path: root/Run/Que/Server.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2020-03-31 11:39:49 -0700
committerBen Sima <>2020-03-31 12:02:10 -0700
commit9f3804d5e4f28ea61a8abc856210422ad794b55e (patch)
treea2f12f2d227cec6bab827feef4ec2e49a5cbf5d0 /Run/Que/Server.hs
parent0b0972d31ab263c12d2cba621794bc6e7c3840bf (diff)
Add Run.Que.Website server
This is a simple website server that uses itself to host the que webpages. I had to rename Run.Que to Run.Que.Server because nix was complaining about Run.Que being both a derivation and an attrset with Run.Que.Website in it.
Diffstat (limited to 'Run/Que/Server.hs')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Run/Que/Server.hs b/Run/Que/Server.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1acbe60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Que/Server.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{- | Interprocess communication
+module Run.Que.Server
+ ( main
+ )
+import Com.Simatime.Alpha hiding ( Text
+ , get
+ , gets
+ , modify
+ , poll
+ )
+import qualified Com.Simatime.Go as Go
+import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
+import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
+import Control.Monad.Reader ( MonadTrans )
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as Builder
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
+import Data.HashMap.Lazy ( HashMap )
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Encoding
+import Data.Text.Lazy ( Text
+ , fromStrict
+ )
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text
+import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as Http
+import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
+import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
+import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
+import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger
+ ( logStdoutDev )
+import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as Opt
+import qualified System.Environment as Environment
+import qualified Web.Scotty.Trans as Scotty
+main :: IO ()
+main = Exception.bracket startup shutdown run
+ where
+ run (p, waiapp) =
+ putText ("que-server starting on port " <> show p) >> p waiapp
+ startup = do
+ opts <- Environment.getArgs /> getOpts
+ sync <- STM.newTVarIO opts
+ let runActionToIO m = runReaderT (runApp m) sync
+ waiapp <- Scotty.scottyAppT runActionToIO routes
+ return (port opts, waiapp)
+ shutdown :: a -> IO a
+ shutdown = pure . identity
+ getOpts args = case Opt.getOpt Opt.Permute options args of
+ ([] , [], _) -> Exception.throw ErrorParsingOptions
+ (opts, _ , _) -> smoosh initialAppState opts
+ options =
+ [ Opt.Option
+ ['p']
+ ["port"]
+ (Opt.ReqArg (\n m -> m { port = read n :: Warp.Port }) "PORT")
+ "port to run on "
+ ]
+data Error = ErrorParsingOptions
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Exception.Exception Error
+-- | Only allow my IP or local to access some route.
+guardIP :: Wai.Request -> Scotty.ActionT Text App ()
+guardIP r = case Wai.remoteHost r of
+ Socket.SockAddrInet _ ip | ip `elem` allowed -> Scotty.status Http.ok200
+ _ -> Scotty.status Http.methodNotAllowed405
+ where
+ allowed = Socket.tupleToHostAddress </ [(72, 222, 221, 62), (127, 0, 0, 1)]
+routes :: Scotty.ScottyT Text App ()
+routes = do
+ Scotty.middleware logStdoutDev
+ let quepath = "^/([[:alnum:]_]*)/([[:alnum:]._/]*)$"
+ let index = "^(/|/index.html)$"
+ Scotty.get (Scotty.regex index) <| do
+ let (ns, qp) = ("_", ["index"])
+ app . modify <| upsertNamespace ns
+ q <- app <| que ns qp
+ r <- liftIO <| takeQue q
+ Scotty.html <| fromStrict <| Encoding.decodeUtf8 r
+ (Scotty.regex index) <| do
+ r <- Scotty.request
+ guardIP r
+ let (ns, qp) = ("_", ["index"])
+ app . modify <| upsertNamespace ns
+ q <- app <| que ns qp
+ qdata <- Scotty.body
+ liftIO <| pushQue (BSL.toStrict qdata) q
+ return ()
+ Scotty.matchAny (Scotty.regex "^/([[:alnum:]_]*)/?$") <| do
+ -- matches '/ns' and '/ns/' but not '/ns/path'
+ Scotty.status Http.notImplemented501
+ Scotty.text "namespace management coming soon"
+ -- | Receive a value from a que. Blocks until a value is received,
+ -- then returns. If 'poll=true', then stream data from the Que to the
+ -- client.
+ Scotty.get (Scotty.regex quepath) <| do
+ (ns, qp) <- extract
+ -- ensure namespace exists
+ app . modify <| upsertNamespace ns
+ q <- app <| que ns qp
+ poll <- Scotty.param "poll" !: (pure . const False)
+ case poll of
+ True -> $ streamQue q
+ _ -> do
+ r <- liftIO <| takeQue q
+ Scotty.html <| fromStrict <| Encoding.decodeUtf8 r
+ -- | Put a value on a que. Returns immediately.
