path: root/Biz/Devalloc.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz/Devalloc.hs')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Devalloc.hs b/Biz/Devalloc.hs
index 835d97b..5713db0 100644
--- a/Biz/Devalloc.hs
+++ b/Biz/Devalloc.hs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
-- : dep docopt
-- : dep envy
-- : dep github
+-- : dep http-api-data
-- : dep ixset
-- : dep lucid
-- : dep protolude
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ import Biz.App (CSS (..), HtmlApp (..))
import qualified Biz.Cli as Cli
import qualified Biz.Id as Id
import qualified Biz.Look
-import Biz.Test ((@=?), (@?!=))
+import Biz.Test ((@?!=), (@=?))
import qualified Biz.Test as Test
import qualified CMark as Cmark
import qualified CMark.Lucid as Cmark
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ import qualified System.Directory as Directory
import qualified System.Envy as Envy
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
import qualified System.Process as Process
-import qualified Web.FormUrlEncoded
+import qualified Web.FormUrlEncoded as Web
-- * persistent data
@@ -143,6 +144,12 @@ $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''GitHubId)
data Subscription = Free | Invoice
deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Ord, Generic, Show)
+instance Web.FromForm Subscription where
+ fromForm f = case Web.parseUnique "user-subscription" f of
+ Right "Free" -> Right Free
+ Right x -> Left <| "could not parse form value: " <> x
+ Left x -> Left <| "could not parse form value: " <> x
instance Aeson.ToJSON Subscription
instance Aeson.FromJSON Subscription
@@ -289,8 +296,13 @@ createAnalysis a = do
return newAnalysis
-getAnalyses :: Acid.Query Keep [Analysis]
-getAnalyses = do
+getAnalysisById :: Id.Id Analysis -> Acid.Query Keep (Maybe Analysis)
+getAnalysisById id = do
+ Keep {..} <- ask
+ return <| IxSet.getOne <| analyses @= id
+getAllAnalyses :: Acid.Query Keep [Analysis]
+getAllAnalyses = do
Keep {..} <- ask
return <| IxSet.toList analyses
@@ -302,7 +314,7 @@ getAnalysesByAsker user = do
getAnalysisByUrlAndCommit :: URL -> Commit -> Acid.Query Keep (Maybe Analysis)
getAnalysisByUrlAndCommit url sha = do
Keep {..} <- ask
- return <| IxSet.getOne <| (analyses @= url &&& analyses @= sha)
+ return <| IxSet.getOne <| analyses @= url &&& analyses @= sha
$( makeAcidic
@@ -311,7 +323,8 @@ $( makeAcidic
- 'getAnalyses,
+ 'getAnalysisById,
+ 'getAllAnalyses,
@@ -547,17 +560,34 @@ data Paths path = Paths
:> "github"
:> "callback"
:> QueryParam "code" Text
- :> Get '[Lucid.HTML] (SetCookies (HtmlApp UserHome)),
- account ::
+ :> Get '[Lucid.HTML] (SetCookies (HtmlApp UserAccount)),
+ getAccount ::
+ path
+ :- Auth.Auth '[Auth.Cookie] User
+ :> "account"
+ :> Get '[Lucid.HTML] (HtmlApp UserAccount),
+ postAccount ::
:- Auth.Auth '[Auth.Cookie] User
:> "account"
- :> Get '[Lucid.HTML] (HtmlApp UserHome),
+ :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] Subscription
+ :> Post '[Lucid.HTML] (HtmlApp UserAccount),
selectRepo ::
:- Auth.Auth '[Auth.Cookie] User
:> "select-repo"
:> Get '[Lucid.HTML] (HtmlApp SelectRepo),
+ getAnalyses ::
+ path
+ :- Auth.Auth '[Auth.Cookie] User
+ :> "analysis"
+ :> Get '[Lucid.HTML] (HtmlApp Analyses),
+ getAnalysis ::
+ path
+ :- Auth.Auth '[Auth.Cookie] User
+ :> "analysis"
+ :> Capture "analysisId" (Id.Id Analysis)
+ :> Get '[Lucid.HTML] (HtmlApp AnalysisDisplay),
githubAnalysis ::
:- Auth.Auth '[Auth.Cookie] User
@@ -595,13 +625,19 @@ htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs =
login = pure <| addHeader (githubLoginUrl oAuthArgs) NoContent,
githubAuth =
auth kp cooks jwk oAuthArgs,
- account = \case
+ getAccount = \case
Auth.NoSuchUser -> throwError err401 {errBody = "No such user"}
Auth.BadPassword -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Bad password"}
Auth.Indefinite -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Incorrect authentication method"}
Auth.Authenticated user@User {..} -> do
- analyses <- Acid.query' kp <| GetAnalysesByAsker user
