{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Influencers where import Data.Text.Lazy (Text) data Person = Person { _name :: Text , _pic :: Text , _twitter :: Text , _website :: Text , _books :: [Book] } data Book = Book { _title :: Text , _author :: Text , _amznref :: Text } allPeople :: [Person] allPeople = [ Person { _name = "Joe Rogan" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/552307347851210752/vrXDcTFC_400x400.jpeg" , _twitter = "joerogan" , _website = "http://joerogan.com" , _books = [ Book {_title = "Food of the Gods" , _author = "Terence McKenna" , _amznref = "0553371304" } , Book { _title = "The War of Art" , _author ="Steven Pressfield" , _amznref ="B007A4SDCG" } ] } , Person { _name = "Beyoncé" , _pic = "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTxT84sF19lxdnSiblIXAp-Y4wAigpQn8sZ2GtAerIR_ApiiEJfFQ" , _twitter = "Beyonce" , _website = "http://beyonce.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "What Will It Take To Make A Woman President?" , _author = "Marianne Schnall" , _amznref = "B00E257Y7G"} ] } , Person { _name = "Barrack Obama" , _pic = "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQeLzftR36p0hYI-EKNa5fm7CYDuN-vyz23_R48ocqa8X1nPr6C" , _twitter = "BarackObama" , _website = "http://barackobama.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "An American Marriage" , _author = "Tayari Jones" , _amznref = "B01NCUXEFR"} , Book { _title = "Americanah" , _author = "Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie" , _amznref = "B00A9ET4MC"} ] } , Person { _name = "Warren Buffet" , _pic = "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQbmnUykS6zqgzaf44tsq1RAsnHe6H7fapEoSqUwAoJGSFKbAPSw" , _twitter = "WarrenBuffett" , _website = "http://berkshirehathaway.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "The Intelligent Investor" , _author = "Benjamin Graham" , _amznref = "B000FC12C8"} , Book { _title = "Security Analysis" , _author = "Benjamin Graham" , _amznref = "B0037JO5J8"} ] } , Person { _name = "Bill Gates" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/988775660163252226/XpgonN0X_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "BillGates" , _website = "https://www.gatesnotes.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Leonardo da Vinci" , _author = "Walter Isaacson" , _amznref = "1501139169" } , Book { _title = "Educated" , _author = "Tara Wetsover" , _amznref = "B072BLVM83" } ] } , Person { _name = "Stephen King" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000836981162/b683f7509ec792c3e481ead332940cdc_400x400.jpeg" , _twitter = "StephenKing" , _website = "https://stephenking.com/" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Red Moon" , _author = "Benjamin Percy" , _amznref = "B008TU2592" } , Book { _title = "The Marauders" , _author = "Tom Cooper" , _amznref = "B00MKZBVTM" } ] } , Person { _name = "Tobi Lütke" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/551403375141457920/28EOlhnM_400x400.jpeg" , _twitter = "tobi" , _website = "https://www.shopify.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Influence" , _author ="Robert B. Cialdini" , _amznref = "006124189X" } , Book { _title = "High Output Management" , _author ="Andrew S. Grove" , _amznref = "B015VACHOK" } ] } , Person { _name = "Susan Cain" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1474290079/SusanCain5smaller-1_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "susancain" , _website = "https://www.quietrev.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Bird by Bird" , _author ="Anne Lamott" , _amznref = "0385480016" } , Book { _title = "Waking Up" , _author ="Sam Harris" , _amznref = "1451636024" } ] } , Person { _name = "Oprah Winfrey" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1013835283698049025/q5ZN4yv3_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "Oprah" , _website = "http://www.oprah.com/index.html" , _books = [ Book { _title = "A New Earth" , _author ="Eckhart Tolle" , _amznref = "B000PC0S5K" } , Book { _title = "The Poisonwood Bible" , _author ="Barbara Kingsolver" , _amznref = "B000QTE9WU" } ] } , Person { _name = "Patrick Collison" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/825622525342199809/_iAaSUQf_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "patrickc" , _website = "https://patrickcollison.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "How Judges Think" , _author ="Richard A. Posner" , _amznref = "0674048067" } , Book { _title = "Programmers at Work" , _author ="Susan Lammers" , _amznref = "1556152116" } ] } , Person { _name = "Luis Von Ahn" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1020343581087678464/NIXD5MdC_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "LuisvonAhn" , _website = "https://www.duolingo.com/" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Zero to One" , _author ="Peter Thiel" , _amznref = "B00J6YBOFQ" } , Book { _title = "The Hard Thing About Hard Things" , _author ="Ben Horowitz" , _amznref = "B00DQ845EA" } ] } , Person { _name = "Bryan Johnson" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1055165076372475904/vNp60sSl_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "bryan_johnson" , _website = "https://bryanjohnson.co" , _books = [ Book { _title = "A Good Man" , _author ="Mark Shriver" , _amznref = "B007CLBH0M" } , Book { _title = "Shackleton" , _author ="Nick Bertozzi" , _amznref = "1596434511" } ] } , Person { _name = "Peter Thiel" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1121220551/Peter_Thiel_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "peterthiel" , _website = "http://zerotoonebook.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Deceit, Desire, and the Novel" , _author ="René Girard" , _amznref = "0801818303" } , Book { _title = "Violence and the Sacred" , _author ="René Girard" , _amznref = "0801822181" } ] } , Person { _name = "Tim Ferris" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/49918572/half-face-ice_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "tferriss" , _website = "http://tim.blog" , _books = [ Book { _title = "10% Happier" , _author ="Dan Harris" , _amznref = "0062265431" } , Book { _title = "A Guide to the Good Life" , _author ="William Irvine" , _amznref = "B0040JHNQG" } ] } , Person { _name = "Allen Walton" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1038905908678545409/yUbF9Ruc_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "allenthird" , _website = "https://www.allenwalton.