path: root/Biz/Dragons.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz/Dragons.hs')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Dragons.hs b/Biz/Dragons.hs
index e6b5368..8a2ad3f 100644
--- a/Biz/Dragons.hs
+++ b/Biz/Dragons.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
--- Developer allocation
+-- website and service
-- : out dragons
-- : sys cmark
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ import qualified Clay.Font
import qualified Clay.Render as Clay
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
-import Crypto.JOSE.JWK (JWK)
import Data.Acid (makeAcidic)
import qualified Data.Acid as Acid
import qualified Data.Acid.Advanced as Acid
@@ -70,7 +69,6 @@ import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Time
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
--- import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as Vector
import qualified GitHub
import qualified Lucid
import qualified Lucid.Base as Lucid
@@ -99,8 +97,9 @@ import qualified Web.FormUrlEncoded as Web
-- don't, there will be a runtime exception when you try to start the new
-- service. I'm not sure how to guard against this, except maybe run a test
-- deployment by copying a database backup locally, or something:
-- rm -rf _/var/dragons
--- rsync -avz /var/dragons/ _/var
+-- rsync -avz /var/dragons _/var
newtype UserEmail = UserEmail {unUserEmail :: Maybe Text}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic, Show)
@@ -164,9 +163,40 @@ instance Auth.FromJWT Subscription
$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Subscription)
+newtype Password = NotHashed ByteString -- not secure, yet
+ deriving (Data, Ord, Eq, Typeable, Generic, Show)
+instance Aeson.ToJSON Password where
+ toJSON (NotHashed bs) = Aeson.toJSON (str bs :: Text)
+-- toJSON (NotHashed bs) = str bs
+instance Aeson.FromJSON Password where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withText "String" (str .> NotHashed .> pure)
+instance Lucid.ToHtml Password where
+ toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
+ toHtml (NotHashed txt) = Lucid.toHtml txt
+$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Password)
+data APIKey = APIKey
+ { -- | JWT token created with 'Servant.Auth.Server.makeJWT'
+ token :: Password,
+ created :: Time.UTCTime
+ }
+ deriving (Data, Ord, Eq, Typeable, Generic, Show)
+instance Aeson.ToJSON APIKey
+instance Aeson.FromJSON APIKey
+$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''APIKey)
data User0 = User0
{ userEmail :: UserEmail,
userGitHubId :: GitHubId,
+ userGitHubHandle :: GitHubHandle,
-- | So we can make GitHub API calls on their behalf.
userGitHubToken :: Text,
userSubscription :: Subscription,
@@ -185,9 +215,10 @@ data User = User
-- | So we can make GitHub API calls on their behalf.
userGitHubToken :: Text,
userSubscription :: Subscription,
- userId :: Id.Id User
+ userId :: Id.Id User,
+ userKeys :: [APIKey]
- deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Ord, Generic, Show)
+ deriving (Data, Ord, Eq, Typeable, Generic, Show)
instance Aeson.ToJSON User
@@ -202,7 +233,7 @@ instance SafeCopy.Migrate User where
migrate User0 {..} =
{ userId = (Proxy :: Proxy User) <| Id.untag userId,
- userGitHubHandle = GitHubHandle "unknown",
+ userKeys = mempty,
@@ -222,18 +253,26 @@ instance Lucid.ToHtml Commit where
$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Commit)
-newtype URL = URL Text
+data Source
+ = -- | We got this from a code forge like GitHub or GitLab
+ ForgeURL Text
+ | -- | We got this from a dragons-cli upload
+ CLISubmission
deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Ord, Generic, Show)
-instance Envy.Var URL where
- toVar (URL txt) = str txt
- fromVar = Just <. URL <. str
+instance Envy.Var Source where
+ toVar (ForgeURL txt) = str txt
+ toVar CLISubmission = "dragons-cli upload"
-instance Lucid.ToHtml URL where
+ -- NOTE: this assumes forge URL!
+ fromVar = Just <. ForgeURL <. str
+instance Lucid.ToHtml Source where
toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
- toHtml (URL txt) = Lucid.toHtml txt
+ toHtml (ForgeURL txt) = Lucid.toHtml txt
+ toHtml CLISubmission = Lucid.toHtml ("dragons-cli upload" :: Text)
-$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''URL)
+$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Source)
data Visibility = Public | Private
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Show, Data, Typeable)
@@ -305,7 +344,7 @@ instance Lucid.ToHtml AnalysisAction where
Lucid.div_ [Lucid.id_ "analysis"] <| do
let Analysis {..} = analysis
Lucid.p_ [Lucid.class_ "analysisFor"] <| do
- "Analysis for " <> Lucid.toHtml url
+ "Analysis for " <> Lucid.toHtml source
score_ <| do
title_ "Total Score"
@@ -468,7 +507,7 @@ data AnalysisAction = AnalysisAction
-- | Who asked for this analysis
askedBy :: Id.Id User,
-- | Where is this coming from?
