{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} -- | spawns a few processes that serve the que.run website -- -- : exe que-website -- -- : dep async -- : dep config-ini -- : dep process -- : dep protolude -- : dep req module Que.Site ( main, ) where import Alpha import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.Ini.Config as Config import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import Network.HTTP.Req import qualified System.Directory as Directory import System.Environment as Environment import qualified System.Exit as Exit import System.FilePath (()) import qualified System.Process as Process main :: IO () main = do (src, ns) <- Environment.getArgs >>= \case [src] -> return (src, "_") -- default to _ ns which is special [src, ns] -> return (src, Text.pack ns) _ -> Exit.die "usage: que-website [namespace]" mKey <- getKey ns putText <| "serving " <> Text.pack src <> " at " <> ns run mKey ns <| Sources { index = src "index.md", client = src "client.py", quescripts = src "quescripts.md", style = src "style.css", apidocs = src "apidocs.md", tutorial = src "tutorial.md" } getKey :: Namespace -> IO (Maybe Key) getKey ns = do home <- Directory.getHomeDirectory let file = home ".config" "que.conf" exists <- Directory.doesFileExist file unless exists <| panic <| "not found: " <> Text.pack file conf <- Text.readFile file print (home ".config" "que.conf") auth ns |> Config.parseIniFile conf |> either errorParsingConf identity |> return errorParsingConf :: error errorParsingConf = panic "could not parse ~/.config/que.conf" data Sources = Sources { index :: FilePath, quescripts :: FilePath, client :: FilePath, style :: FilePath, tutorial :: FilePath, apidocs :: FilePath } type Namespace = Text type Key = Text auth :: Namespace -> Config.IniParser (Maybe Key) auth "pub" = pure Nothing auth ns = Config.sectionMb ns <| Config.field "key" run :: Maybe Key -> Text -> Sources -> IO () run key ns Sources {..} = Async.runConcurrently actions |> void where actions = traverse Async.Concurrently [ forever <| toHtml index >>= serve key ns "index", forever <| toHtml quescripts >>= serve key ns "quescripts", forever <| BS.readFile client >>= serve key ns "client", forever <| toHtml tutorial >>= serve key ns "tutorial", forever <| toHtml apidocs >>= serve key ns "apidocs" ] toHtml :: FilePath -> IO ByteString toHtml md = BS.pack Namespace -> Text -> ByteString -> IO () serve Nothing "pub" path content = runReq defaultHttpConfig <| do _ <- req POST (http "que.run" /: "pub" /: path) (ReqBodyBs content) ignoreResponse mempty liftIO <| return () serve Nothing p _ _ = panic <| "no auth key provided for ns: " <> p serve (Just key) ns path content = runReq defaultHttpConfig <| do let options = header "Authorization" (encodeUtf8 key) <> responseTimeout maxBound _ <- req POST (http "que.run" /: ns /: path) (ReqBodyBs content) ignoreResponse options liftIO <| return ()