path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
7 files changed, 677 insertions, 614 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common.nix b/lib/common.nix
index 7ddff12..3b61b81 100644
--- a/lib/common.nix
+++ b/lib/common.nix
@@ -63,319 +63,326 @@ in {
fonts.fontconfig.enable = true;
- programs = {
- home-manager = {
- enable = true;
+ programs.home-manager.enable = true;
+ programs.bat = {
+ enable = true;
+ config = { theme = "catppuccin"; };
+ themes = {
+ catppuccin = builtins.readFile (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
+ owner = "catppuccin";
+ repo = "bat";
+ rev = "d714cc1d358ea51bfc02550dabab693f70cccea0";
+ hash = "sha256-Q5B4NDrfCIK3UAMs94vdXnR42k4AXCqZz6sRn8bzmf4=";
+ } + "/themes/Catppuccin Latte.tmTheme");
+ };
- starship = {
- # export PS1='$(printf "%3.*s" $? $?)ϟ '
- enable = true;
- settings = {
- format = lib.concatStrings [
- #"$username"
- "$hostname"
- "$directory"
- "$git_branch"
- "$git_state"
- "$git_status"
- "$cmd_duration"
- "$line_break"
- "$character"
- ];
- = "blue";
- character = {
- success_symbol = "[ϟ](white)";
- error_symbol = "[ϟ](red)";
- };
- git_branch = {
- format = "[$branch]($style)";
- style = "bright-black";
- };
- git_status = {
- format =
- ''[[(*$conflicted$untracked$modified$staged$renamed$deleted)](218) ($ahead_behind$stashed)]($style)'';
- style = "cyan";
- conflicted = "​";
- untracked = "​";
- modified = "​";
- staged = "​";
- renamed = "​";
- deleted = "​";
- stashed = "≡";
- };
- git_state = {
- format = "\([$state( $progress_current/$progress_total)]($style)\) ";
- style = "bright-black";
- };
- cmd_duration = {
- format = "[$duration]($style) ";
- style = "yellow";
- };
+ programs.starship = {
+ # export PS1='$(printf "%3.*s" $? $?)ϟ '
+ enable = true;
+ settings = {
+ format = lib.concatStrings [
+ #"$username"
+ "$hostname"
+ "$directory"
+ "$git_branch"
+ "$git_state"
+ "$git_status"
+ "$cmd_duration"
+ "$line_break"
+ "$character"
+ ];
+ = "blue";
+ character = {
+ success_symbol = "[ϟ](white)";
+ error_symbol = "[ϟ](red)";
- };
- readline = {
- enable = true;
- variables = {
- keyseq-timeout = 1200;
- colored-stats = true;
- colored-completion-prefix = true;
- expand-tilde = true;
+ git_branch = {
+ format = "[$branch]($style)";
+ style = "bright-black";
- bindings = {
- # wrap a command in '$(...| fzf)'
- "\\C-xf" = ''"\C-e | fzf)\C-a(\C-a$\C-b\C-a"'';
- "\\e\\C-f" = "dump-functions"; # help
- "\\e\\C-o" = "dabbrev-expand"; # expand
- "\\e\\C-v" = "dump-variables"; # help
- "\\em" = "beginning-of-line";
- # emacs-like history navigation
- "\\en" = "next-history";
- "\\ep" = "previous-history";
- # groq-specific stuff
- "\\er" = "redraw-current-line";
- "\\C-xt" = ''"$(_bake_targets)\e\C-e\er"'';
+ git_status = {
+ format =
+ ''[[(*$conflicted$untracked$modified$staged$renamed$deleted)](218) ($ahead_behind$stashed)]($style)'';
+ style = "cyan";
+ conflicted = "​";
+ untracked = "​";
+ modified = "​";
+ staged = "​";
+ renamed = "​";
+ deleted = "​";
+ stashed = "≡";
- extraConfig = ''
- $if Guile
- "\C-o": "()\C-b"
- $endif
- '';
- };
- fzf = {
- enable = true;
- enableBashIntegration = true;
- defaultCommand = "rg --files";
- changeDirWidgetCommand = "fd --type d"; # M-c
- changeDirWidgetOptions = ["--preview 'tree -C {} | head -100'"];
- fileWidgetCommand = "fd --type f";
- fileWidgetOptions = ["--preview 'head -n100 {}'"];
- historyWidgetOptions = ["--sort" "--exact"];
- tmux.enableShellIntegration = true;
- tmux.shellIntegrationOptions = [ "-p 70%" ];
- };
- git = {
- enable = true;
- userName = "Ben Sima";
- userEmail = "";
- ignores = [ "*~" "*.swp" ];
- package = pkgs.gitAndTools.gitFull;
- signing = {
- key = gpgid;
- # for some reason this fails...
