diff options
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Devalloc.hs b/Biz/Devalloc.hs
index 7cf906a..ec8f870 100644
--- a/Biz/Devalloc.hs
+++ b/Biz/Devalloc.hs
@@ -29,16 +29,19 @@
-- : dep warp
module Biz.Devalloc
( main,
+ test,
-import Alpha
+import Alpha hiding ((<.>))
import Biz.App (CSS (..), HtmlApp (..))
import qualified Biz.Look
import qualified Clay
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import qualified Data.String as String
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Encoding
import Data.Vector (Vector)
@@ -50,12 +53,14 @@ import qualified Lucid.Servant as Lucid
import Network.HTTP.Req ((/:), (=:))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Req as Req
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
-import Network.Wai.Application.Static (defaultWebAppSettings)
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger (logStdout)
import Servant
import Servant.HTML.Lucid
+import qualified System.Directory as Directory
import qualified System.Envy as Envy
+import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
+import qualified System.Process as Process
import qualified Web.FormUrlEncoded
main :: IO ()
@@ -67,15 +72,20 @@ main = Exception.bracket startup shutdown run
putText "@"
putText "devalloc"
putText <| "port: " <> (show <| port cfg)
+ putText <| "depo: " <> (Text.pack <| depo cfg)
return (cfg, serve (Proxy @AllPaths) <| paths cfg oAuthArgs)
shutdown :: (Config, Application) -> IO ()
shutdown _ = pure ()
run :: (Config, Wai.Application) -> IO ()
run (cfg, app) = (port cfg) (logStdout app)
+test :: IO ()
+test = test_analyzeGitHub >> pure ()
data Config = Config
{ port :: Warp.Port,
- assets :: FilePath
+ -- | The repo depo! Depository of repositories!
+ depo :: FilePath
deriving (Generic, Show)
@@ -83,7 +93,7 @@ instance Envy.DefConfig Config where
defConfig =
{ port = 8005,
- assets = "_/bild/dev/static/devalloc.js"
+ depo = "_/var/devalloc/depo"
instance Envy.FromEnv Config
@@ -136,32 +146,30 @@ instance Lucid.ToHtml a => Lucid.ToHtml (HtmlApp a) where
-- * paths and pages
type AllPaths =
- Get '[HTML] (HtmlApp Page)
+ Get '[HTML] (HtmlApp Home)
:<|> "auth" :> "github" :> "callback"
:> QueryParam "code" Text
- :> Get '[HTML] (HtmlApp Page)
- :<|> ShowAnalysis
- :<|> ("static" :> Raw)
+ :> Get '[HTML] (HtmlApp SelectRepo)
+ :<|> GitHubAnalysis
:<|> "css" :> "main.css" :> Get '[CSS] Text
allPaths :: Proxy AllPaths
allPaths = Proxy :: Proxy AllPaths
-type ShowAnalysis = "analysis" :> QueryParam "id" Int :> Get '[HTML] (HtmlApp Analysis)
+type GitHubAnalysis =
+ "analysis" :> "github"
+ :> Capture "user" Text
+ :> Capture "repo" Text
+ :> Get '[HTML] (HtmlApp Analysis)
paths :: Config -> OAuthArgs -> Server AllPaths
-paths Config {assets} oAuthArgs =
+paths cfg oAuthArgs =
page (Home oAuthArgs)
:<|> auth oAuthArgs
- :<|> analyze
- :<|> static
+ :<|> (\user repo -> liftIO <| analyzeGitHub cfg user repo >>= pure . HtmlApp)
:<|> look
page = pure . HtmlApp
- analyze Nothing = panic "could not analyze this repo"
- analyze (Just id) =
- pure . HtmlApp <| Analysis {targetRepo = GitHub.mkId (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Repo) id}
- static = serveDirectoryWith <| defaultWebAppSettings assets
look =
return . toStrict . Clay.render <| do
@@ -176,18 +184,12 @@ linkTo ::
MkLink path Lucid.Attribute
linkTo = Lucid.safeHref_ "/" allPaths
-data Page
- = Home OAuthArgs