- pure <| HtmlApp <| UserHome user analyses,
+ pure <| HtmlApp <| UserAccount user,
+ postAccount = \case
+ Auth.NoSuchUser -> \_ -> throwError err401 {errBody = "No such user"}
+ Auth.BadPassword -> \_ -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Bad password"}
+ Auth.Indefinite -> \_ -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Incorrect authentication method"}
+ Auth.Authenticated user@User {..} -> \subscription -> do
+ newuser <- Acid.update' kp <| UpdateUser user {userSubscription = subscription}
+ pure <| HtmlApp <| UserAccount newuser,
selectRepo = \case
Auth.NoSuchUser -> throwError err401 {errBody = "No such user"}
Auth.BadPassword -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Bad password"}
@@ -615,18 +651,32 @@ htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs =
case erepos of
Left err -> throwError err502 {errBody = show err}
Right repos -> pure <. HtmlApp <| SelectRepo user repos,
+ getAnalyses = \case
+ Auth.NoSuchUser -> throwError err401 {errBody = "No such user"}
+ Auth.BadPassword -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Bad password"}
+ Auth.Indefinite -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Incorrect authentication method"}
+ Auth.Authenticated user@User {..} -> do
+ analyses <- Acid.query' kp <| GetAnalysesByAsker user
+ pure <| HtmlApp <| Analyses user analyses,
+ getAnalysis = \case
+ Auth.NoSuchUser -> \_ -> throwError err401 {errBody = "No such user"}
+ Auth.BadPassword -> \_ -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Bad password"}
+ Auth.Indefinite -> \_ -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Incorrect authentication method"}
+ Auth.Authenticated user -> \analysisId ->
+ do
+ -- Acid.query' kp ( GetAnalysisById analysisId) >>= \case
+ GetAnalysisById analysisId
+ |> Acid.query' kp
+ >>= \case
+ Nothing -> panic "404"
+ Just analysis -> pure <| HtmlApp <| AnalysisDisplay user analysis,
githubAnalysis = \case
- Auth.NoSuchUser -> panic "No such user"
- Auth.BadPassword -> panic "Bad password"
- Auth.Indefinite -> panic "Incorrect authentication method"
+ Auth.NoSuchUser -> \_ _ -> throwError err401 {errBody = "No such user"}
+ Auth.BadPassword -> \_ _ -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Bad password"}
+ Auth.Indefinite -> \_ _ -> throwError err401 {errBody = "Incorrect authentication method"}
Auth.Authenticated user@User {..} -> \owner repo ->
- liftIO
- <| analyzeGitHub
- kp
- user
- cfg
- owner
- repo
+ analyzeGitHub kp user cfg owner repo
+ |> liftIO
>>= AnalysisDisplay user
.> HtmlApp
.> pure,
@@ -780,42 +830,58 @@ instance Lucid.ToHtml Home where
h1 = Lucid.h1_
h2 = Lucid.h2_ <. markdown
-data UserHome = UserHome User [Analysis]
+data Analyses = Analyses User [Analysis]
+instance Lucid.ToHtml Analyses where
+ toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
+ toHtml (Analyses user@User {..} analyses) = do
+ header <| Just user
+ Lucid.main_ <| do
+ Lucid.section_ <| do
+ Lucid.h2_ "Your Analyses"
+ Lucid.p_
+ <| Lucid.a_
+ [Lucid.linkHref_ "/" <| fieldLink selectRepo]
+ "Analyze one of your repos"
+ Lucid.div_ <| do
+ forM_ analyses <| \Analysis {..} ->
+ Lucid.a_ [href analysisId, style <| Biz.Look.marginAll (em 1)] <| do
+ Lucid.div_ <| Lucid.toHtml url
+ Lucid.div_ [style <| Clay.fontSizeCustom Clay.Font.small]
+ <| Lucid.toHtml commit
+ footer
+ where
+ href aid = Lucid.linkHref_ "/" <| fieldLink getAnalysis aid
+newtype UserAccount = UserAccount User
instance Lucid.ToHtml Subscription where
toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
toHtml Free = "Free"
toHtml Invoice = "Invoice me"
-instance Lucid.ToHtml UserHome where
+linkAction_ :: ToHttpApiData a => Text -> a -> Lucid.Attribute
+linkAction_ baseUrl = Lucid.action_ <. (baseUrl <>) <. Servant.toUrlPiece
+instance Lucid.ToHtml UserAccount where
toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
- toHtml (UserHome user@User {..} analyses) = do
+ toHtml (UserAccount user@User {..}) = do
header <| Just user
Lucid.main_ <| do
Lucid.h1_ <. Lucid.toHtml <| "Welcome, " <> email <> "!"
