path: root/Com/Simatime/Core.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'Com/Simatime/Core.scm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/Com/Simatime/Core.scm b/Com/Simatime/Core.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 83ded5d..0000000
--- a/Com/Simatime/Core.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (Com Simatime Core)
- #:use-module ((ice-9 format))
- #:export (
- ;; simple printing
- fmt printf pr prn
- ;; navigating data
- first next second rest
- ;; booleans
- true? false? nil nil?
- ;; dev helpers
- comment
- ))
-(define (flip f) (lambda (x y) (f y x)))
-(define (curry f a) (lambda (b) (apply f (cons a (list b)))))
-(define pos?
- (curry < 0))
-(define neg?
- (curry > 0))
-(define (foldr f end lst)
- (if (null? lst)
- end
- (f (car lst) (foldr f end (cdr lst)))))
-(define (foldl f acc lst)
- (if (null? lst)
- acc
- (foldl f (f acc (car lst)) (cdr lst))))
-(define fold foldl)
-(define (unfold f init pred)
- (if (pred init)
- (cons init '())
- (cons init (unfold f (f init) pred))))
-(define (sum lst) (fold + 0 lst))
-(define (produce lst) (fold * 1 lst))
-(define count length)
-;; clojure-like stuff
-(define (pr . a)
- (for-each display a))
-(define (prn . a) (apply pr a) (newline))
-(define (first a)
- "Return the first item in the collection."
- (car a))
-(define (rest a)
- "Returns a list of the items after the first."
- (cdr a))
-(define (next a)
- "Returns the next item after the first."
- (cadr a))
-;; same thing, easier to remember/read
-(define second next)
-(define (ffirst a)
- (first (first a)))
-(define (nnext a)
- (next (next a)))
-(define (last coll)
- "Return the last time in coll, in linear time."
- (if (next coll)
- (last coll)
- (first coll)))
-(define (butlast ls)
- "Return everthing execpt the last element in ls."
- (let ((len (length ls)))
- (list-head ls (- len 1))))
-(define (false? x)
- (eq? #f x))
-(define (true? x)
- (eq? #t x))
-(define nil #nil)
-(define (nil? x)
- (eq? nil x))
-;; Ignores body, returns nil.
-(define-syntax comment
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ ...) nil)))
- ;; nil is different from null. nil is supposed to be more like
- ;; 'Nothing' in Haskell, it is the absence of any value or type;
- ;; whereas null is specifically the empty list, which still has a type
- ;; of 'list'.
- (null? '()) ;; => #t
- (nil? '()) ;; => #f
- )
-(define (some pred coll)
- (or (pred (first coll))
- (some pred (next coll))))
-(define comp compose)
-(define (not-any? pred coll)
- (comp not some))
-(define (printf . args)
- (display (apply format args)))
-(define-syntax fmt
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ s args ...)
- (format #f s args ...))))
-;; If I implement ML-like interface abstractions in scheme, what would it look like?
-;; ;; seq
-;; (define-class <seq> () (_first))
-;; ;; Functor
-;; (define-class <functor> ())
-;; (define-method (fmap (f <procedure>) (coll <functor>)))
-;; ;; Applicative
-;; ;; a -> f a
-;; (define-method (pure (a <any>)))
-;; ;; f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-;; (define-method (<*> (f <procedure>) (a <applicative>) (b <applicative>)))
-;; ;; f a -> f b -> f b
-;; (define-method (*> (a <applicative>) (b <applicative>)))
-;; ;; f a -> f b -> f a
-;; (define-method (<* (a <applicative>) (b <applicative>)))