path: root/Biz
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Pie.hs b/Biz/Pie.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8334e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Biz/Pie.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+-- | [P]roduct [I]mprovement [E]ngine
+-- A product improvement engine must measure two things:
+-- 1. Is your product built?
+-- 2. Do you have product-market fit?
+-- Let's use an analogy: building a startup is like jumping off a clif and
+-- assembling a plane on the way down. As nsroach the ground at terminal
+-- velocity, only two questions are relevant: Is the plane built? Does it fly?
+-- Nothing else matters.
+-- So, Pie is a program that records answers to these two things and then
+-- reports on whether we are making the correct progress.
+-- This is inspired by a few things:
+-- - YC's Startup School has a build sprint questionnaire
+-- - Sam Altman's startup playbook: "You want to build a 'product improvement
+-- engine' in your company."
+-- - Sean Ellis' question: "How would you feel if you could no longer use this
+-- product? (a) Very disappointed, (b) somewhat disappointed, (c) not
+-- disappointed" and then measure the percentage who answer (a).
+module Biz.Pie
+ ( main,
+ )
+import Alpha
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
+import Options.Applicative.Simple
+import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as Haskeline
+import qualified System.Directory as Directory
+import qualified System.Exit as Exit
+import qualified System.Process as Process
+import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
+import qualified Text.Parsec.String as Parsec
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ (ns, mov) <-
+ simpleOptions
+ "dev"
+ "[P]roduct [I]mprovement [E]ngine"
+ "manages .pie files, records data from product build sprints and user testing"
+ ( strArgument
+ <| help "the namespace of the app you are working on"
+ <> metavar "NAMESPACE"
+ <> value "Devalloc"
+ )
+ <| do
+ addCommand
+ "start"
+ "start a sprint"
+ (const . move Start)
+ (pure mempty)
+ addCommand
+ "update"
+ "submit update"
+ (const . move Update)
+ (pure mempty)
+ addCommand
+ "feedback"
+ "submit user feedback"
+ (const . move Feedback)
+ (pure mempty)
+ form <- loadForm ns
+ newForm <- mov form {namespace = ns}
+ saveForm ns newForm
+type Namespace = String
+data Form = Form {namespace :: Namespace, roll :: [Entry]}
+ deriving (Generic, Aeson.ToJSON, Aeson.FromJSON, Show)
+instance Monoid Form where
+ mempty = Form "" []
+instance Semigroup Form where
+ a <> b = Form (namespace a <> namespace b) (roll a <> roll b)
+formFile :: String -> FilePath
+formFile ns = ns ++ ".pie"
+loadForm :: Namespace -> IO Form
+loadForm ns = Directory.doesFileExist file >>= \case
+ False -> touch file >> return mempty
+ True -> Aeson.decodeFileStrict file >>= \case
+ Nothing -> panic $ Text.pack $ "could not decode: " ++ file
+ Just x -> return x
+ where
+ file = formFile ns
+ touch f = writeFile f ""
+saveForm :: Namespace -> Form -> IO ()
+saveForm ns = Aeson.encodeFile (formFile ns)
+data Move
+ = Start
+ | Update
+ | Feedback
+move :: Move -> Form -> IO Form
+move mov form = case mov of
+ Start ->
+ let branch = namespace form ++ "/sprint"
+ in Process.spawnProcess "git" ["show-ref", branch]
+ >>= Process.waitForProcess
+ >>= \case
+ Exit.ExitSuccess ->
+ Process.callProcess "git" ["switch", branch]
+ Exit.ExitFailure _ ->
+ Process.callProcess "git" ["switch", "-c", branch]
+ >> return form
+ Update -> Haskeline.runInputT Haskeline.defaultSettings $ do
+ timestamp <- liftIO Clock.getCurrentTime
+ onTrack <- parseBool </ question "Are you on track?"
+ isLaunched <- parseBool </ question "Are you launched?"
+ weeksUntilLaunch <- parseInt </ question "How many weeks to launch?"
+ usersTalkedWith <- parseInt </ question "Haw many (prospective) users have you talked to in the last week?"
+ learnings <- parseText </ question "What have you learned from them?"
+ morale <- parseInt </ question "On a scale of 1-10, what is your morale?"
+ mostImprovement <- parseText </ question "What most improved your primary metric?"
+ biggestObstacle <- parseText </ question "What is your biggest obstacle?"
+ goals <- parseText </ question "What are your top 1-3 goals for next week?"
+ return <| form {roll = BuildSprint {..} : (roll form)}
+ Feedback -> Haskeline.runInputT Haskeline.defaultSettings $ do
+ timestamp <- liftIO Clock.getCurrentTime
+ user <- parseText </ question "User?"
+ howDisappointed <- parseDisappointment </ question "How disappointed? (1=very, 2=somewhat, 3=not)"
+ return <| form {roll = UserFeedback {..} : (roll form)}
+question :: String -> Haskeline.InputT IO String
+question q = Maybe.fromJust </ (Haskeline.getInputLine <| q ++ " ")
+data Entry
+ = BuildSprint
+ { timestamp :: Clock.UTCTime,
+ -- | Last week your goals were X. As of now, do you feel like you're on
+ -- track to hit your goals?
+ onTrack :: Bool,
+ -- | Are you launched?
+ isLaunched :: Bool,
+ -- | How many weeks to launch?
+ weeksUntilLaunch :: Int,
+ -- | Haw many (prospective) users have you talked to in the last week?
+ usersTalkedWith :: Int,
+ -- | What have you learned from them?
+ learnings :: Text,
+ -- | On a scale of 1-10, what is your morale?
+ morale :: Int,
+ -- | What most improved your primary metric?
+ mostImprovement :: Text,
+ -- | What is your biggest obstacle?
+ biggestObstacle :: Text,
+ -- | What are your top 1-3 goals for next week?
+ goals :: Text
+ }
+ | UserFeedback
+ { timestamp :: Clock.UTCTime,
+ user :: Text,
+ howDisappointed :: Disappointment
+ }
+ deriving (Generic, Aeson.ToJSON, Aeson.FromJSON, Show)
+data Disappointment = Very | Somewhat | NotAtAll
+ deriving (Generic, Aeson.ToJSON, Aeson.FromJSON, Show)
+-- helpers for parsing user input
+parseInput :: Parsec.Parser a -> String -> Either Parsec.ParseError a
+parseInput p = Parsec.parse (p <* Parsec.eof) ""
+parseDisappointment :: String -> Disappointment
+parseDisappointment s = case parseInt s of
+ 1 -> Very
+ 2 -> Somewhat
+ 3 -> NotAtAll
+ _ -> panic "could not parse disappointment"
+parseText :: String -> Text
+parseText s =
+ parseInput (Parsec.many1 Parsec.anyChar) s
+ |> fromRight ""
+ |> Text.pack
+parseBool :: String -> Bool
+parseBool s =
+ parseInput (Parsec.oneOf "yn") s
+ /> (== 'y')
+ |> fromRight False
+parseInt :: String -> Int
+parseInt s =
+ parseInput (Parsec.many1 Parsec.digit /> readMaybe) s
+ /> Maybe.fromJust
+ |> fromRight 0