- #gpgPath =
- # let
- # script = pkgs.writeScriptBin "my-ots-git-gpg-wrapper" ''
- # #!/usr/bin/env bash
- # set -euxo pipefail
- # ${pkgs.opentimestamps-client}/bin/ots-git-gpg-wrapper --gpg-program ${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg $@
- # '';
- # in
- # "${script}/bin/my-ots-git-gpg-wrapper";
+ git_state = {
+ format = "\([$state( $progress_current/$progress_total)]($style)\) ";
+ style = "bright-black";
- aliases = {
- authors = "shortlog -s -n";
- slog = "log --stat";
- glog = ''log --decorate --all --graph --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset %an: %s - %Creset %C(yellow)%d%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset" --abbrev-commit --date=relative'';
- logbr = "log -r origin/HEAD..HEAD";
- mylog = ''!git log --author=$USER --decorate --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset %s%Creset%C(yellow)%d%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset" --abbrev-commit --date=relative'';
- mrd = "!cat <(git shortlog origin/HEAD..HEAD) <(git diff --stat origin/HEAD...HEAD)";
- extend = "!git commit --fixup $1 && git rebase --autosquash $1~";
- mr = lib.concatStringsSep " " [
- "!git push"
- "-o merge_request.create"
- "-o merge_request.merge_when_pipeline_succeeds"
- "-o merge_request.label=ReleaseUpdate::NotRequired"
- "-o merge_request.assign=$USER"
- # disable these two args bc gitlab just uses the commit message anyway
- # ''-o merge_request.title="$(git log -n1 --format=%s)"''
- # ''-o merge_request.description="$(git log -n --format=%b)"''
- ];
- };
- extraConfig = {
- commit.template = "${./git-commit-template}";
- commit.verbose = "true";
- fetch.showForcedUpdate = "false";
- init.defaultBranch = "main";
- = "local";
- merge.tool = "fugitive";
- mergetool.fugitive.cmd = ''vim -f -c "Gvdiffsplit!" "$MERGED"'';
- pull.rebase = "true";
- push.default = "current";
- remote.pushDefault = "origin";
- sendemail = {
- #smtpuser = "";
- #smtpserverport = 587;
- smtpserver = "${homedir}/bin/sendmail";
- chainreplyto = false;
- composeencoding = "UTF-8";
- annotate = "yes";
- cccmd = "git-contacts";
- };
+ cmd_duration = {
+ format = "[$duration]($style) ";
+ style = "yellow";
+ };
- jujutsu = {
- enable = true;
- enableBashIntegration = true;
+ programs.readline = {
+ enable = true;
+ variables = {
+ keyseq-timeout = 1200;
+ colored-stats = true;
+ colored-completion-prefix = true;
+ expand-tilde = true;
- tmux = {
- enable = true;
- aggressiveResize = false;
- baseIndex = 0;
- clock24 = true;
- customPaneNavigationAndResize = false;
- disableConfirmationPrompt = false;
- escapeTime = 0;
- historyLimit = 10000;
- keyMode = "emacs";
- newSession = false;
- resizeAmount = 5;
- reverseSplit = false;
- secureSocket = false;
- sensibleOnTop = true;
- #shell = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash";
- shortcut = "a";
- terminal = "xterm-256color";
- tmuxinator.enable = false;
