path: root/Biz/Bild.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz/Bild.hs')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Bild.hs b/Biz/Bild.hs
index 2db5ccc..9c4f035 100644
--- a/Biz/Bild.hs
+++ b/Biz/Bild.hs
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Data.Conduit ((.|))
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Process as Conduit
+import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.String as String
@@ -271,6 +272,10 @@ instance Aeson.ToJSON Compiler where
instance ToNixFlag Compiler where
toNixFlag = compilerExe
+-- | Type alias for making sure that the path is qualified, meaning it starts at
+-- the root of the repo, and is not an absolute path nor a subpath
+type QualifiedPath = FilePath
data Target = Target
{ -- | Output name
out :: Meta.Out,
@@ -278,8 +283,10 @@ data Target = Target
outPath :: FilePath,
-- | Fully qualified namespace partitioned by '.'
namespace :: Namespace,
- -- | Absolute path to file
- path :: FilePath,
+ -- | Path to file, qualified based on the root of the git directory
+ quapath :: QualifiedPath,
+ -- | Main module name, formatted as the language expects
+ mainModule :: String,
-- | Name of the packageset in Bild.nix to pull langdeps from
packageSet :: Text,
-- | Language-specific dependencies, required during compilation
@@ -291,8 +298,12 @@ data Target = Target
sysdeps :: Set Meta.Dep,
-- | Which compiler should we use?
compiler :: Compiler,
- -- | Where is this machine being built?
- builder :: Builder,
+ -- | Which nix build expression?
+ builder :: Text,
+ -- | Who is building this?
+ user :: Text,
+ -- | Where are they buildint it?
+ host :: Text,
-- | Flags and arguments passed to 'Compiler' when building
compilerFlags :: [Text],
-- | Wrapper script (if necessary)
@@ -419,12 +430,13 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
analyzeOne namespace@(Namespace _ ext) = do
let path = Namespace.toPath namespace
root <- Env.getEnv "BIZ_ROOT"
- let absPath = root </> path
+ let abspath = root </> path
+ let quapath = path
user <- Env.getEnv "USER" /> Text.pack
host <- HostName.getHostName /> Text.pack ["bild", "analyze", str path]
contentLines <-
- withFile absPath ReadMode <| \h ->
+ withFile abspath ReadMode <| \h ->
IO.hSetEncoding h IO.utf8_bom
>> Text.IO.hGetContents h
/> Text.lines
@@ -438,7 +450,7 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
Namespace.Py ->
Meta.detectAll "#" contentLines |> \Meta.Parsed {..} ->
- { builder = Local user host,
+ { builder = "python",
wrapper = Nothing,
compiler = CPython,
compilerFlags =
@@ -447,17 +459,19 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
[ "-c",
"\"import py_compile;import os;"
<> "py_compile.compile(file='"
- <> str path
+ <> str quapath
<> "', cfile=os.getenv('BIZ_ROOT')+'/_/int/"
- <> str path
+ <> str quapath
<> "', doraise=True)\""
sysdeps = psys,
langdeps = pdep,
outPath = outToPath pout,
out = pout,
- srcs = Set.singleton path,
- packageSet = "pythonPackages",
+ -- implement detectPythonImports, then I can fill this out
+ srcs = Set.empty,
+ packageSet = "python.packages",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
|> Just
@@ -470,15 +484,17 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
sysdeps = psys,
wrapper = Nothing,
compiler = Gcc,
- builder = Local user host,
+ builder = "c",
out = pout,
- packageSet = "cPackages",
+ packageSet = "c.packages",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
compilerFlags = case pout of
Meta.Bin o ->
["-o", o, path] <> Set.toList parg |> map Text.pack
_ -> panic "can only bild C exes, not libs",
outPath = outToPath pout,
- srcs = Set.singleton absPath,
+ -- implement detectCImports, then I can fill this out
+ srcs = Set.empty,
|> Just
@@ -489,10 +505,11 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
|> \out ->
detectHaskellImports hmap contentLines +> \(langdeps, srcs) ->
- { builder = Local user host,
+ { builder = "haskell",
wrapper = Nothing,
compiler = Ghc,
- packageSet = "ghcPackages",
+ packageSet = "haskell.packages",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
compilerFlags =
[ "-Werror",
@@ -502,7 +519,7 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
- "$BIZ_ROOT" </> path
+ "$BIZ_ROOT" </> quapath
++ case out of
Meta.Bin o ->
@@ -528,20 +545,22 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
{ sysdeps = Set.empty,
wrapper = Nothing,
compiler = Sbcl,
- packageSet = "sbclWith",
+ packageSet = "lisp.sbclWith",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
compilerFlags =
[ "--eval",
"(require :asdf)",
- absPath,
+ quapath,
"(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die #p\"" <> (root </> outToPath out) <> "\" :toplevel #'main :executable t)"
- builder = Local user host,
+ builder = "base",
outPath = outToPath out,
- srcs = Set.singleton absPath,
+ -- add local src imports to detectLispImports, then i can fill this out
+ srcs = Set.empty,
Namespace.Nix ->
@@ -552,7 +571,7 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