- url :: URL,
+ source :: Source,
-- | Is the URL publically visible?
repoVisibility :: Visibility,
-- | The actual analaysis
@@ -484,7 +523,7 @@ instance Indexable AnalysisAction where
[ ixFun <| \AnalysisAction {..} -> [analysisId],
ixFun <| \AnalysisAction {..} -> [askedBy],
- ixFun <| \AnalysisAction {..} -> [url],
+ ixFun <| \AnalysisAction {..} -> [source],
ixFun <| \AnalysisAction {..} -> [repoVisibility],
ixFun <| \AnalysisAction {..} -> [commit analysis]
@@ -517,6 +556,13 @@ updateUser u@User {..} = do
put <| keep {users = IxSet.updateIx userGitHubId u (users keep)}
pure u
+createUserAPIKey :: APIKey -> User -> Acid.Update Keep User
+createUserAPIKey key u@User {..} = do
+ keep <- get
+ let newUser = u {userKeys = key : userKeys}
+ put <| keep {users = IxSet.updateIx userGitHubId newUser <| users keep}
+ pure newUser
getUserByEmail :: UserEmail -> Acid.Query Keep (Maybe User)
getUserByEmail email = do
Keep {..} <- ask
@@ -558,15 +604,15 @@ getAnalysesByAsker User {..} = do
Keep {..} <- ask
pure <| IxSet.toList <| analyses @= userId
-getAnalysesByUrl :: URL -> Acid.Query Keep [AnalysisAction]
-getAnalysesByUrl url = do
+getAnalysesBySource :: Source -> Acid.Query Keep [AnalysisAction]
+getAnalysesBySource src = do
Keep {..} <- ask
- pure <| IxSet.toList <| analyses @= url
+ pure <| IxSet.toList <| analyses @= src
-getAnalysisByUrlAndCommit :: URL -> Commit -> Acid.Query Keep (Maybe AnalysisAction)
-getAnalysisByUrlAndCommit url sha = do
+getAnalysisBySourceAndCommit :: Source -> Commit -> Acid.Query Keep (Maybe AnalysisAction)
+getAnalysisBySourceAndCommit src sha = do
Keep {..} <- ask
- pure <| IxSet.getOne <| analyses @= url &&& analyses @= sha
+ pure <| IxSet.getOne <| analyses @= src &&& analyses @= sha
$( makeAcidic
@@ -579,8 +625,9 @@ $( makeAcidic
- 'getAnalysesByUrl,
- 'getAnalysisByUrlAndCommit
+ 'getAnalysesBySource,
+ 'getAnalysisBySourceAndCommit,
+ 'createUserAPIKey
@@ -610,7 +657,8 @@ upsertGitHubUser keep tok ghUser =
GitHubHandle <| GitHub.untagName <| GitHub.userLogin ghUser,
userGitHubToken = Encoding.decodeUtf8 tok,
userSubscription = Free,
- userId = mempty
+ userId = mempty,
+ userKeys = mempty
|> Acid.update keep
/> Right
@@ -689,8 +737,8 @@ startup quiet = do
cfg <- Envy.decodeWithDefaults Envy.defConfig
oAuthArgs <- Envy.decodeWithDefaults Envy.defConfig
kp <- Acid.openLocalStateFrom (keep cfg) init :: IO (Acid.AcidState Keep)
- jwk <- Auth.generateKey
- let URL url = homeExample cfg
+ jwk <- Auth.generateKey -- TODO: store this in a file somewhere
+ let ForgeURL url = homeExample cfg
unless quiet <| do ["boot", "dragons"] >> ["boot", "area", show <| area cfg] >>
@@ -703,7 +751,7 @@ startup quiet = do
Test -> testCookieSettings
Live -> liveCookieSettings
let ctx = cooks :. jwtCfg :. EmptyContext
- let app = serveWithContext paths ctx (toServant <| htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs)
+ let app = serveWithContext paths ctx (toServant <| htmlApp jwtCfg cooks kp cfg oAuthArgs)
unless quiet <| do ["boot", "ready"] >>
pure (cfg, app, kp)
@@ -769,7 +817,7 @@ data Config = Config
tokn :: Text,
-- | The example shown on the homepage
- homeExample :: URL
+ homeExample :: Source
deriving (Generic, Show)
@@ -781,7 +829,7 @@ instance Envy.DefConfig Config where
keep = "_/var/dragons/keep",
area = Test,
tokn = mempty,
- homeExample = URL ""
+ homeExample = ForgeURL ""
instance Envy.FromEnv Config
@@ -854,6 +902,12 @@ data Paths path = Paths
:> "account"
:> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] Subscription
