path: root/Biz
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz')
2 files changed, 59 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Bild.hs b/Biz/Bild.hs
index 35ba7f0..2526395 100644
--- a/Biz/Bild.hs
+++ b/Biz/Bild.hs
@@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ build target@Target {..} = do
putText <| show target
Nix -> do
putText <| "bild: nix: " <> Text.pack namespace
- cwd <- Dir.getCurrentDirectory
let outDir = root </> "_/bild/nix"
Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True outDir
putText <| "bild: nix: remote: " <> Text.pack builder
@@ -302,10 +301,6 @@ metaDep = Regex.string "-- : dep " *> Regex.many (Regex.psym Char.isAlpha)
metaOut :: Regex.RE Char Out
metaOut = Regex.string "-- : out " *> Regex.many (Regex.psym (/= ' '))
-require :: Text -> Maybe a -> a
-require _ (Just x) = x
-require s Nothing = panic <| s <> " not found"
-- | Replace 'a' in 's' with 'b'.
reps :: String -> String -> String -> String
reps a b s@(x : xs) =
diff --git a/Biz/Pie.hs b/Biz/Pie.hs
index d414a12..d3fca5f 100644
--- a/Biz/Pie.hs
+++ b/Biz/Pie.hs
@@ -45,12 +45,14 @@ where
import Alpha
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
+import qualified Data.Time as Time
import Options.Applicative.Simple
import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as Haskeline
import qualified System.Directory as Directory
+import qualified System.Environment as Env
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.Process as Process
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
@@ -63,80 +65,89 @@ main = do
"[P]roduct [I]mprovement [E]ngine"
"manages .pie files, records data from product build sprints and user testing"
- ( strArgument
- <| help "the namespace of the app you are working on"
- <> metavar "NAMESPACE"
- <> value "Devalloc"
- )
+ (pure mempty)
<| do
- "start"
- "start a sprint"
- (const . move Start)
+ "new"
+ "start new a weekly sprint"
+ (const . move New)
(pure mempty)
- "submit update"
- (const . move Update)
- (pure mempty)
+ "submit weekly update for a namespace"
+ (move . Update)
+ (optNamespace)
- "submit user feedback"
- (const . move Feedback)
- (pure mempty)
- form <- loadForm ns
- newForm <- mov form {namespace = ns}
- saveForm ns newForm
-type Namespace = String
-data Form = Form {namespace :: Namespace, roll :: [Entry]}
+ "submit user feedback for a namespace"
+ (move . Feedback)
+ (optNamespace)
+ cwd <- Directory.getCurrentDirectory
+ root <- Env.getEnv "BIZ_ROOT"
+ let fullNamespace =
+ require "namespace" <| List.stripPrefix "/"
+ <| ((cwd List.\\ root) <> "/" <> Text.unpack ns)
+ putText <| "ns:" <> ns
+ putText <| "fullNamespace:" <> ns
+ oldForm <- loadForm fullNamespace
+ newForm <- mov oldForm
+ saveForm (Text.unpack ns) newForm
+optNamespace :: Parser String
+optNamespace =
+ strOption
+ <| help "the namespace of the app you are working on"
+ <> long "namespace"
+ <> short 'n'
+ <> value "Devalloc"
+data Form = Form {roll :: [Entry]}
deriving (Generic, Aeson.ToJSON, Aeson.FromJSON, Show)
instance Monoid Form where
- mempty = Form "" []
+ mempty = Form []
instance Semigroup Form where
- a <> b = Form (namespace a <> namespace b) (roll a <> roll b)
+ a <> b = Form (roll a <> roll b)
formFile :: String -> FilePath
formFile ns = ns ++ ".pie"
-loadForm :: Namespace -> IO Form
+loadForm :: String -> IO Form
loadForm ns =
Directory.doesFileExist file >>= \case
- False -> touch file >> return mempty
+ False -> return mempty
True ->
Aeson.decodeFileStrict file >>= \case
Nothing -> panic <| Text.pack <| "could not decode: " ++ file
Just x -> return x
file = formFile ns
- touch f = writeFile f ""
-saveForm :: Namespace -> Form -> IO ()
-saveForm ns = Aeson.encodeFile (formFile ns)
+saveForm :: String -> Form -> IO ()
+saveForm "" _ = pure ()
+saveForm namespace form = Aeson.encodeFile (formFile namespace) form
data Move
- = Start
- | Update
- | Feedback
+ = New
+ | Update String
+ | Feedback String
move :: Move -> Form -> IO Form
move mov form = case mov of
- Start ->
- let branch = namespace form ++ "/sprint"
- in Process.spawnProcess "git" ["show-ref", branch]
- >>= Process.waitForProcess
- >>= \case
- Exit.ExitSuccess ->
- Process.callProcess "git" ["switch", branch]
- Exit.ExitFailure _ ->
- Process.callProcess "git" ["switch", "-c", branch]
- >> return form
- Update ->
+ New -> do
+ week <- Time.getCurrentTime >>= return . Time.formatTime Time.defaultTimeLocale "%V"
+ let branch = "sprint-" <> week
+ proc <- Process.spawnProcess "git" ["show-ref", branch]
+ Process.waitForProcess proc >>= \case
+ Exit.ExitSuccess ->
+ Process.callProcess "git" ["switch", branch]
+ Exit.ExitFailure _ ->
+ Process.callProcess "git" ["switch", "-c", branch]
+ >> return form
+ Update namespace ->
Haskeline.runInputT Haskeline.defaultSettings <| do
- timestamp <- liftIO Clock.getCurrentTime
+ timestamp <- liftIO Time.getCurrentTime
onTrack <- parseBool </ question "Are you on track?"
isLaunched <- parseBool </ question "Are you launched?"
weeksUntilLaunch <- parseInt </ question "How many weeks to launch?"
@@ -147,9 +158,9 @@ move mov form = case mov of
biggestObstacle <- parseText </ question "What is your biggest obstacle?"
goals <- parseText </ question "What are your top 1-3 goals for next week?"
return <| form {roll = BuildSprint {..} : roll form}
- Feedback ->
+ Feedback namespace ->
Haskeline.runInputT Haskeline.defaultSettings <| do
- timestamp <- liftIO Clock.getCurrentTime
+ timestamp <- liftIO Time.getCurrentTime
user <- parseText </ question "User?"
howDisappointed <- parseDisappointment </ question "How disappointed? (1=very, 2=somewhat, 3=not)"
return <| form {roll = UserFeedback {..} : roll form}
@@ -159,7 +170,7 @@ question q = Maybe.fromJust </ (Haskeline.getInputLine <| q ++ " ")
data Entry
= BuildSprint
- { timestamp :: Clock.UTCTime,
+ { timestamp :: Time.UTCTime,
-- | Last week your goals were X. As of now, do you feel like you're on
-- track to hit your goals?
onTrack :: Bool,
@@ -181,7 +192,7 @@ data Entry
goals :: Text
| UserFeedback
- { timestamp :: Clock.UTCTime,
+ { timestamp :: Time.UTCTime,
user :: Text,
howDisappointed :: Disappointment