_: pkgs: let simpleCabalBuilder = self: name: self.callCabal2nix name pkgs.sources.${name} {}; buildCabal = self: name: subdir: if isNull subdir then self.callCabal2nix name pkgs.sources.${name} {} else self.callCabal2nix name (pkgs.sources.${name} + "/${subdir}") {}; in { haskell = pkgs.haskell // { packages = pkgs.haskell.packages // { ghc865 = pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc865.override (old: { overrides = with pkgs.pkgs.haskell.lib; self: super: pkgs.overridePinnedDeps (simpleCabalBuilder self) // { acid-state = dontCheck super.acid-state; # mac: "too many open files" servant-auth = buildCabal self "servant-auth" "servant-auth"; wai-middleware-metrics = dontCheck super.wai-middleware-metrics; }; }); ghcjs = pkgs.haskell.packages.ghcjs.override (old: { overrides = with pkgs.haskell.lib; self: super: pkgs.overridePinnedDeps (simpleCabalBuilder self) // { Glob = dontCheck super.Glob; QuickCheck = dontCheck super.QuickCheck; base-compat-batteries = dontCheck super.http-types; clay = dontCheck super.clay; comonad = dontCheck super.comonad; jsaddle-warp = dontCheck (self.callCabal2nix "jsaddle-warp" "${pkgs.sources.jsaddle}/jsaddle-warp" {}); http-types = dontCheck super.http-types; network-uri= dontCheck super.network-uri; scientific = dontCheck super.scientific; # takes forever servant = dontCheck super.servant; servant-auth = buildCabal self "servant-auth" "servant-auth"; tasty-quickcheck = dontCheck super.tasty-quickcheck; time-compat = dontCheck super.time-compat; }; }); }; }; }