:> Post '[Lucid.HTML] (App.Html UserAccount),
+ postAPIKey ::
+ path
+ :- Auth.Auth '[Auth.Cookie] User
+ :> "account"
+ :> "api-key"
+ :> Post '[Lucid.HTML] (App.Html UserAccount),
selectRepo ::
:- Auth.Auth '[Auth.Cookie] User
@@ -876,6 +930,12 @@ data Paths path = Paths
:> "analysis"
:> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] SubmitAnalysis
:> Post '[Lucid.HTML] (App.Html AnalysisDisplay),
+ putAnalysis ::
+ path
+ :- Auth.Auth '[Auth.JWT] User
+ :> "analysis"
+ :> ReqBody '[JSON] Analysis
+ :> Put '[JSON] NoContent,
admin ::
:- Auth.Auth '[Auth.Cookie] User
@@ -887,6 +947,8 @@ data Paths path = Paths
paths :: Proxy (ToServantApi Paths)
paths = genericApi (Proxy :: Proxy Paths)
+-- | Ensures a user is authenticated, then returns the logged-in user for
+-- authorization.
guardAuth ::
MonadError ServerError m =>
Auth.AuthResult a ->
@@ -924,17 +986,17 @@ guardScope =
-- | Main HTML handlers for all paths.
htmlApp ::
+ Auth.JWTSettings ->
Auth.CookieSettings ->
Acid.AcidState Keep ->
Config ->
- JWK ->
Auth.GitHub ->
Paths AsServer
-htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs =
+htmlApp jwtCfg cooks kp cfg oAuthArgs =
{ home =
homeExample cfg
- |> GetAnalysesByUrl
+ |> GetAnalysesBySource
|> Acid.query' kp
/> head
/> Home oAuthArgs
@@ -960,7 +1022,7 @@ htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs =
+> upsertGitHubUser kp (Encoding.encodeUtf8 access_token)
.> liftIO
+> either warn pure
- Auth.acceptLogin cooks (Auth.defaultJWTSettings jwk) user
+ Auth.acceptLogin cooks jwtCfg user
|> liftIO
+> \case
Nothing -> throwError err502 {errBody = "login didn't work"}
@@ -980,6 +1042,18 @@ htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs =
+> UserAccount
.> App.Html
.> pure,
+ postAPIKey =
+ guardAuth >=> \user -> do
+ created <- liftIO <| Time.getCurrentTime
+ token <-
+ Auth.makeJWT user jwtCfg (Just created)
+ |> liftIO
+ +> \case
+ Left error -> throwError <| err500 {errBody = str <| (show error :: String)}
+ Right token -> pure <| NotHashed <| LBS.toStrict token
+ let apiKey = APIKey {..}
+ newUser <- Acid.update' kp (CreateUserAPIKey apiKey user)
+ pure <| App.Html <| UserAccount <| newUser,
selectRepo =
>=> \user@User {..} ->
@@ -1021,6 +1095,14 @@ htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs =
+> AnalysisDisplay user
.> App.Html
.> pure,
+ putAnalysis = \a analysis ->
+ guardAuth a
+ +> \User {..} ->
+ AnalysisAction {analysisId = mempty, askedBy = userId, source = CLISubmission, repoVisibility = Private, ..}
+ |> CreateAnalysis
+ |> Acid.update kp
+ |> liftIO
+ >> pure NoContent,
admin =
>=> \user -> do
@@ -1295,7 +1377,7 @@ instance Lucid.ToHtml Analyses where
<> Clay.textDecoration Clay.none
<| do
- Lucid.div_ <| Lucid.toHtml url
+ Lucid.div_ <| Lucid.toHtml source
Lucid.div_ [css <| Clay.fontSizeCustom Clay.Font.small]
<| Lucid.toHtml (commit analysis)
@@ -1305,7 +1387,12 @@ instance Lucid.ToHtml Analyses where
newtype UserAccount = UserAccount User
instance App.HasCss UserAccount where
- cssFor (UserAccount _) = mempty
+ cssFor (UserAccount _) = do
+ "ul.apikeys" ? do
+ Clay.listStyleType Clay.none
+ Biz.Look.paddingAll (em 0)
+ "li" ? do
+ Clay.overflowX Clay.scroll
instance Lucid.ToHtml Subscription where
toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml
@@ -1337,6 +1424,16 @@ instance Lucid.ToHtml UserAccount where
Lucid.input_ [Lucid.type_ "submit", Lucid.value_ "Save"]
when (userSubscription == Invoice) <| do
Lucid.p_ "Thanks! You will receive an invoice by email every month."