- | GitHubRepos (Vector GitHub.Repo)
+newtype Home = Home OAuthArgs
-instance Lucid.ToHtml Page where
+instance Lucid.ToHtml Home where
toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
- toHtml page =
- Lucid.toHtml <| case page of
- Home authArgs -> pitch authArgs
- GitHubRepos repos -> do
- Lucid.h1_ "Select a repo to analyze"
- selectRepo repos
+ toHtml (Home oAuthArgs) =
+ Lucid.toHtml <| pitch oAuthArgs
data OAuthResponse = OAuthResponse
{ access_token :: Text,
@@ -196,26 +198,34 @@ data OAuthResponse = OAuthResponse
deriving (Generic, Aeson.FromJSON)
-auth :: OAuthArgs -> Maybe Text -> Handler (HtmlApp Page)
+newtype SelectRepo = SelectRepo (Vector GitHub.Repo)
+instance Lucid.ToHtml SelectRepo where
+ toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
+ toHtml (SelectRepo repos) =
+ Lucid.toHtml <| do
+ Lucid.h1_ "Select a repo to analyze"
+ selectRepo repos
+auth :: OAuthArgs -> Maybe Text -> Handler (HtmlApp SelectRepo)
auth _ Nothing = panic "no code from github api"
auth OAuthArgs {..} (Just code) =
liftIO <| getAccessToken
>>= getRepos
>>= \case
Left err -> panic <| show err
- Right repos ->
- pure <| HtmlApp <| GitHubRepos repos
+ Right repos -> pure . HtmlApp <| SelectRepo repos
getRepos oAuthToken =
(GitHub.OAuth <| Encoding.encodeUtf8 oAuthToken)
(GitHub.currentUserReposR GitHub.RepoPublicityAll GitHub.FetchAll)
getAccessToken =
- Req.runReq Req.defaultHttpConfig
- <| accessTokenRequest
+ accessTokenRequest
>>= Req.responseBody
/> access_token
/> return
+ |> Req.runReq Req.defaultHttpConfig
accessTokenRequest =
@@ -228,7 +238,15 @@ auth OAuthArgs {..} (Just code) =
<> "state" =: githubState
data Analysis = Analysis
- { targetRepo :: GitHub.Id GitHub.Repo
+ { bareRepo :: FilePath,
+ -- | A path with no active contributors
+ blackholes :: [Text],
+ -- | A path with < 3 active contributors
+ liabilities :: [Text],
+ -- | Files that have not been touched in 6 months
+ stale :: [Text],
+ -- | Total score for the repo
+ score :: Int
instance Lucid.ToHtml Analysis where
@@ -236,10 +254,145 @@ instance Lucid.ToHtml Analysis where
toHtml = Lucid.toHtml . render
render :: Analysis -> Lucid.Html ()
- render analysis =
+ render Analysis {..} =
Lucid.div_ <| do
Lucid.h1_ "Analysis Results"
- Lucid.p_ (Lucid.toHtml <| Text.pack <| show <| targetRepo analysis)
+ Lucid.h3_ "blackholes:"
+ Lucid.ul_ <| do
+ mapM_ (Lucid.li_ . Lucid.toHtml) blackholes
+-- | Takes a list of active authors and a path to a bare git repo and runs a
+-- regular analysis
+analyze :: [Text] -> FilePath -> IO Analysis
+analyze activeAuthors bareRepo = do
+ tree <-
+ Process.readProcess
+ "git"
+ [ "--git-dir",
+ bareRepo,
+ "ls-tree",
+ "--full-tree",
+ "--name-only",
+ "-r", -- recurse into subtrees
+ "HEAD"
+ ]
+ ""
+ /> String.lines
+ authors <- mapM (authorsFor bareRepo) tree :: IO [[(Text, Text, Text)]]
+ let authorMap =
+ zipWith
+ ( \path authors_ ->
+ (path, authors_)
+ )
+ tree
+ authors ::
+ [(FilePath, [(Text, Text, Text)])]
+ return
+ Analysis
+ { blackholes =
+ [ Text.pack path
+ | (path, authors_) <- authorMap,
+ length (List.intersect (map third authors_) activeAuthors) < 1
+ ],
+ liabilities = [],
+ stale = [], -- actually a map of path->staleness
+ score = 10,
+ ..
+ }
+third :: (a, b, c) -> c
+third (_, _, a) = a
+-- | Given a git dir and a path inside the git repo, return a list of tuples
+-- with number of commits and author.
