{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Hero.App where import Alpha import qualified Clay import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), defaultOptions, genericParseJSON, genericToJSON, ) import Data.Data (Data, Typeable) import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.List.Split as List import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.String import Data.String.Quote import Data.Text (Text, replace, toLower) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import qualified GHC.Show as Legacy import qualified Hero.Assets as Assets import Hero.Look as Look import Hero.Look.Typography import Miso import qualified Miso (for_) import Miso.Extend import Miso.String import Network.RemoteData import Servant.API ( (:<|>) (..), (:>), ) import qualified Servant.API as Api import Servant.Links (linkURI) -- | The css id for controling music in the comic player. audioId :: MisoString audioId = "audioSource" -- TODO: make ComicId a hashid -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hashids- newtype ComicId = ComicId String deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic, ToMisoString, IsString, Api.ToHttpApiData, Api.FromHttpApiData ) instance ToJSON ComicId where toJSON = genericToJSON Data.Aeson.defaultOptions instance FromJSON ComicId where parseJSON = genericParseJSON Data.Aeson.defaultOptions -- | Used for looking up images on S3, mostly comicSlug :: Comic -> Text comicSlug Comic {..} = snake comicName <> "-" <> comicIssue -- * user data User = User { userEmail :: Text, userName :: Text, userLibrary :: [Comic] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data, Ord) instance Semigroup User where a <> b = User (userEmail a <> userEmail b) (userName a <> userName b) (userLibrary a <> userLibrary b) instance Monoid User where mempty = User mempty mempty mempty instance ToJSON User where toJSON = genericToJSON Data.Aeson.defaultOptions instance FromJSON User where parseJSON = genericParseJSON Data.Aeson.defaultOptions -- | Class for rendering media objects in different ways. class IsMediaObject o where -- | Render a thumbnail for use in a shelf, or otherwise. thumbnail :: o -> View Action -- | Render a featured banner. feature :: o -> User -> View Action -- | Media info view info :: o -> User -> View Action -- | How much to Zoom the comic image type Magnification = Int -- | All the buttons. data Button = Watch Comic | Read Comic | Save Comic User | SaveIcon Comic User | ZoomIcon Magnification Comic Page | PlayPause MisoString AudioState | Arrow Action -- | Class for defining general, widely used elements in the heroverse. class Elemental v where el :: v -> View Action -- TODO: what if I just did this on all actions? -- then I could e.g. `el $ ToggleAudio audioId audioState` instance Elemental Button where el (PlayPause id model) = button_ [ class_ "button is-large icon", onClick $ ToggleAudio id ] [i_ [class_ $ "fa " <> icon] []] where icon = case model of Paused -> "fa-play-circle" Playing -> "fa-pause-circle" el (Arrow act) = button_ [class_ "button is-large turn-page", onClick act] [img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.demo <> image <> ".png"]] where image = case act of PrevPage -> "prev-page" NextPage -> "next-page" _ -> "prev-page" el (Save c u) = if c `elem` (userLibrary u) -- in library then a_ [class_ "wrs-button saved", onClick $ ToggleInLibrary c] [ img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.icon <> "save.svg"], span_ [] [text "saved"] ] else-- not in library a_ [class_ "wrs-button", onClick $ ToggleInLibrary c] [ img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.icon <> "save.svg"], span_ [] [text "save"] ] el (SaveIcon c u) = if c `elem` (userLibrary u) -- in library then button_ [ class_ "button is-large has-background-black", onClick $ ToggleInLibrary c ] [img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.demo <> "library-add.png"]] else-- not in library button_ [ class_ "button is-large has-background-black-bis", onClick $ ToggleInLibrary c ] [img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.demo <> "library-add.png"]] el (ZoomIcon zmodel comic page) = button_ [ id_ "zoom-button", class_ "button is-large", onClick $ ToggleZoom comic page ] [ img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.demo <> "zoom.png"], input_ [ type_ "range", min_ "0", max_ "100", disabled_ True, value_ $ ms (show zmodel :: String), class_ "ctrl", id_ "zoom" ], label_ [class_ "ctrl", Miso.for_ "zoom"] [text $ ms $ (show zmodel :: String) ++ "%"] ] el (Read c) = a_ [class_ "wrs-button", onClick $ SelectExperience c] [ img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.icon <> "read.svg"], span_ [] [text "read"] ] el (Watch c) = a_ [class_ "wrs-button", onClick $ StartWatching c] [ img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.icon <> "watch.svg"], span_ [] [text "watch"] ] data AudioState = Playing | Paused deriving (Show, Eq) data ComicReaderState = NotReading | Cover ComicId | ChooseExperience ComicId Page | Reading ComicReaderView ComicId Page | Watching ComicId deriving (Show, Eq) findComic :: ComicId -> [Comic] -> Maybe Comic findComic id = List.find (\c -> comicId c == id) -- | Main model for the app. -- -- Try to prefix component-specific state with the component initials: 'd' for -- discover, 'cp' for comic player. data Model = Model { uri :: Api.URI, appComics :: RemoteData MisoString [Comic], user :: User, dMediaInfo :: Maybe Comic, cpState :: ComicReaderState, cpAudioState :: AudioState, magnification :: Magnification } deriving (Show, Eq) initModel :: Api.URI -> Model initModel uri_ = Model { uri = uri_, appComics = NotAsked, dMediaInfo = Nothing, user = mempty, cpState = detectPlayerState uri_, cpAudioState = Paused, magnification = 100 } -- | Hacky way to initialize the 'ComicReaderState' from the Api.URI. detectPlayerState :: Api.URI -> ComicReaderState detectPlayerState u = case List.splitOn "/" $ Api.uriPath u of ["", "comic", id, pg, "experience"] -> ChooseExperience (ComicId id) (toPage pg) ["", "comic", id, _, "video"] -> Watching $ ComicId id ["", "comic", id, pg, "full"] -> Reading Full (ComicId id) (toPage pg) ["", "comic", id, pg] -> Reading Spread (ComicId id) (toPage pg) ["", "comic", id] -> Cover $ ComicId id _ -> NotReading where toPage pg = fromMaybe 1 (readMaybe pg :: Maybe Page) type Page = Int data Action = NoOp | -- comic player stuff SelectExperience Comic | StartReading Comic | StartWatching Comic | NextPage | PrevPage | ToggleZoom Comic Page | ToggleAudio MisoString | FetchComics | SetComics (RemoteData MisoString [Comic]) | ToggleFullscreen | -- discover stuff SetMediaInfo (Maybe Comic) | ToggleInLibrary Comic | -- login ValidateUserPassword | -- app stuff ScrollIntoView MisoString | HandleURI Api.URI | ChangeURI Api.URI | DumpModel deriving (Show, Eq) type ClientRoutes = Home :<|> ComicCover :<|> ComicReaderSpread :<|> ComicReaderFull :<|> ComicVideo :<|> Login :<|> Discover :<|> ChooseExperience handlers = home :<|> comicCover :<|> comicReader :<|> comicReader :<|> comicReader :<|> login :<|> discover :<|> comicReader routes :: Proxy ClientRoutes routes = Proxy -- * pages -- -- TODO: consider making a typeclass, something like: -- -- class Page name where -- type Route name :: View Action -- proxy :: Proxy name -- proxy = Proxy name -- view :: Model -> View Action -- link :: Api.URI -- * home type Home = View Action homeProxy :: Proxy Home homeProxy = Proxy home :: Model -> View Action home = login homeLink :: Api.URI homeLink = linkURI $ Api.safeLink routes homeProxy -- * login data LoginForm = LoginForm {loginEmail :: String, loginPass :: String} deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Generic) instance ToJSON LoginForm instance FromJSON LoginForm type Login = "login" :> View Action loginProxy :: Proxy Login loginProxy = Proxy loginLink :: Api.URI loginLink = linkURI $ Api.safeLink routes loginProxy login :: Model -> View Action login _ = template "login" [ div_ [id_ "login-inner"] [ img_ [ class_ fadeIn, src_ $ ms $ Assets.cdnEdge <> "/old-assets/images/icons/hero-large.png" ], hr_ [class_ fadeIn], form_ [class_ fadeIn] [ ctrl [id_ "user", class_ "input", type_ "email", placeholder_ "Email"], ctrl [id_ "pass", class_ "input", type_ "password", placeholder_ "Password"], div_ [class_ "action", css euro] [ div_ [class_ "checkbox remember-me"] [ input_ [type_ "checkbox"], label_ [Miso.for_ "checkbox"] [text "Remember Me"] ], div_ [class_ "button is-black", onClick ValidateUserPassword] [text "Login"] ] ], hr_ [class_ fadeIn], p_ [class_ $ "help " <> fadeIn] [ a_ [href_ "#"] [text "Forgot your username or password?"], a_ [href_ "#"] [text "Don't have an account? Sign Up"] ], img_ [ id_ "hero-logo", class_ "blur-out", src_ $ ms $ Assets.cdnEdge <> "/old-assets/images/icons/success-her-image.png" ] ] ] where fadeIn = "animated fadeIn delay-2s" ctrl x = div_ [class_ "control"] [input_ x] -- * discover type Discover = "discover" :> View Action discoverLink :: Api.URI discoverLink = linkURI $ Api.safeLink routes discoverProxy discoverProxy :: Proxy Discover discoverProxy = Proxy discover :: Model -> View Action discover model@Model {user = u} = template "discover" [ topbar, main_ [id_ "app-body"] $ case appComics model of NotAsked -> [loading] Loading -> [loading] Failure _ -> [nocomics] Success [] -> [nocomics] Success (comic : rest) -> [ feature comic u, shelf "Recent Releases" (comic : rest), maybeView (`info` u) $ dMediaInfo model ], appmenu, discoverFooter ] discoverFooter :: View Action discoverFooter = footer_ [ id_ "app-foot", class_ "is-black" ] [ div_ [id_ "app-foot-social", css euro] [ div_ [class_ "row is-marginless"] [ smallImg "facebook.png" $ Just "https://www.facebook.com/musicmeetscomics", smallImg "twitter.png" $ Just "https://twitter.com/musicmeetscomic", smallImg "instagram.png" $ Just "https://www.instagram.com/musicmeetscomics/", smallImg "spotify.png" $ Just "https://open.spotify.com/user/i4ntfg6ganjgxdsylinigcjlq?si=ymWsSkwsT9iaLw2LeAJNNg", smallImg "youtube.png" $ Just "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnNPLiuJ1ueo1KTPgHDE7lA/" ], div_ [class_ "row"] [text "Team | Contact Us | Privacy Policy"] ], div_ [id_ "app-foot-quote", css euro] [ p_ [] [text "With great power comes great responsiblity."], p_ [] [text "-Stan Lee"] ], div_ [css euro, id_ "app-foot-logo", onClick DumpModel] [ a_ [class_ "social-icon", href_ "#"] [img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.icon <> "hero-logo.svg"]], span_ [] [text "© Hero Records, Inc. All Rights Reserved"] ] ] where attrs Nothing = [class_ "social-icon"] attrs (Just lnk) = [class_ "social-icon", href_ lnk, target_ "_blank"] smallImg x lnk = a_ (attrs lnk) [img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.cdnEdge <> "/old-assets/images/icons/" <> x]] -- * comic data Comic = Comic { comicId :: ComicId, comicPages :: Integer, comicName :: Text, -- | Ideally this would be a dynamic number-like type comicIssue :: Text, comicDescription :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data, Ord) instance ToJSON Comic where toJSON = genericToJSON Data.Aeson.defaultOptions instance FromJSON Comic where parseJSON = genericParseJSON Data.Aeson.defaultOptions instance IsMediaObject Comic where thumbnail c@Comic {..} = li_ [] [ a_ [ class_ "comic grow clickable", id_ $ "comic-" <> ms comicId, onClick $ SetMediaInfo $ Just c ] [ img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.demo <> comicSlug c <> ".png"], span_ [] [text $ "Issue #" <> ms comicIssue], span_ [] [text $ ms comicName] ] ] feature comic lib = div_ [id_ "featured-comic"] [ img_ [ id_ "featured-banner", src_ $ ms $ Assets.demo <> "feature-banner.png" ], div_ [id_ "featured-content"] [ div_ [class_ "hero-original", css wide] [ span_ [css thicc] [text "Herø"], span_ [css euro] [text " Original"] ], div_ [class_ "comic-logo"] [ img_ [ src_ $ ms $ Assets.demo <> comicSlug comic <> "-logo.png" ] ], div_ [class_ "comic-action-menu"] $ el <$> [Watch comic, Read comic, Save comic lib], p_ [class_ "description"] [ text . ms $ comicDescription comic ] ] ] info c@Comic {..