- tmuxp.enable = false;
- extraConfig = ''
- # Automatically set window title
- set-window-option -g automatic-rename on
- set-option -g set-titles on
- set -g xterm-keys on
- setw -g mouse on
- ## Panes
- # Split panes
- bind-key | split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
- bind-key - split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}"
- # Send/join panes
- bind-key j command-prompt -p "join pane from:" "join-pane -s '%%'"
- bind-key s command-prompt -p "send pane to:" "join-pane -t '%%'"
- # Use Alt-vim keys without prefix key to switch panes
- bind -n M-h select-pane -L
- bind -n M-j select-pane -D
- bind -n M-k select-pane -U
- bind -n M-l select-pane -R
- # Use Alt-vim capitalized keys without prefix key to resize panes
- bind -n M-H resize-pane -L
- bind -n M-J resize-pane -D
- bind -n M-K resize-pane -U
- bind -n M-L resize-pane -R
- # Shift arrow to switch windows
- bind -n S-Left previous-window
- bind -n S-Right next-window
- # Set current window pane to 80 columns
- bind-key E resize-pane -x 80
- # cycle pane layout
- bind-key N next-layout
- bind-key P previous-layout
- # Toggle synchronizing panes
- bind-key y setw synchronize-panes
- ## Text manipulation
- # vim-like copy/paste
- setw -g mode-keys vi
- bind [ copy-mode
- bind ] paste-buffer
- # copy/paste with xclip
- bind-key -Tcopy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel 'xclip -sel clip -i'
- # select buffer to paste from
- bind Space choose-buffer
- # status line text
- set -g status-left-length 30
- set -g status-left '#S | #(whoami)@#(hostname) | '
- set -g status-right '~%Y.%m.%d..%H.%M'
- set -g renumber-windows on
- # white-ish background with dark-grey text
- set -g status-style bg=colour0,fg=colour13
- # highlight current window
- set -g window-status-current-style fg=colour0,bg=colour13
- set -g window-status-format '#I) #W '
- set -g window-status-current-format '#I) #W '
- # special thing for groq's SFT thing
- set -g update-environment "SFT_AUTH_SOCK SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH_CONNECTION"
- '';
- plugins = with pkgs.tmuxPlugins; [
- extrakto
- tmux-fzf
- ];
+ bindings = {
+ # wrap a command in '$(...| fzf)'
+ "\\C-xf" = ''"\C-e | fzf)\C-a(\C-a$\C-b\C-a"'';
+ "\\e\\C-f" = "dump-functions"; # help
+ "\\e\\C-o" = "dabbrev-expand"; # expand
+ "\\e\\C-v" = "dump-variables"; # help
+ "\\em" = "beginning-of-line";
+ # emacs-like history navigation
+ "\\en" = "next-history";
+ "\\ep" = "previous-history";
+ # groq-specific stuff
+ "\\er" = "redraw-current-line";
+ "\\C-xt" = ''"$(_bake_targets)\e\C-e\er"'';
+ extraConfig = ''
+ $if Guile
+ "\C-o": "()\C-b"
+ $endif
+ '';
+ };
- urxvt = let font = name: size: "xft:${name}:size=${toString size}:ant"; in {
- enable = true;
- fonts = [
- (font "Fira Code" fontSize)
- (font "FiraCodeNerdfont" fontSize)
- "xft:Noto Emoji"
- ];
- #keybindings = {
- # # why don't any of these work?