+authorsFor ::
+ FilePath ->
+ FilePath ->
+ -- | Returns (number of commits, author name, author email)
+ IO [(Text, Text, Text)]
+authorsFor gitDir path = do
+ -- git shortlog writes to stderr for some reason, so we can't just use
+ -- Process.readProcess
+ Process.readProcess
+ "git"
+ [ "--git-dir",
+ gitDir,
+ "shortlog",
+ "--numbered",
+ "--summary",
+ "--email",
+ "HEAD",
+ "--",
+ path
+ ]
+ ""
+ /> Text.pack
+ /> Text.lines
+ /> map (Text.break (== '\t'))
+ /> map
+ ( \(commits, author) ->
+ ( Text.strip commits,
+ Text.strip <| Text.takeWhile (/= '<') author,
+ Text.strip <| Text.dropAround (`elem` ['<', '>']) <| Text.dropWhile (/= '<') author
+ )
+ )
+-- | Clones a repo from GitHub and does the analysis.
+analyzeGitHub ::
+ Config ->
+ -- | GitHub owner
+ Text ->
+ -- | GitHub repo
+ Text ->
+ IO Analysis
+analyzeGitHub cfg o r = do
+ -- I currently have no way of getting active users... getting a list of
+ -- collaborators on a repo requires authentication for some reason.
+ --
+ -- If the owner is an organization, then we can just use org members, which is
+ -- public too. And if the auth'ed user is a member of the org, then it returns
+ -- all of the members, not just public ones, so that will work just fine.
+ --
+ -- In the meantime, what do? Maybe get the number of commits, and consider
+ -- "active users" as the top 10% in terms of number of commits? Or ask for a
+ -- list explicitly? If it is a personal repo, then I can assume that the owner
+ -- is the only regular contributor, at least for now.
+ --
+ -- Right activeUsers <- GitHub.github () (GitHub.collaboratorsOnR ghOwner ghRepo GitHub.FetchAll)
+ Right user <-
+ GitHub.github
+ ()
+ ( GitHub.userInfoForR
+ <| GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.User) o
+ )
+ -- assume the only active author is the owner, for now
+ let activeAuthors = [require "user email" <| GitHub.userName user]
+ Right repo <- GitHub.github () (GitHub.repositoryR ghOwner ghRepo)
+ bareRepo <- gitBareClone cfg . GitHub.getUrl <| GitHub.repoHtmlUrl repo
+ analyze activeAuthors bareRepo
+ where
+ ghOwner = GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Owner) o
+ ghRepo = GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Repo) r
+test_analyzeGitHub :: IO Analysis
+test_analyzeGitHub = analyzeGitHub Envy.defConfig "bsima" "bin"
+-- | Clone the repo to /var/devalloc/repos/<url>, return the full path to the
+-- local repo.
+gitBareClone :: Config -> Text -> IO FilePath
+gitBareClone Config {depo} url = do
+ worktreeExists <- Directory.doesPathExist worktree
+ let args =
+ if worktreeExists
+ then ["--git-dir", worktree, "fetch", "origin"]
+ else ["clone", "--bare", "--", Text.unpack url, worktree]
+ Process.callProcess "git" args
+ return worktree
+ where
+ removeScheme :: Text -> FilePath
+ removeScheme u = Text.unpack <. Text.dropWhile (== '/') <. snd <| Text.breakOn "//" u
+ worktree = depo </> removeScheme url <.> "git"
-- * parts
@@ -257,8 +410,9 @@ selectRepo = Lucid.ul_ . mapM_ render . Vector.toList
. Lucid.a_
[ linkTo
- (Proxy :: Proxy ShowAnalysis)
- (Just <| GitHub.untagId <| GitHub.repoId repo)
+ (Proxy :: Proxy GitHubAnalysis)
+ (GitHub.untagName <| GitHub.simpleOwnerLogin <| GitHub.repoOwner repo)
+ (GitHub.untagName <| GitHub.repoName repo)
. Lucid.toHtml
. GitHub.untagName
@@ -272,7 +426,6 @@ loginButton OAuthArgs {..} =
<> encodeParams
[ ("client_id", githubClientId),
("state", githubState)
- -- ("redirect_uri", "")
"Get Started with GitHub"