path: root/Biz
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz')
2 files changed, 69 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Bild.hs b/Biz/Bild.hs
index c1cd24f..c55693d 100644
--- a/Biz/Bild.hs
+++ b/Biz/Bild.hs
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@
module Biz.Bild where
import Alpha hiding (sym, (<.>))
+import Biz.Namespace (Namespace)
+import qualified Biz.Namespace as Namespace
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.String as String
@@ -127,7 +129,6 @@ import qualified System.Console.Docopt as Docopt
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
import qualified System.Environment as Env
import System.FilePath ((</>))
-import qualified System.FilePath as File
import qualified System.Process as Process
import qualified Text.Regex.Applicative as Regex
import qualified Prelude
@@ -151,12 +152,6 @@ Options:
-v, --verbose Show output from underlying compiler
-data Ext = Hs | Scm | Nix
- deriving (Show)
-data Namespace = Namespace [String] Ext
- deriving (Show)
type Dep = String
type Out = String
@@ -187,14 +182,10 @@ analyze s = do
host <- chomp </ readFile "/etc/hostname"
cwd <- Dir.getCurrentDirectory
let path = cwd </> s
- namespace =
- require "namespace"
- <| path
- |> reps root ""
- |> List.stripPrefix "/"
- >>= Regex.match metaNamespace
- case File.takeExtension path of
- ".hs" -> do
+ let namespace@(Namespace.Namespace _ ext) =
+ require "namespace" <| Namespace.fromPath root path
+ case ext of
+ Namespace.Hs -> do
content <- String.lines </ Prelude.readFile path
let out = content /> Regex.match metaOut |> catMaybes |> head |> require "out"
let compiler = if ".js" `List.isSuffixOf` out then Ghcjs else Ghc
@@ -204,7 +195,7 @@ analyze s = do
builder = user <> "@localhost",
- ".nix" ->
+ Namespace.Nix ->
{ deps = [],
@@ -223,7 +214,7 @@ analyze s = do
- ".scm" ->
+ Namespace.Scm ->
{ deps = [],
@@ -232,14 +223,13 @@ analyze s = do
builder = user <> "@localhost",
- e -> panic <| "bild does not know this extension: " <> Text.pack e
build :: Target -> IO ()
build target@Target {..} = do
root <- Env.getEnv "BIZ_ROOT"
case compiler of
Ghc -> do
- putText <| "bild: dev: ghc: " <> nsToPath namespace
+ putText <| "bild: dev: ghc: " <> Namespace.toPath namespace
let outDir = root </> "_/bild/dev/bin"
Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True outDir
putText <| "bild: dev: local: " <> Text.pack builder
@@ -254,12 +244,12 @@ build target@Target {..} = do
- nsToHaskellModule namespace,
+ Namespace.toHaskellModule namespace,
outDir </> out
Ghcjs -> do
- putText <| "bild: dev: ghcjs: " <> nsToPath namespace
+ putText <| "bild: dev: ghcjs: " <> Namespace.toPath namespace
let outDir = root </> "_/bild/dev/static"
Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True outDir
putText <| "bild: dev: local: " <> Text.pack builder
@@ -274,17 +264,17 @@ build target@Target {..} = do
- nsToHaskellModule namespace,
+ Namespace.toHaskellModule namespace,
outDir </> out
Guile -> do
- putText <| "bild: dev: guile: " <> nsToPath namespace
+ putText <| "bild: dev: guile: " <> Namespace.toPath namespace
putText <| "bild: dev: local: " <> Text.pack builder
putText "bild: guile TODO"
putText <| show target
NixBuild -> do
- putText <| "bild: nix: " <> nsToPath namespace
+ putText <| "bild: nix: " <> Namespace.toPath namespace
let outDir = root </> "_/bild/nix"
Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True outDir
putText <| "bild: nix: remote: " <> Text.pack builder
@@ -292,7 +282,7 @@ build target@Target {..} = do
[ path,
- outDir </> (Text.unpack <| nsToPath namespace),
+ outDir </> (Text.unpack <| Namespace.toPath namespace),
-- Set default arguments to nix functions
@@ -310,42 +300,8 @@ build target@Target {..} = do
-nsToHaskellModule :: Namespace -> String
-nsToHaskellModule (Namespace parts Hs) = joinWith "." parts
-nsToHaskellModule (Namespace _ ext) =
- panic <| "can't convert " <> show ext <> " to a Haskell module"
-nsToPath :: Namespace -> Text
-nsToPath (Namespace parts ext) =
- Text.pack
- <| joinWith "/" parts
- <> "."
- <> lowercase (show ext)
-metaNamespace :: Regex.RE Char Namespace
-metaNamespace = Namespace </ path <* Regex.sym '.' <*> ext
- where
- name =
- Regex.many (Regex.psym Char.isUpper)
- <> Regex.many (Regex.psym Char.isLower)
- path = Regex.many (name <* Regex.string "/" <|> name)
- ext =
- Nix <$ Regex.string "nix"
- <|> Hs <$ Regex.string "hs"
- <|> Scm <$ Regex.string "scm"
metaDep :: Regex.RE Char Dep
metaDep = Regex.string "-- : dep " *> Regex.many (Regex.psym Char.isAlpha)
metaOut :: Regex.RE Char Out
metaOut = Regex.string "-- : out " *> Regex.many (Regex.psym (/= ' '))
--- | Replace 'a' in 's' with 'b'.
-reps :: String -> String -> String -> String
-reps a b s@(x : xs) =
- if isPrefixOf a s
- then -- then, write 'b' and replace jumping 'a' substring
- b ++ reps a b (drop (length a) s)
- else -- then, write 'x' char and try to replace tail string
- x : reps a b xs
-reps _ _ [] = []
diff --git a/Biz/Namespace.hs b/Biz/Namespace.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48ae1e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Biz/Namespace.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+module Biz.Namespace
+ ( Namespace (..),
+ Ext (..),
+ fromPath,
+ toPath,
+ toHaskellModule,
+ match,
+ )
+import Alpha
+import qualified Data.Char as Char
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Text.Regex.Applicative as Regex
+data Ext = Hs | Scm | Nix
+ deriving (Show)
+data Namespace = Namespace [String] Ext
+ deriving (Show)
+match :: String -> Maybe Namespace
+match = Regex.match <| Namespace </ path <* Regex.sym '.' <*> ext
+ where
+ name =
+ Regex.many (Regex.psym Char.isUpper)
+ <> Regex.many (Regex.psym Char.isLower)
+ path = Regex.many (name <* Regex.string "/" <|> name)
+ ext =
+ Nix <$ Regex.string "nix"
+ <|> Hs <$ Regex.string "hs"
+ <|> Scm <$ Regex.string "scm"
+fromPath :: String -> String -> Maybe Namespace
+fromPath bizRoot absPath =
+ List.stripPrefix bizRoot absPath
+ >>= List.stripPrefix "/"
+ >>= match
+toHaskellModule :: Namespace -> String
+toHaskellModule (Namespace parts Hs) = joinWith "." parts
+toHaskellModule (Namespace _ ext) =
+ panic <| "can't convert " <> show ext <> " to a Haskell module"
+toPath :: Namespace -> Text
+toPath (Namespace parts ext) =
+ Text.pack
+ <| joinWith "/" parts
+ <> "."
+ <> lowercase (show ext)