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "4 Hour Work Week" , _author ="Tim Ferris" , _amznref = "B002WE46UW" } , Book { _title = "Choose Yourself" , _author ="James Altucher" , _amznref = "B00CO8D3G4" } ] } , Person { _name = "Peter Mallouk" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/713172266968715264/KsyDYghf_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "PeterMallouk" , _website = "https://creativeplanning.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Awareness" , _author ="Anthony de Mello SJ" , _amznref = "B005GFBP6W" } , Book { _title = "The Prophet" , _author ="Kahlil Gibran" , _amznref = "B07NDJ3LMW" } ] } , Person { _name = "Adam Robinson" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/822708907051077632/y5KyboMV_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "IAmAdamRobinson" , _website = "http://robinsonglobalstrategies.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Wishcraft" , _author ="Barbara Sher" , _amznref = "0345465180" } , Book { _title = "You Can Be a Stock Market Genius" , _author ="Joel Greenblatt" , _amznref = "0684832135" } ] } , Person { _name = "Anrew Weil" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/987461787422359553/mpoZAmPH_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "DrWeil" , _website = "https://www.drweil.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "The Way Of Life According To Lao Tzu" , _author = "Witter Byner" , _amznref = "0399512985" } , Book { _title = "The Psychology of Romantic Love" , _author ="Nathaniel Branden" , _amznref = "B0012RMVJI" } ] } , Person { _name = "Hubert Joly" , _pic = "https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/c1.0.193.193a/38444401_2156120597936470_9028564067043770368_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&oh=162142edb167f389a5b585a329e4993a&oe=5CE1D578" , _twitter = "BBYCEO" , _website = "https://www.bestbuy.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Who Says Elephants Can't Dance" , _author = "Louis. V. Gerstner" , _amznref = "0060523808" } , Book { _title = "Onward" , _author ="Howard Schultz" , _amznref = "1609613821" } ] } , Person { _name = "Esther Perel" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1091062675151319040/MzxCcgdU_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "EstherPerel" , _website = "https://www.estherperel.com" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Crime And Punishment" , _author = "Fyodor Dostoyevsky" , _amznref = "B07NL94DFD" } , Book { _title = "If This Is a Man and The Truce" , _author ="Primo Levi" , _amznref = "0349100136" } ] } , Person { _name ="Neil deGrasse Tyson" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/74188698/NeilTysonOriginsA-Crop_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "neiltyson" , _website = "https://www.haydenplanetarium.org/tyson/" , _books = [ Book { _title = "The Prince" , _author = "Machiavelli" , _amznref = "B07ND3CM16" } , Book { _title = "The Art of War" , _author ="Sun Tzu" , _amznref = "1545211957" } ] } , Person { _name = "Mark Cuban" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1422637130/mccigartrophy_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "mcuban" , _website = "http://markcubancompanies.com/" , _books = [ Book { _title = "The Fountainhead" , _author = "Ayn Rend" , _amznref = "0452273331" } , Book { _title = "The Gospel of Wealth " , _author ="Andrew Carnegie" , _amznref = "1409942171" } ] } , Person { _name = "Robert Herjavec" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/608643660876423170/DgxUW3eZ_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "robertherjavec" , _website = "https://www.robertherjavec.com/" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Why I Run" , _author = "Mark Sutcliffe" , _amznref = "B007OC9P3A" } , Book { _title = "Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive" , _author ="Harvey B. Mackay" , _amznref = "006074281X" } ] } , Person { _name = "Caterina Fake" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000509318185/d968d62d1bc39f2c82d3fa44db478525_400x400.jpeg" , _twitter = "Caterina" , _website = "https://caterina.net" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Growth of the Soil" , _author = "Knut Hamsun" , _amznref = "0343181967" } , Book { _title = "The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet" , _author ="David Mitchell" , _amznref = "0812976363" } ] } , Person { _name = "Daymond John" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1048022980863954944/eZvGANn0_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "TheSharkDaymond" , _website = "https://daymondjohn.com/" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Think and Grow Rich" , _author = "Napoleon Hill" , _amznref = "1585424331" } , Book { _title = "How to Win Friends & Influence People" , _author ="Dale Carnegie" , _amznref = "0671027034" } ] } , Person { _name = "Kevin O'Leary" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1067383195597889536/cP6tNEt0_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "kevinolearytv" , _website = "http://askmrwonderful.eone.libsynpro.com/" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Competitive Advantage" , _author = "Michael Porter" , _amznref = "0684841460" } , Book { _title = "Secrets of Closing the Sale" , _author ="Zig Ziglar" , _amznref = "0425081028" } ] } , Person { _name = "Alex Rodriguez" , _pic = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/796405335388848128/LbvsjCA3_400x400.jpg" , _twitter = "AROD" , _website = "http://www.arodcorp.com/" , _books = [ Book { _title = "Blitzscaling" , _author = "Reid Hoffman" , _amznref = "1524761419" } , Book { _title = "Measure What Matters" , _author ="John Doerr" , _amznref = "0525536221" } ] } ]