- # "Shift-Control-C" = "eval:selection_to_clipboard";
- # "Shift-Control-V" = "eval:paste_clipboard";
- # "Shift-Control-+" = "command:\033]710;${font 12}\007\033]711;${font 12}\007";
- # "Shift-Control--" = "command:\033]710;${font 8}\007\033]711;${font 8}\007";
- #};
- iso14755 = true; # unicode chars
- #transparent = true;
- #shading = 10;
+ programs.fzf = {
+ enable = true;
+ enableBashIntegration = true;
+ colors = {
+ # catppuccin-latte
+ #
+ # TODO: use catppuccin/nix, and swtich based on xtheme
+ "bg+" = "#ccd0da";
+ "bg" = "#eff1f5";
+ "spinner" = "#dc8a78";
+ "hl" = "#d20f39";
+ "fg" = "#4c4f69";
+ "header" = "#d20f39";
+ "info" = "#8839ef";
+ "pointer" = "#dc8a78 ";
+ "marker" = "#dc8a78";
+ "fg+" = "#4c4f69";
+ "prompt" = "#8839ef";
+ "hl+" = "#d20f39";
+ defaultCommand = "rg --files";
+ changeDirWidgetCommand = "fd --type d"; # M-c
+ changeDirWidgetOptions = ["--preview 'tree -C {} | head -100'"];
+ fileWidgetCommand = "fd --type f";
+ fileWidgetOptions = ["--preview 'head -n100 {}'"];
+ historyWidgetOptions = ["--sort" "--exact"];
+ tmux.enableShellIntegration = true;
+ tmux.shellIntegrationOptions = [ "-p 70%" ];
+ };
- direnv = {
- enable = true;
- enableBashIntegration = true;
- nix-direnv.enable = true;
+ programs.git = {
+ enable = true;
+ userName = "Ben Sima";
+ userEmail = "";
+ ignores = [ "*~" "*.swp" ];
+ package = pkgs.gitAndTools.gitFull;
+ signing = {
+ key = gpgid;
+ # for some reason this fails...
+ #gpgPath =
+ # let
+ # script = pkgs.writeScriptBin "my-ots-git-gpg-wrapper" ''
+ # #!/usr/bin/env bash
+ # set -euxo pipefail
+ # ${pkgs.opentimestamps-client}/bin/ots-git-gpg-wrapper --gpg-program ${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg $@
+ # '';
+ # in
+ # "${script}/bin/my-ots-git-gpg-wrapper";
- vim = {
- enable = true;
- #vimAlias = true;
- #viAlias = true;
- #vimdiffAlias = true;
- plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
- base16-vim
- editorconfig-vim
- vim-sensible
- vim-fugitive
- vim-colors-solarized
- vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people
- # vim-ripgrep # not in nixpkgs :(
- rainbow_parentheses
- vim-plug # just in case
- vim-addon-local-vimrc
- fzf-vim
- (pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
- pname = "photon.vim";
- version = "2022.03.14";
- src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
- owner = "axvr";
- repo = "photon.vim";
- rev = "32b42c8a12bf9588259b76f3df6807960e0d7386";
- sha256 = "sha256-kM7WP03uE20yr0nCusB3ncHzgtEYxqNzoNoQGen9p+o=";
- };
- meta.homepage = "";
- })
- (pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
- pname = "skull-vim";
- version = "2022.03.14";
- src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
- owner = "kadekillary";
- repo = "skull-vim";
- rev = "abb9d7120c63aad6f9acc26d31c948a93f352e94";
- sha256 = "sha256-tu5aDRjHZtXKoyQBbMEhzjGrRl4GZD121ybs7oNylvs=";
- };
- meta.homepage = "";
- })
+ aliases = {
+ authors = "shortlog -s -n";
+ slog = "log --stat";
+ glog = ''log --decorate --all --graph --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset %an: %s - %Creset %C(yellow)%d%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset" --abbrev-commit --date=relative'';
+ logbr = "log -r origin/HEAD..HEAD";
+ mylog = ''!git log --author=$USER --decorate --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset %s%Creset%C(yellow)%d%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset" --abbrev-commit --date=relative'';