+ Lucid.section_ <| do
+ Lucid.h2_ "API Keys"
+ case userKeys of
+ [] -> Lucid.p_ "No keys yet!"
+ ks ->
+ Lucid.ul_ [Lucid.class_ "apikeys"] <| forM_ ks <| \APIKey {..} ->
+ Lucid.li_ <| Lucid.toHtml token
+ let action = linkAction_ "/" <| fieldLink postAPIKey
+ Lucid.form_ [action, Lucid.method_ "post"] <| do
+ Lucid.input_ [Lucid.type_ "submit", Lucid.value_ "Create"]
isSelected sel =
@@ -1515,10 +1612,10 @@ instance Lucid.ToHtml AnalysisDisplay where
-- | Run a full analysis on a git repo
-analyze :: Acid.AcidState Keep -> Id.Id User -> [Text] -> URL -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO AnalysisAction
-analyze keep askedBy activeAuthors url bareRepo repoPrivate = do
+analyze :: Acid.AcidState Keep -> Id.Id User -> [Text] -> Source -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO AnalysisAction
+analyze keep askedBy activeAuthors src bareRepo repoPrivate = do
commit <- Sha </ Text.strip </ Text.pack </ Analysis.git bareRepo ["log", "-n1", "--format=%H"]
- Acid.query keep (GetAnalysisByUrlAndCommit url commit) +> \case
+ Acid.query keep (GetAnalysisBySourceAndCommit src commit) +> \case
Just analysis -> pure analysis
Nothing -> activeAuthors bareRepo
@@ -1527,6 +1624,7 @@ analyze keep askedBy activeAuthors url bareRepo repoPrivate = do
{ analysisId = mempty,
analysis = a,
repoVisibility = repoPrivate ?: (Private, Public),
+ source = src,
@@ -1555,7 +1653,8 @@ test_spliceCreds =
userGitHubId = GitHubId 0,
userGitHubToken = "token",
userSubscription = Free,
- userId = mempty
+ userId = mempty,
+ userKeys = mempty
-- | Clones a repo from GitHub and does the analysis.
@@ -1589,7 +1688,7 @@ analyzeGitHub keep user@User {userId} ghAuth depo o r = do
let cloningUrl = if GitHub.repoPrivate repo then spliceCreds user canonicalUrl else canonicalUrl
let worktree = depo </> removeScheme canonicalUrl <.> "git"
bareRepo <- fetchBareRepo cloningUrl worktree
- analyze keep userId activeAuthors (URL canonicalUrl) bareRepo (GitHub.repoPrivate repo)
+ analyze keep userId activeAuthors (ForgeURL canonicalUrl) bareRepo (GitHub.repoPrivate repo)
ghOwner = GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Owner) o
ghRepo = GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Repo) r
@@ -1636,7 +1735,7 @@ test_analyzeGitHub load =
(depo c)
- url @?= URL ""
+ source @?= ForgeURL ""
-- bareRepo @?= depo c <> "/"
let Analysis {..} = analysis
length activeAuthors @?= 2
@@ -1658,7 +1757,7 @@ test_analyzeGitHub load =
(depo c)
- url @?= URL ""
+ source @?= ForgeURL ""
-- bareRepo @?= depo c <> "/"
@@ -1669,7 +1768,8 @@ test_analyzeGitHub load =
userGitHubId = GitHubId 0,
userGitHubToken = tokn c,
userSubscription = Free,
- userId = mempty
+ userId = mempty,
+ userKeys = mempty
-- | Clone the repo to @<Config.depo>/<url>@. If repo already exists, just do a