{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | A module for common OAuth flows. -- -- Consider using authenticate-oauth package module Omni.Auth ( -- * OAuth OAuthResponse (..), OAuthArgs (..), -- * GitHub Authentication GitHub (..), githubOauth, -- * Servant Helpers SetCookies, liveCookieSettings, testCookieSettings, ) where import Alpha import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Network.HTTP.Req ((/:), (=:)) import qualified Network.HTTP.Req as Req import Servant (Header, Headers) import qualified Servant.Auth.Server as Auth import qualified System.Envy as Envy -- | Use this instead of 'mempty' for explicity. notset :: Text notset = "notset" -- | Wrapper around 'Auth.SetCookie' that you can put in a servant path -- descriptor. type SetCookies ret = (Headers '[Header "Set-Cookie" Auth.SetCookie, Header "Set-Cookie" Auth.SetCookie] ret) liveCookieSettings :: Auth.CookieSettings liveCookieSettings = Auth.defaultCookieSettings { Auth.cookieIsSecure = Auth.Secure, -- disable XSRF protection because we don't use any javascript Auth.cookieXsrfSetting = Nothing } testCookieSettings :: Auth.CookieSettings testCookieSettings = Auth.defaultCookieSettings { Auth.cookieIsSecure = Auth.NotSecure, Auth.cookieXsrfSetting = Nothing } -- | These are arguments that a 3rd-party OAuth provider needs in order for us -- to authenticate a user. data OAuthArgs = OAuthArgs { clientSecret :: Text, clientId :: Text, clientState :: Text } deriving (Generic, Show) instance Envy.DefConfig OAuthArgs where defConfig = OAuthArgs { clientSecret = notset, clientId = notset, clientState = notset } instance Envy.FromEnv OAuthArgs -- | A type for parsing JSON auth responses, used in 'githubOauth' below. -- Should be moved to Omni.Auth with others. data OAuthResponse = OAuthResponse { access_token :: Text, scope :: Text, token_type :: Text } deriving (Generic, Aeson.FromJSON) newtype GitHub = GitHub OAuthArgs deriving (Show, Generic) instance Envy.DefConfig GitHub where defConfig = GitHub <| OAuthArgs { clientSecret = notset, clientId = notset, clientState = notset } instance Envy.FromEnv GitHub where fromEnv Nothing = GitHub -- | This should be GitHub.Token but GitHub.Auth doesn't export Token. Text -> IO OAuthResponse githubOauth (GitHub OAuthArgs {..}) code = accessTokenRequest /> Req.responseBody |> Req.runReq Req.defaultHttpConfig where accessTokenRequest :: Req.Req (Req.JsonResponse OAuthResponse) accessTokenRequest = Req.req Req.POST (Req.https "github.com" /: "login" /: "oauth" /: "access_token") Req.NoReqBody Req.jsonResponse <| "client_id" =: clientId <> "client_secret" =: clientSecret <> "code" =: code <> "state" =: clientState