#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse DESC = """roun is a program that takes numbers and turns them into human-readable names, and vice versa. A 'roun' is the human-readable name. For example: roun = hidor-kahih ip = hex = 0x446b6114 int = 1147887892 The names are inspired by proquints . Currently the algorithm is the same, but I would like to modify the algorithm at some point to be less odd than what proquints currently is. When I get time. """ def _char_list_to_dict(char_list): return {c: k for (c, k) in zip(char_list, range(len(char_list)))} UINT_TO_CONSONANT = 'bdfghjklmnprstvz' UINT_TO_VOWEL = 'aiou' CONSONANT_TO_UINT = _char_list_to_dict(UINT_TO_CONSONANT) VOWEL_TO_UINT = _char_list_to_dict(UINT_TO_VOWEL) MASK_LAST4 = 0xF MASK_LAST2 = 0x3 CHARS_PER_CHUNK = 5 def _uint16_to_roun(uint16_val): val = uint16_val res = ['?']*CHARS_PER_CHUNK for i in range(CHARS_PER_CHUNK): if i&1: res[-i - 1] = UINT_TO_VOWEL[val & MASK_LAST2] val >>= 2 else: res[-i - 1] = UINT_TO_CONSONANT[val & MASK_LAST4] val >>= 4 return ''.join(res) def uint_to_roun(uint_val, separator='-'): """Convert 32-bit integer value into corresponding roun string identifier. >>> uint_to_roun(0x7F000001, '-') lusab-babad :param uint_val: 32-bit integer value to encode :param separator: string to separate character rounets :return: roun string identifier """ if uint_val < 0 or uint_val > 0xFFFFFFFF: raise ValueError('uint_val should be in range 0-0xFFFFFFFF') return _uint16_to_roun(uint_val >> 16) + \ separator + \ _uint16_to_roun(uint_val) def roun_to_uint(roun): """Convert roun string identifier into corresponding 32-bit integer value. >>> hex(roun_to_uint('lusab-babad')) '0x7F000001' :param roun: roun string identifier to decode :return: 32-bit integer representation of the roun encoded value """ nchar = len(roun) if nchar < 10 or nchar > 11: raise ValueError('roun should be in form of two rounets + optional separator') res = 0 for i, c in enumerate(roun): mag = CONSONANT_TO_UINT.get(c) if mag is not None: res <<= 4 res += mag else: mag = VOWEL_TO_UINT.get(c) if mag is not None: res <<= 2 res += mag elif i != 5: raise ValueError('bad roun format') return res def ip2uint_str(ipv4_str): """Convert IPv4 string to 32-bit integer value""" parts = ipv4_str.split('.') if len(parts) != 4: raise ValueError('Expected IPv4 address in form A.B.C.D, got {}'. format(ipv4_str)) ip = [0]*4 for i, part in enumerate(parts): try: int_part = int(part) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Part {} of IPv4 address is not an integer'. format(i)) if int_part < 0 or int_part > 255: raise ValueError('Part {} of IPv4 address is not in range 0-255'. format(i)) ip[i] = int_part return (ip[0] << 24) + (ip[1] << 16) + (ip[2] << 8) + ip[3] def uint_to_ip_str(uint_val): "Covert 32-bit integer value to IPv4 string" return '{}.{}.{}.{}'.format( (uint_val >> 24)&0xFF, (uint_val >> 16)&0xFF, (uint_val >> 8)&0xFF, uint_val&0xFF) def uint_to_roun_str(uint_str, separator='-'): return uint_to_roun(int(uint_str), separator) def roun_to_uint_str(roun): return str(roun_to_uint(roun)) def hex2roun_str(hex_str, separator='-'): return uint_to_roun(int(hex_str, 16), separator) def roun2hex_str(roun): return hex(roun_to_uint(roun)) def convert(str_val, target=None): """Convert between roun, integer, hex or IPv4 string representations. Tries to guess the representation from input. :param str_val: input representation (string) :return: output representation (string) """ if target is not None and target not in {'uint', 'hex', 'ip'}: raise ValueError('Convert target should be one of: uint, hex, ip') if target == 'uint': return roun_to_uint_str(str_val) if target == 'hex': return roun2hex_str(str_val) if target == 'ip': return uint_to_ip_str(roun_to_uint(str_val)) # try to guess the representation try: return roun_to_uint_str(str_val) except ValueError: pass try: return uint_to_roun_str(str_val) except ValueError: pass try: return hex2roun_str(str_val) except ValueError: pass try: return uint_to_roun_str(ip2uint_str(str_val)) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError('Unrecognized input format: {}'.format(str_val)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=DESC, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-n', '--uint', action='store_true', help='convert from roun to 32-bit integer', required=False) parser.add_argument('-x', '--hex', action='store_true', help='convert from roun to hexadecimal', required=False) parser.add_argument('-i', '--ip', action='store_true', help='convert from roun to IPv4', required=False) parser.add_argument('val', nargs='?', type=str, default=None, help='value to convert (if not specified, ' \ 'IP address of the current host is printed)') args = parser.parse_args() target = None if args.uint: target = 'uint' elif args.hex: target = 'hex' elif args.ip: target = 'ip' res = convert(args.val, target) print('{}'.format(res))