+ (Scotty.regex quepath) <| do
+ r <- Scotty.request
+ when (BS.isPrefixOf "/_" <| Wai.rawPathInfo r) $ guardIP r
+ (ns, qp) <- extract
+ -- ensure namespace exists
+ app . modify <| upsertNamespace ns
+ q <- app <| que ns qp
+ qdata <- Scotty.body
+ liftIO <| pushQue (BSL.toStrict qdata) q
+ return ()
+-- | recover from a scotty-thrown exception.
+ :: Scotty.ActionT Text App a -- ^ action that might throw
+ -> (Text -> Scotty.ActionT Text App a) -- ^ a function providing a default response instead
+ -> Scotty.ActionT Text App a
+(!:) = Scotty.rescue
+-- | Forever write the data from 'Que' to 'Wai.StreamingBody'.
+streamQue :: Que -> Wai.StreamingBody
+streamQue q write _ = Go.mult q >>= loop
+ where
+ loop c =
+ Go.tap c
+ >>= (write . Builder.byteStringInsert)
+ >> (write <| Builder.byteStringInsert "\n")
+ >> loop c
+-- | Gets the thing from the Hashmap. Call's 'error' if key doesn't exist.
+grab :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> HashMap k v -> v
+grab = flip (HashMap.!)
+-- | Inserts the namespace in 'AppState' if it doesn't exist.
+upsertNamespace :: Namespace -> AppState -> AppState
+upsertNamespace ns as = if HashMap.member ns (ques as)
+ then as
+ else as { ques = HashMap.insert ns mempty (ques as) }
+-- | Inserts the que at the proper 'Namespace' and 'Quepath'.
+insertQue :: Namespace -> Quepath -> Que -> AppState -> AppState
+insertQue ns qp q as = as { ques = newQues }
+ where
+ newQues = HashMap.insert ns newQbase (ques as)
+ newQbase = HashMap.insert qp q <| grab ns <| ques as
+extract :: Scotty.ActionT Text App (Namespace, Quepath)
+extract = do
+ ns <- Scotty.param "0"
+ path <- Scotty.param "1"
+ let p = Text.split (== '/') path |> filter (not . Text.null)
+ return (ns, p)
+newtype App a = App
+ { runApp :: ReaderT (STM.TVar AppState) IO a
+ }
+ deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader
+ (STM.TVar AppState))
+data AppState = AppState
+ { ques :: HashMap Namespace Quebase
+ , port :: Warp.Port
+ }
+initialAppState :: AppState
+initialAppState = AppState { port = 80, ques = mempty }
+-- | Resolve a list of 'AppState' transitions into one.
+ :: AppState -- ^ Initial app state to start with
+ -> [AppState -> AppState] -- ^ List of functions to apply in order
+ -> AppState
+smoosh = foldr identity
+-- there's gotta be a standard name for this
+-- | A synonym for 'lift' in order to be explicit about when we are
+-- operating at the 'App' layer.
+app :: MonadTrans t => App a -> t App a
+app = lift
+-- | Get something from the app state
+gets :: (AppState -> b) -> App b
+gets f = ask >>= liftIO . STM.readTVarIO >>= return . f
+-- | Apply a function to the app state
+modify :: (AppState -> AppState) -> App ()
+modify f = ask >>= liftIO . atomically . flip STM.modifyTVar' f
+type Namespace = Text -- ^ housing for a set of que paths
+type Que = Go.Channel Quedata -- ^ a que is just a channel of bytes
+type Quepath = [Text] -- ^ any path can serve as an identifier for a que
+type Quedata = ByteString -- ^ any opaque data
+type Quebase = HashMap Quepath Que -- ^ a collection of ques
+-- | Lookup or create a que
+que :: Namespace -> Quepath -> App Que
+que ns qp = do
+ _ques <- gets ques
+ let qbase = grab ns _ques
+ queExists = HashMap.member qp qbase
+ if queExists
+ then return <| grab qp qbase
+ else do
+ c <- liftIO Go.chan
+ modify (insertQue ns qp c)
+ gets ques /> grab ns /> grab qp
+-- | Put data on the que.
+pushQue :: Quedata -> Que -> IO ()
+pushQue = flip Go.write
+-- | Tap and read from the Que. Tap first because a Que is actually a
+-- broadcast channel. This allows for multiconsumer Ques.
+takeQue :: Que -> IO Quedata
+takeQue ch = Go.mult ch >>= Go.tap