+ mrd = "!cat <(git shortlog origin/HEAD..HEAD) <(git diff --stat origin/HEAD...HEAD)";
+ extend = "!git commit --fixup $1 && git rebase --autosquash $1~";
+ mr = lib.concatStringsSep " " [
+ "!git push"
+ "-o merge_request.create"
+ "-o merge_request.merge_when_pipeline_succeeds"
+ "-o merge_request.label=ReleaseUpdate::NotRequired"
+ "-o merge_request.assign=$USER"
+ # disable these two args bc gitlab just uses the commit message anyway
+ # ''-o merge_request.title="$(git log -n1 --format=%s)"''
+ # ''-o merge_request.description="$(git log -n --format=%b)"''
- extraConfig = builtins.readFile ./vimrc;
+ extraConfig = {
+ commit.template = "${./git-commit-template}";
+ commit.verbose = "true";
+ fetch.showForcedUpdate = "false";
+ init.defaultBranch = "main";
+ = "local";
+ merge.tool = "fugitive";
+ mergetool.fugitive.cmd = ''vim -f -c "Gvdiffsplit!" "$MERGED"'';
+ pull.rebase = "true";
+ push.default = "current";
+ remote.pushDefault = "origin";
+ sendemail = {
+ #smtpuser = "";
+ #smtpserverport = 587;
+ smtpserver = "${homedir}/bin/sendmail";
+ chainreplyto = false;
+ composeencoding = "UTF-8";
+ annotate = "yes";
+ cccmd = "git-contacts";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ programs.jujutsu = {
+ enable = true;
+ enableBashIntegration = true;
+ };
+ programs.tmux = {
+ enable = true;
+ aggressiveResize = false;
+ baseIndex = 0;
+ clock24 = true;
+ customPaneNavigationAndResize = false;
+ disableConfirmationPrompt = false;
+ escapeTime = 0;
+ historyLimit = 10000;
+ keyMode = "emacs";
+ newSession = false;
+ resizeAmount = 5;
+ reverseSplit = false;
+ secureSocket = false;
+ sensibleOnTop = true;
+ #shell = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash";
+ shortcut = "a";
+ terminal = "xterm-256color";
+ tmuxinator.enable = false;
+ tmuxp.enable = false;
+ extraConfig = ''
+ # Automatically set window title
+ set-window-option -g automatic-rename on
+ set-option -g set-titles on
+ set -g xterm-keys on
+ setw -g mouse on
+ ## Panes
+ # Split panes
+ bind-key | split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
+ bind-key - split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}"
+ # Send/join panes
+ bind-key j command-prompt -p "join pane from:" "join-pane -s '%%'"
+ bind-key s command-prompt -p "send pane to:" "join-pane -t '%%'"
+ # Use Alt-vim keys without prefix key to switch panes
+ bind -n M-h select-pane -L
+ bind -n M-j select-pane -D
+ bind -n M-k select-pane -U
+ bind -n M-l select-pane -R
+ # Use Alt-vim capitalized keys without prefix key to resize panes
+ bind -n M-H resize-pane -L
+ bind -n M-J resize-pane -D
+ bind -n M-K resize-pane -U
+ bind -n M-L resize-pane -R
+ # Shift arrow to switch windows
+ bind -n S-Left previous-window
+ bind -n S-Right next-window
+ # Set current window pane to 80 columns
+ bind-key E resize-pane -x 80
+ # cycle pane layout
+ bind-key N next-layout
+ bind-key P previous-layout
+ # Toggle synchronizing panes
+ bind-key y setw synchronize-panes
+ ## Text manipulation
+ # vim-like copy/paste
+ setw -g mode-keys vi
+ bind [ copy-mode
+ bind ] paste-buffer
+ # copy/paste with xclip
+ bind-key -Tcopy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel 'xclip -sel clip -i'
+ # select buffer to paste from
+ bind Space choose-buffer
+ # status line text
+ set -g status-left-length 30
+ set -g status-left '#S | #(whoami)@#(hostname) | '
+ set -g status-right '~%Y.%m.%d..%H.%M'
+ set -g renumber-windows on
+ # white-ish background with dark-grey text
+ set -g status-style bg=colour0,fg=colour13