sysdeps = Set.empty,
compiler = NixBuild,
compilerFlags =
- [ absPath,
+ [ quapath,
root </> nixdir </> Namespace.toPath namespace,
@@ -561,8 +580,10 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
|> map Text.pack,
out = Meta.None,
outPath = outToPath Meta.None,
- srcs = Set.singleton absPath,
+ srcs = Set.empty,
packageSet = "",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
+ builder = "base",
|> Just
@@ -573,19 +594,20 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
{ langdeps = pdep,
sysdeps = psys,
compiler = Guile,
- packageSet = "guilePackages",
+ packageSet = "scheme.guilePackages",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
compilerFlags =
[ "compile",
"--load-path=" ++ root,
- "--output=" ++ root </> intdir </> replaceExtension path ".scm.go",
- absPath
+ "--output=" ++ root </> intdir </> replaceExtension quapath ".scm.go",
+ quapath
|> map Text.pack,
- builder = Local user host,
+ builder = "base",
outPath = outToPath pout,
out = pout,
- srcs = Set.singleton absPath,
+ srcs = Set.empty, -- implement detectSchemeImports
-- TODO: wrapper should just be removed, instead rely on
-- upstream nixpkgs builders to make wrappers
wrapper =
@@ -615,7 +637,8 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
-- this packageSet doesn't actually exist because everyone in
-- nix just generates nix expressions for rust dependencies with
-- Cargo.lock, so I have to make it in order to use rust deps
- packageSet = "rustPackages",
+ packageSet = "rust.packages",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
wrapper = Nothing,
sysdeps = psys <> Set.singleton "rustc",
out = pout,
@@ -629,9 +652,10 @@ analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
_ -> panic "can't build rust libs",
- builder = Local user host,
+ builder = "base",
outPath = outToPath pout,
- srcs = Set.singleton absPath,
+ -- implement detectRustImports
+ srcs = Set.empty,
|> Just
@@ -651,9 +675,11 @@ detectHaskellImports hmap contentLines =
+> \files ->
findDeps root files
+> \deps ->
- (pkgs <> deps, Set.fromList files)
+ (pkgs <> deps, map (stripRoot root) files |> Set.fromList)
|> pure
+ stripRoot :: FilePath -> FilePath -> QualifiedPath
+ stripRoot root f = fromMaybe f (List.stripPrefix (root <> "/") f)
filepaths :: [String] -> IO [FilePath]
filepaths imports =
@@ -742,7 +768,7 @@ build andTest loud analysis =
Ghc -> case out of
Meta.None -> pure (Exit.ExitSuccess, mempty)
Meta.Bin _ -> do
- ["bild", "nix", toLog builder, nschunk namespace]
+ ["bild", "nix", user <> "@" <> host, nschunk namespace]
result <- nixBuild loud target
if andTest && (isSuccess <| fst result)
then test loud target
@@ -761,7 +787,7 @@ build andTest loud analysis =
Dir.setPermissions (root </> outToPath out) (Dir.setOwnerExecutable True p)
pure (Exit.ExitSuccess, mempty)
NixBuild -> do
- ["bild", "nix", toLog builder, nschunk namespace]
+ ["bild", "nix", user <> "@" <> host, nschunk namespace]
proc loud namespace (toNixFlag compiler) compilerFlags
Copy -> do
Log.warn ["bild", "copy", "not implemented yet", nschunk namespace]
@@ -773,11 +799,6 @@ build andTest loud analysis = ["bild", "dev", "lisp", nschunk namespace]
proc loud namespace (toNixFlag compiler) compilerFlags
--- | Format for logging
-toLog :: Builder -> Text
-toLog (Local u h) = "local://" <> u <> "@" <> h
-toLog (Remote u h) = "remote://" <> u <> "@" <> h
data Proc = Proc
{ loud :: Bool,
cmd :: String,
@@ -884,7 +905,7 @@ lispRequires =
isQuote c = c `elem` ['\'', ':']
nixBuild :: Bool -> Target -> IO (Exit.ExitCode, ByteString)
-nixBuild loud Target {..} =
+nixBuild loud target@(Target {..}) =
Env.getEnv "BIZ_ROOT" +> \root ->
instantiate root |> run +> \case
(_, "") -> panic "instantiate did not produce a drv"
@@ -909,15 +930,7 @@ nixBuild loud Target {..} =
-- is tightly coupled with the code in the nix builder and there's no
-- way around that, methinks.
args =
- [ argstr "srcs" <| unwords <| map str <| Set.toList srcs <> [root </> path],
- argstr "main" <| str <| Namespace.toModule namespace,
- argstr "root" <| str root,
- argstr "packageSet" packageSet,
- (langdeps == mempty) ?: (mempty, argstr "langdeps" <| unwords <| map str <| Set.toList langdeps),
- (sysdeps == mempty) ?: (mempty, argstr "sysdeps" <| unwords <| map str <| Set.toList sysdeps),
- argstr "name" <| str <| outname out,
- argstr "compileLine" <| unwords <| (Text.pack <| toNixFlag compiler) : compilerFlags,
- ["--attr", selectBuilder namespace],
+ [ argstr "analysisJSON" <| str <| Aeson.encode <| (Map.singleton namespace target :: Analysis),
[str <| root </> "Biz/Bild/Builder.nix"]
|> mconcat
@@ -949,11 +962,3 @@ nixBuild loud Target {..} =
onFailure = ["bild", "symlink", nschunk namespace] >>,
onSuccess = pure ()
-selectBuilder :: Namespace -> Text
-selectBuilder = \case
- Namespace _ Namespace.Hs -> "haskell"
- Namespace _ Namespace.Py -> "python"
- Namespace _ Namespace.Rs -> "base"
- Namespace _ Namespace.C -> "c"
- Namespace _ ext -> panic <| "no builder for " <> show ext