} lib = div_ [class_ "media-info", css euro] [ div_ [class_ "media-info-meta"] [ column [img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.demo <> "dmc-widethumb.png"]], column [ span_ [style_ title] [text $ ms comicName], span_ [style_ subtitle] [text $ "Issue #" <> ms comicIssue], span_ [] [text "Released: "], span_ [] [text $ "Pages: " <> ms (show comicPages :: String)] ] ], div_ [class_ "media-info-summary"] [ p_ [style_ $ uppercase <> bold <> Look.expanded <> "font-size" =: ".8rem"] [text "Summary"], p_ [] [text $ ms comicDescription] ], div_ [class_ "media-info-actions"] $ el <$> [Save c lib, Read c, Watch c] -- , row [ text "credits" ] ] where title = "color" =: "red" <> "font-size" =: "1.6rem" <> uppercase <> "line-height" =: "100%" <> Look.condensed <> bold subtitle = "color" =: "#fff" <> "font-size" =: "1.2rem" <> bold <> Look.condensed type ComicCover = "comic" :> Api.Capture "comicId" ComicId :> View Action comicProxy :: Proxy ComicCover comicProxy = Proxy comicCover :: ComicId -> Model -> View Action comicCover comicId_ = comicReader comicId_ 1 comicLink :: ComicId -> Api.URI comicLink comicId_ = linkURI $ Api.safeLink routes comicProxy comicId_ -- * chooseExperience type ChooseExperience = "comic" :> Api.Capture "id" ComicId :> Api.Capture "page" Page :> "experience" :> View Action chooseExperienceProxy :: Proxy ChooseExperience chooseExperienceProxy = Proxy chooseExperienceLink :: ComicId -> Page -> Api.URI chooseExperienceLink id page = linkURI $ Api.safeLink routes chooseExperienceProxy id page chooseExperiencePage :: Comic -> Page -> Model -> View Action chooseExperiencePage comic page model = template "choose-experience" [ topbar, main_ [id_ "app-body"] [ h2_ [] [text "Choose Your Musical Experience"], p_ [] [text experienceBlurb], ul_ [] $ li comic name <> ".png"], span_ [] [text $ ms name] ], span_ [css thicc] [text $ ms artist], span_ [] [text $ ms track] ] experiences :: [(Text, Text, Text)] experiences = [ ("comedic", "RxGF", "Soft Reveal"), ("dark", "Logan Henderson", "Speak of the Devil"), ("original", "Mehcad Brooks", "Stars"), ("energetic", "Skela", "What's wrong with me"), ("dramatic", "Josh Jacobson", "Sideline") ] experienceBlurb :: MisoString experienceBlurb = [s| As you enter the world of Hero, you will find that music and visual art have a symbiotic relationship that can only be experienced, not described. Here, choose the tonality of the experience you wish to adventure on, whether it's a comedic, dark, energetic or dramatic. Feeling indecisive? Let us navigate your journey with the original curated music for this piece of visual art. |] -- * comicReader data ComicReaderView = Spread | Full deriving (Show, Eq) comicReader :: ComicId -> Page -> Model -> View Action comicReader _ _ model = case appComics model of NotAsked -> loading Loading -> loading Failure _ -> nocomics Success comics -> case cpState model of NotReading -> template "comic-player" [text "error: not reading"] Cover id -> viewOr404 comics comicSpread id 1 model ChooseExperience id pg -> viewOr404 comics chooseExperiencePage id pg model Reading Spread id pg -> viewOr404 comics comicSpread id pg model Reading Full id pg -> viewOr404 comics zoomScreen id pg model Watching id -> viewOr404 comics comicVideo id 0 model zoomScreen :: Comic -> Page -> Model -> View Action zoomScreen comic page model = template "comic-player" [ topbar, main_ [id_ "app-body"] [ img_ [ src_ comicImg, class_ "comic-page-full" ] ], comicControls comic page model ] where comicImg = ms Assets.demo <> ms (comicSlug comic) <> "-" <> padLeft page <> ".png" -- * comicReaderSpread type ComicReaderSpread = "comic" :> Api.Capture "id" ComicId :> Api.Capture "page" Page :> View Action comicReaderSpreadProxy :: Proxy ComicReaderSpread comicReaderSpreadProxy = Proxy comicReaderSpreadLink :: ComicId -> Page -> Api.URI comicReaderSpreadLink id page = linkURI $ Api.safeLink routes comicReaderSpreadProxy id page comicSpread :: Comic -> Page -> Model -> View Action comicSpread comic page model = template "comic-player" [ topbar, main_ [id_ "app-body"] [ div_ [class_ "comic-player"] [ img_ [src_ comicImgLeft, class_ "comic-page"], img_ [src_ comicImgRight, class_ "comic-page"] ], closeButton ], appmenu, comicControls comic page model ] where comicImgLeft, comicImgRight :: MisoString comicImgLeft = ms Assets.demo <> ms (comicSlug comic) <> "-" <> padLeft page <> ".png" comicImgRight = ms Assets.demo <> ms (comicSlug comic) <> "-" <> padLeft (1 + page) <> ".png" closeButton :: View Action closeButton = a_ [id_ "close-button", onClick $ ChangeURI discoverLink] [text "x"] -- * comicReaderFull type