self: super: let claySrc = super.pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "sebastiaanvisser"; repo = "clay"; rev = "cc7729b1b42a79e261091ff7835f7fc2a7ae3cee"; sha256 = "1vd67976lvi5l4qq18zy6j44apynkl44ps04p8vwfx4gzr895dyp"; }; in { haskell = super.haskell // { packages = super.haskell.packages // { ghc865 = super.haskell.packages.ghc865.override (old: { overrides = with super.pkgs.haskell.lib; self: super: { clay = self.callCabal2nix "clay" claySrc {}; wai-middleware-metrics = dontCheck super.wai-middleware-metrics; }; }); ghcjs = super.haskell.packages.ghcjs.override (old: { overrides = with super.haskell.lib; self: super: { QuickCheck = dontCheck super.QuickCheck; base-compat-batteries = dontCheck super.http-types; clay = dontCheck (self.callCabal2nix "clay" claySrc {}); comonad = dontCheck super.comonad; http-types = dontCheck super.http-types; network-uri= dontCheck; scientific = dontCheck super.scientific; # takes forever servant = dontCheck super.servant; tasty-quickcheck = dontCheck super.tasty-quickcheck; time-compat = dontCheck super.time-compat; }; }); }; }; wemux = super.stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "wemux"; version = "2020.04.03"; src = super.pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "zolrath"; repo = "wemux"; rev = "01c6541f8deceff372711241db2a13f21c4b210c"; sha256 = "1y962nzvs7sf720pl3wa582l6irxc8vavd0gp4ag4243b2gs4qvm"; }; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/bin cp ${src}/wemux $out/bin chmod +x $out/bin/wemux ''; }; }