Lucid.section_ <| do
Lucid.h2_ "Subscription"
- Lucid.p_ <| do
- "You are currently on the "
- Lucid.strong_ <| Lucid.toHtml userSubscription
- " plan."
+ let action = linkAction_ "/" <| fieldLink postAccount
+ Lucid.form_ [action, Lucid.method_ "post"] <| do
+ let name = "user-subscription"
+ Lucid.label_ [Lucid.for_ name] "Your plan:"
+ Lucid.select_ [Lucid.name_ name] <| do
+ Lucid.option_ [Lucid.value_ "Free"] <| Lucid.toHtml userSubscription
+ Lucid.input_ [Lucid.type_ "submit", Lucid.value_ "Save"]
when (userSubscription == Invoice) <| do
Lucid.p_ "You will received an invoice by email next month."
- Lucid.section_ <| do
- Lucid.h2_ "Your Analyses"
- Lucid.div_ <| do
- forM_ analyses <| \Analysis {..} ->
- Lucid.a_ [{- href analysisId, -} style <| Biz.Look.marginAll (em 1)] <| do
- Lucid.div_ <| Lucid.toHtml url
- Lucid.div_ [style <| Clay.fontSizeCustom Clay.Font.small]
- <| Lucid.toHtml commit
- Lucid.p_
- <| Lucid.a_
- [Lucid.linkHref_ "/" <| fieldLink selectRepo]
- "Analyze one of your repos"
- -- href aid = Lucid.linkHref_ "/" <| fieldLink analysis analysisId
UserEmail email = userEmail
style :: Clay.Css -> Lucid.Attribute
@@ -837,7 +903,7 @@ auth ::
JWK ->
OAuthArgs ->
Maybe Text ->
- Handler (SetCookies (HtmlApp UserHome))
+ Handler (SetCookies (HtmlApp UserAccount))
auth _ _ _ _ Nothing = panic "no code from github api"
auth keep cooks jwt oAuthArgs (Just code) = do
token <- liftIO <| getAccessToken oAuthArgs code
@@ -847,11 +913,10 @@ auth keep cooks jwt oAuthArgs (Just code) = do
Right user -> return user
user <- liftIO <| upsertGitHubUser keep token ghUser
mApplyCookies <- liftIO <| Auth.acceptLogin cooks (Auth.defaultJWTSettings jwt) user
- analyses <- Acid.query' keep <| GetAnalysesByAsker user
case mApplyCookies of
Nothing -> panic "login didn't work"
- -- I think this should redirect to instead of rendering UserHome
- Just applyCookies -> return <. applyCookies <. HtmlApp <| UserHome user analyses
+ -- I think this should redirect to instead of rendering UserAccount
+ Just applyCookies -> return <. applyCookies <. HtmlApp <| UserAccount user
-- | POST to GitHub's oAuth service and return the user's oAuth token.
-- TODO: I can also get access scope etc from this response
@@ -861,13 +926,14 @@ getAccessToken ::
-- | This should be GitHub.Token but GitHub.Auth doesn't export Token.
IO ByteString
getAccessToken OAuthArgs {..} code =
- accessTokenRequest
- >>= Req.responseBody
- /> access_token
- /> Encoding.encodeUtf8
- /> return
- |> Req.runReq Req.defaultHttpConfig
+ Req.runReq Req.defaultHttpConfig <| do
+ x <- accessTokenRequest
+ Req.responseBody x
+ |> access_token
+ |> Encoding.encodeUtf8
+ |> return
+ accessTokenRequest :: Req.Req (Req.JsonResponse OAuthResponse)
accessTokenRequest =
@@ -922,7 +988,7 @@ encodeParams :: [(Text, Text)] -> Text
encodeParams =
<. LBS.toStrict
- <. Web.FormUrlEncoded.urlEncodeParams
+ <. Web.urlEncodeParams
-- | Login button for GitHub.
tryButton :: OAuthArgs -> Lucid.Html ()
@@ -945,7 +1011,9 @@ header muser =
li "Login" <| fieldLink login
li "Pricing" <| fieldLink home
Just _ ->
- Lucid.ul_ <. li "My Account" <| fieldLink account
+ Lucid.ul_ <| do
+ li "Analyses" <| fieldLink getAnalyses
+ li "Account" <| fieldLink getAccount
a txt href =
Lucid.a_ [Lucid.linkHref_ "/" href] txt