ComicReaderFull = "comic" :> Api.Capture "id" ComicId :> Api.Capture "page" Page :> "full" :> View Action comicReaderFullProxy :: Proxy ComicReaderFull comicReaderFullProxy = Proxy comicReaderFullLink :: ComicId -> Page -> Api.URI comicReaderFullLink id page = linkURI $ Api.safeLink routes comicReaderFullProxy id page -- * comicVideo type ComicVideo = "comic" :> Api.Capture "id" ComicId :> Api.Capture "page" Page :> "video" :> View Action comicVideoProxy :: Proxy ComicVideo comicVideoProxy = Proxy comicVideoLink :: ComicId -> Page -> Api.URI comicVideoLink id page = linkURI $ Api.safeLink routes comicVideoProxy id page frameborder_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action frameborder_ = textProp "frameborder" allowfullscreen_ :: Bool -> Attribute action allowfullscreen_ = boolProp "allowfullscreen" comicVideo :: Comic -> Page -> Model -> View Action comicVideo _ _ _ = template "comic-player" [ topbar, main_ [id_ "app-body"] [ div_ [class_ "comic-video"] [ iframe_ [ src_ "//player.vimeo.com/video/325757560", frameborder_ "0", allowfullscreen_ True ] [] ] ] ] -- * general page components & utils -- | If 'View' had a 'Monoid' instance, then '(text "")' could just be 'mempty' maybeView :: (a -> View action) -> Maybe a -> View action maybeView = maybe (text "") mediaInfo :: Maybe Comic -> User -> View Action mediaInfo Nothing _ = text "" mediaInfo (Just comic) user = div_ [class_ "media-info"] [info comic user] appmenu :: View Action appmenu = aside_ [id_ "appmenu"] $ btn img], span_ [] [text label] ] -- TODO: make this a loading gif of some sort... maybe the hero icon filling -- from white to red loading :: View Action loading = div_ [class_ "loading"] [text "Loading..."] nocomics :: View Action nocomics = div_ [class_ "loading"] [text "error: no comics found"] shelf :: IsMediaObject o => MisoString -> [o] -> View Action shelf title comics = div_ [class_ "shelf"] [ div_ [class_ "shelf-head"] [text title], ul_ [class_ "shelf-body"] $ thumbnail (Comic -> Page -> Model -> View Action) -> ComicId -> Page -> Model -> View Action viewOr404 comics f id pg model = case findComic id comics of Just c -> f c pg model Nothing -> the404 model template :: MisoString -> [View Action] -> View Action template id = div_ [id_ id, class_ "app is-black"] padLeft :: Int -> MisoString padLeft n | n < 10 = ms ("0" <> Legacy.show n) | otherwise = ms $ Legacy.show n comicControls :: Comic -> Page -> Model -> View Action comicControls comic page model = footer_ [id_ "app-foot", class_ "comic-controls"] [ div_ [ class_ "comic-nav-audio", css flexCenter ] [ audio_ [id_ audioId, loop_ True, crossorigin_ "anonymous"] [source_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.demo <> "stars-instrumental.mp3"]], el $ PlayPause audioId $ cpAudioState model, span_ [css $ euro <> thicc <> smol <> wide] [text "Experiencing: Original"] ], div_ [class_ "comic-controls-pages", css euro] [ el $ Arrow PrevPage, span_ [] [text $ leftPage <> "-" <> rightPage <> " of " <> totalpages], el $ Arrow NextPage ], div_ [class_ "comic-controls-share"] [ el $ SaveIcon comic $ user model, el $ ZoomIcon (magnification model) comic page, button_ [class_ "button icon is-large", onClick ToggleFullscreen] [i_ [class_ "fa fa-expand"] []] ] ] where leftPage = ms . Legacy.show $ page rightPage = ms . Legacy.show $ 1 + page totalpages = ms . Legacy.show $ comicPages comic topbar :: View Action topbar = header_ [id_ "app-head", class_ "is-black", css euro] [ a_ [class_ "button is-medium is-black", onClick $ ChangeURI homeLink] [img_ [src_ $ ms $ Assets.icon <> "hero-logo.svg"]], div_ [id_ "app-head-right"] [ button_ [class_ "button icon is-medium is-black"] [i_ [class_ "fas fa-search"] []], button_ [ class_ "button is-medium is-black is-size-7", css $ euro <> wide <> thicc ] [text "News"], span_ [class_ "icon is-large"] [ i_ [class_ "fas fa-user"] [] ] ] ] row :: [View Action] -> View Action row = div_ [css $ Clay.display Clay.flex <> Clay.flexDirection Clay.row] column :: [View Action] -> View Action column = div_ [css $ Clay.display Clay.flex <> Clay.flexDirection Clay.column] -- | Links the404 :: Model -> View Action the404 _ = template "404" [p_ [] [text "Not found"]]