(import (Alpha Core)) (import (prefix (Alpha String) string.)) (import (srfi srfi-1)) (import (sxml simple)) (import (only (srfi srfi-19) date->string current-date)) (import (only (ice-9 match) match)) (import (prefix (dict) dict.)) (import (prefix (re) re.)) (import (prefix (web server) http.)) (import (prefix (web request) http.req.)) (import (prefix (web response) http.res.)) (import (prefix (web uri) http.uri.)) ;; general functions, should be extracted to libs (import (only (ice-9 ftw) scandir)) (define (os.listdir path) (scandir path)) (define (os.path.expanduser path) (let ([home (getenv "HOME")]) (string.replace path "~" home))) (define (os.getenv var) (getenv var)) (define (set.difference s1 s2) (cond [(null? s1) '()] [(not (member? (first s1) s2)) (cons (first s1) (set.difference (rest s1) s2))] [else (set.difference (rest s1) s2)])) (import (only (ice-9 rdelim) read-delimited)) (define (readlines fname) (call-with-input-file fname (lambda [p] (read-delimited "" p 'concat)))) (import (prefix (ice-9 popen) popen/)) (define (subprocess.call argv) (apply system* argv)) ;; z program (define *zdir* (os.path.expanduser "~/test-z-wiki")) (define *about* "\ # z is a zettelkasten tool - notes are stored as markdown with metadata - filenames serve as the note id's ") ;; A node 'id' is a monotonically increasing number. ;; It can be represented as a string, in which case it is encoded in ;; base 36. (define (id->string id) (number->string id 36)) (define (string->id s) (string->number s 36)) ;; It can be represented as a path, in which case it is ;; `<*zdir*>/.md' (define (path->id fname) "Given a path, parse out the node id." (-> fname (string.replace ".md" "") (string.replace *zdir* "") (string->id))) (define (id->path id) "Given an id, return the absolute path to the file." (fmt "~a/~a.md" *zdir* (id->string id))) ;; Manipulating nodes (define (list-nodes* dir) (->> dir (os.listdir) ;; remove '.' and '..' ((/. s (set.difference s '("." "..")))) (map path->id))) (define (list-nodes) (list-nodes* *zdir*)) (define (latest-node ls) (if (eq? ls '()) 0 (apply max ls))) (define (make-node) (let ([path (-> (list-nodes) latest-node inc id->path)]) (call-with-output-file path (fn [file] (format file "title:\n") (format file "created: ~a\n" (date->string (current-date) "~Y.~m.~d..~H.~M")) (format file "tags:\n") (display "---\n" file))) path)) (define (read-node id) (readlines (id->path id))) (define (cat-node id) (prn (read-node id))) ;; Metadata (define (get-title node) (-> node (re.match "title: ([^\n]*)") (re.group 1))) (define (get-tags node) (-> node (re.match "tags: ([^\n]*)") (re.group 1) (string.split #\space) seq)) ;; Indexing (define *tags* (dict.empty)) (define *titles* (dict.empty)) (define (index-node id) (let ([node (read-node id)]) (dict.set *titles* (get-title node) id) (for (get-tags node) (/. tag (if tag (dict.update *tags* tag (/. ids (cons id ids)))))))) (define (reindex) (map index-node (list-nodes))) ;; Searching / filtering (define (tagged tag) "returns a list of all ids with the given tag" (dict.get *tags* tag)) (define (get-by-title title) (dict.get *titles* title)) ;; Printing (define (print-titles) (for (list-nodes) (lambda (id) (pr id) (pr ": ") (prn (get-title (read-node id)))))) (define (print-node id) (pr (read-node id))) ;; webserver (define *css* "body{max-width:650px;margin:40px auto;padding:0 10px;font:18px/1.5 -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, \"Segoe UI\", Roboto, \"Helvetica Neue\", Arial, \"Noto Sans\", sans-serif, \"Apple Color Emoji\", \"Segoe UI Emoji\", \"Segoe UI Symbol\", \"Noto Color Emoji\";color:#444}h1,h2,h3{line-height:1.2}@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark){body{color:white;background:#444}a:link{color:#5bf}a:visited{color:#ccf}}") (define (template title body) `(html (head (title ,title)) (style ,*css*) (body ;; TODO: nav bar ,@body))) (define* (respond #:optional body #:key (status 200) (title "z") (doctype "\n") (content-type-params '((charset . "utf-8"))) (content-type 'text/html) (extra-headers '()) (sxml (and body (template title body)))) (values (http.res.build-response #:code status #:headers `((content-type . (,content-type ,@content-type-params)) ,@extra-headers)) (lambda (port) (when sxml (if doctype (display doctype port)) (sxml->xml sxml port))))) (define (path-components req) (-> req http.req.request-uri http.uri.uri-path http.uri.split-and-decode-uri-path)) (define (routes req body) (match (path-components req) ['() (respond `((h1 "z") (ul ,@(for (list-nodes) (lambda (id) `(li (a (@ (href ,(fmt "/id/~a" id))) ,(fmt "~a: ~a" id (get-title (read-node id))))))))))] [("id" id) (let ([node (read-node (string->id id))]) (respond `((pre ,node)) #:title (fmt "z - ~a" (get-title node))))] [("tag" tag) (let ([ids (tagged tag)]) `((ul ,@(for nodes `(li (a (@ (href ,(mdt "/id~a" id))) ,(fmt "~a: ~a" id (get-title (read-node id)))))))))] [_ (respond "not found")])) (define* (serve #:key (port 8080)) (pr "z server") (http.run-server routes 'http `(#:port ,port))) ;; CLI (define (usage) (prn "\ usage: z [command] where 'command' is: create new note ls list all notes tagged [tag] list notes tagged with 'tag' web [port] start the webserver")) (define (main args) (match (rest args) ['() (let ([path (make-node)] [editor (os.getenv "EDITOR")]) (subprocess.call (list editor path)) (exit EXIT_SUCCESS))] [("ls") (print-titles)] [("tagged" tag) (begin (reindex) (for (tagged tag) (lambda (id) (let* ([node (read-node id)] [title (get-title node)]) (pr id) (pr ": ") (pr title)))))] [("web") (serve)] [("web" port) (serve #:port (string->number port))] [_ (usage)]))