b/Hero/Node.hs
@@ -180,17 +180,13 @@ move (ScrollIntoView id) model = model <# do
move ValidateUserPassword model =
- [doLogin, (SetComics </ fetchComics)]
+ [doLogin, pure FetchComics, pure <| ChangeURI discoverLink]
doLogin = do
- jslog "starting doLogin"
user <- getValue =<< Document.getElementById "user"
pass <- getValue =<< Document.getElementById "pass"
- jslog "sending login"
sendLogin (ms user) (ms pass) >>= \case
- Network.Success user -> do
- jslog "successful login"
- pure $ ChangeURI discoverLink
+ Network.Success _ -> pure NoOp
-- TODO: handle these error cases
Network.Loading -> pure NoOp
Network.Failure _ -> pure NoOp
@@ -201,9 +197,11 @@ fetchComics = Ajax.xhrByteString req /> Ajax.contents >>= \case
Nothing ->
pure $ Network.Failure "Could not fetch comics from server."
Just json ->
- pure $ Network.fromEither
- $ either (Left . ms) pure
- $ Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict json
+ json
+ |> Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict
+ |> either (Left . ms) pure
+ |> Network.fromEither
+ |> pure
req =
@@ -211,7 +209,7 @@ fetchComics = Ajax.xhrByteString req /> Ajax.contents >>= \case
Ajax.reqURI = "/api/comic", -- FIXME: can we replace this hardcoding?
Ajax.reqLogin = Nothing,
Ajax.reqHeaders = [],
- Ajax.reqWithCredentials = False,
+ Ajax.reqWithCredentials = True,
Ajax.reqData = Ajax.NoData
@@ -239,7 +237,7 @@ sendLogin u p = Ajax.xhrByteString req /> Ajax.contents >>= \case
[ ("Accept", "application/json"),
("Content-Type", "application/json")
- Ajax.reqWithCredentials = False,
+ Ajax.reqWithCredentials = True,
Ajax.reqData =
LoginForm (fromMisoString u) (fromMisoString p)
|> Aeson.encode