path: root/Biz/Bild.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz/Bild.hs')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Bild.hs b/Biz/Bild.hs
index 0747cf5..96203a4 100644
--- a/Biz/Bild.hs
+++ b/Biz/Bild.hs
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ main = Cli.main <| Cli.Plan help move test_ pure
[Exit.ExitFailure _] ->
Test.assertFailure "can't bild bild"
_ ->
- pure (),
- test_toNixExpr
+ pure ()
+ -- test_toNixExpr
move :: Cli.Arguments -> IO ()
@@ -270,16 +270,50 @@ toNixExpr :: String -> Target -> Text
toNixExpr root (Target {..}) =
with import $troot/Biz/Bild.nix {};
-runCommand "foo" {
+with builtins;
+ skip = ["_" ".direnv"];
+ filter = name: type:
+ if elem (baseNameOf name) skip then false
+ # TODO: this means any new directory will cause a rebuild. this bad.
+ # i should recurse into the directory and match against the srcFiles
+ else if type == "directory" then true
+ else if type == "regular" then builtins.elem name [$srcFiles]
+ else false;
+in stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ name = "$outname_";
+ src = lib.sources.cleanSourceWith {inherit filter; src = lib.sources.cleanSource ./.;};
buildInputs = [ (private.ghcWith (p: with p; [$nixLangdeps])) ];
-} "$compilerCommand $compilerArgs"
+ buildPhase = "$compilerCommand $compilerArgs";
+ installPhase = "mkdir -p $$out/bin && cp $outname_ $$out/bin";
- troot, compilerCommand, compilerArgs, nixLangdeps :: Text
+ troot, compilerCommand, compilerArgs, nixLangdeps, outname_, srcFiles :: Text
troot = Text.pack root
compilerCommand = compilerExe compiler
compilerArgs = str <| unwords compilerFlags
nixLangdeps = str <| String.unwords <| Set.toList langdeps
+ outname_ = str <| outname out
+ srcFiles =
+ ((root </> path) : Set.toList srcs)
+ |> map (\p -> "\"" <> p <> "\"\n")
+ |> String.unwords
+ |> str
+-- | Use this to just get a target to play with at the repl.
+dev_getTarget :: IO Target
+dev_getTarget = do
+ root <- Env.getEnv "BIZ_ROOT"
+ path <- Dir.makeAbsolute "Biz/Bild.hs"
+ Namespace.fromPath root path
+ |> \case
+ Nothing -> panic "Could not get namespace from path"
+ Just ns ->
+ analyze mempty ns
+ /> Map.lookup ns
+ /> \case
+ Nothing -> panic "Could not retrieve target from analysis"
+ Just t -> t
test_toNixExpr :: Test.Tree
test_toNixExpr =
@@ -287,23 +321,8 @@ test_toNixExpr =
[ Test.unit "produces corect result" <| do
root <- Env.getEnv "BIZ_ROOT"
- path <- Dir.makeAbsolute "Biz/Bild/Example.hs"
- Namespace.fromPath root path
- |> \case
- Nothing -> panic "Could not get namespace from path"
- Just ns ->
- analyze mempty ns
- /> Map.lookup ns
- +> \case
- Nothing -> panic "Could not retrieve target from analysis"
- Just t -> toNixExpr root t @?= actual
- where
- troot = Text.pack root
- actual =
- [NeatInterpolation.trimming|with import $troot/Biz/Bild.nix {};
- runCommand "foo" {
- buildInputs = [ (private.ghcWith (p: with p; [])) ];
- } "ghc -Werror -i$troot -odir $troot/_/int -hidir $troot/_/int --make $troot/Biz/Bild/Example.hs -main-is Biz.Bild.Example -o /home/ben/biz/_/bin/example"|]
+ t <- dev_getTarget
+ toNixExpr root t @?= [NeatInterpolation.trimming|TODO|]
data Builder
@@ -366,7 +385,14 @@ outToPath = \case
Meta.Lib o -> cab </> "lib" </> o
Meta.None -> mempty
-intdir, nixdir, vardir :: FilePath
+outname :: Meta.Out -> FilePath
+outname = \case
+ Meta.Bin o -> o
+ Meta.Lib o -> o
+ Meta.None -> mempty
+bindir, intdir, nixdir, vardir :: FilePath
+bindir = cab </> "bin"
intdir = cab </> "int"
nixdir = cab </> "nix"
vardir = cab </> "var"
@@ -471,22 +497,22 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
compiler = Ghc,
compilerFlags =
[ "-Werror",
- "-i" <> root,
+ "-i$src",
- root </> intdir,
+ ".",
- root </> intdir,
+ ".",
- absPath
+ "$src" </> path
- ++ (out /= Meta.None)
- ?: ( [ "-main-is",
- Namespace.toHaskellModule namespace,
- "-o",
- root </> outToPath out
- ],
- []
- )
+ ++ case out of
+ Meta.Bin o ->
+ [ "-main-is",
+ Namespace.toHaskellModule namespace,
+ "-o",
+ o
+ ]
+ _ -> []
|> map Text.pack,
sysdeps = Meta.detect (Meta.sys "--") contentLines,
outPath = outToPath out,
@@ -690,8 +716,8 @@ build andTest loud analysis =
Ghc -> case out of
Meta.None -> pure (Exit.ExitSuccess, mempty)
Meta.Bin _ -> do
- ["bild", "dev", "ghc-exe", nschunk namespace]
- result <- proc loud namespace (toNixFlag compiler) compilerFlags
+ ["bild", "nixBuild", "ghc", nschunk namespace]
+ result <- nixBuild loud target
if andTest && (isSuccess <| fst result)
then test loud target
else pure result
@@ -820,3 +846,51 @@ lispRequires =
isQuote :: Char -> Bool
isQuote c = c `elem` ['\'', ':']
+nixBuild :: Bool -> Target -> IO (Exit.ExitCode, ByteString)
+nixBuild loud target@(Target {..}) =
+ Env.getEnv "BIZ_ROOT" +> \root ->
+ instantiate root |> run +> \case
+ (Exit.ExitSuccess, drv) ->
+ drv
+ |> str
+ |> chomp
+ |> str
+ |> realise
+ |> run
+ >> run symlink
+ x -> pure x
+ where
+ instantiate root =
+ Proc
+ { loud = loud,
+ ns = namespace,
+ cmd = "nix-instantiate",
+ args = map Text.unpack ["--expr", toNixExpr root target],
+ onFailure = ["bild", "instantiate", nschunk namespace] >>,
+ onSuccess = pure ()
+ }
+ realise drv =
+ Proc
+ { loud = loud,
+ ns = namespace,
+ cmd = "nix-store",
+ args = ["--realise", drv, "--add-root", nixdir </> outname out],
+ onFailure = ["bild", "realise", nschunk namespace] >>,
+ onSuccess = Log.good ["bild", nschunk namespace] >>
+ }
+ symlink =
+ Proc
+ { loud = loud,
+ ns = namespace,
+ cmd = "ln",
+ args =
+ [ "--relative",
+ "--force",
+ "--symbolic",
+ nixdir </> outname out </> "bin" </> outname out,
+ bindir </> outname out
+ ],
+ onFailure = ["bild", "symlink", nschunk namespace] >>,
+ onSuccess = pure ()
+ }