% que.run Tutorial ## Ques A que is a multi-consumer, multi-producer channel available anywhere you have a network connection. If you are familiar with Go channels, they are pretty much the same thing. Put some values in one end, and take them out the other end at a different time, or in a different process. Ques are created dynamically for every HTTP request you make. Here we use the `que` client to create a new que at the path `pub/new-que`: que pub/new-que The `que` client is useful, but you can use anything to make the HTTP request, for example here's the same thing with curl: curl https://que.run/pub/new-que These requests will block until a value is placed on the other end. Let's do that now. In a separate terminal: echo "hello world" | que pub/new-que - This tells the `que` client to read the value from `stdin` and then send it to `example/new-que`. Or with curl: curl https://que.run/pub/new-que -d "hello world" This will succeed immediately and send the string "`hello world`" over the channel, which will be received and printed by the listener in the other terminal. You can have as many producers and consumers attached to a channel as you want. ## Namespaces Ques are organized into namespaces, identified by the first fragment of the path. In the above commands we used `pub` as the namespace, which is a special publically-writable namespace. The other special namespace is `_` which is reserved for internal use only. You can't write to the `_` namespace. To use other namespaces and add authentication/access controls, you can [sign up for the Power package](/_/index). ## Events Just reading and writing data isn't very exciting, so let's throw in some events. We can very quickly put together a job processor. que pub/new-que --then "./worker.sh '{msg}'"