+ # highlight current window
+ set -g window-status-current-style fg=colour0,bg=colour13
+ set -g window-status-format '#I) #W '
+ set -g window-status-current-format '#I) #W '
+ # special thing for groq's SFT thing
+ set -g update-environment "SFT_AUTH_SOCK SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH_CONNECTION"
+ '';
+ plugins = with pkgs.tmuxPlugins; [
+ extrakto
+ tmux-fzf
+ ];
+ };
+ programs.direnv = {
+ enable = true;
+ enableBashIntegration = true;
+ nix-direnv.enable = true;
+ };
+ programs.vim = {
+ enable = true;
+ #vimAlias = true;
+ #viAlias = true;
+ #vimdiffAlias = true;
+ plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
+ base16-vim
+ catppuccin-vim
+ editorconfig-vim
+ vim-sensible
+ vim-fugitive
+ vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people
+ # vim-ripgrep # not in nixpkgs :(
+ rainbow_parentheses
+ vim-plug # just in case
+ vim-addon-local-vimrc
+ fzf-vim
+ (pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
+ pname = "photon.vim";
+ version = "2022.03.14";
+ src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
+ owner = "axvr";
+ repo = "photon.vim";
+ rev = "32b42c8a12bf9588259b76f3df6807960e0d7386";
+ sha256 = "sha256-kM7WP03uE20yr0nCusB3ncHzgtEYxqNzoNoQGen9p+o=";
+ };
+ meta.homepage = "";
+ })
+ (pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
+ pname = "skull-vim";
+ version = "2022.03.14";
+ src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
+ owner = "kadekillary";
+ repo = "skull-vim";
+ rev = "abb9d7120c63aad6f9acc26d31c948a93f352e94";
+ sha256 = "sha256-tu5aDRjHZtXKoyQBbMEhzjGrRl4GZD121ybs7oNylvs=";
+ };
+ meta.homepage = "";
+ })
+ ];
+ extraConfig = builtins.readFile ./vimrc;
+ };
+ programs = {
info.enable = true;
man.enable = true;
@@ -509,12 +516,11 @@ in {
bind '"\C- ": "$(p)\e\C-e\er"'
shellAliases = {
- q = "que";
- qd = ''que pub/bsnotify - <<< "done"'';
".." = "__HM_SESS_VARS_SOURCED= .";
day = "date +%a";
ddate = "date +%Y.%m.%d";
dday = "date +%A";
+ dr = "direnv reload";
e = "emacsclient -nw"; # emacs in a terminal
f = "fossil";
g = "git";
@@ -529,6 +535,8 @@ in {
gs = "git status -sb";
hs = "NIX_PATH=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels$\{NIX_PATH:+:\}$NIX_PATH home-manager switch";
ll = "ls -lah";
+ q = "que";
+ qd = ''que pub/bsnotify - <<< "done"'';
rm = "rm -i";
s = ''
diff --git a/lib/const.nix b/lib/const.nix
index ce1f11b..be27d9d 100644
--- a/lib/const.nix
+++ b/lib/const.nix
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- fontSize = 14;
+ fontSize = 12;
homedir = builtins.getEnv "HOME";
gpgid = "66A6AD150399D970DCA4C4E6C8218B7D0BFDECCD";
diff --git a/lib/linux.nix b/lib/linux.nix
index e80b71f..ba0fbdf 100644
--- a/lib/linux.nix
+++ b/lib/linux.nix
@@ -2,24 +2,9 @@
inherit (import ./const.nix) fontSize homedir gpgid;
- base16-scheme = "atelier-sulphurpool";
- base16-scheme-filename = lib.strings.concatStrings (lib.strings.splitString "-" base16-scheme);
- theme = lib.removeSuffix "\n" (builtins.readFile "${homedir}/.local/share/xtheme");
- xresourcesFile = "${pkgs.base16}/xresources/base16-${base16-scheme-filename}.${theme}.256.xresources";
- # used in polybar and dunst
- colors = { # derived from spacemacs
- "dark" = {
- highlight = "#5d4d7a";
- background = "#292b2e";
- foreground = "#b2b2b2";
- };
- "light" = {
- highlight = "#67b11d";
- background = "#f6f1e1";
- foreground = "#655370";
- };
- };
+ inherit (import ./theme.nix { inherit pkgs lib; })
+ theme colors base16-scheme base16-scheme-filename
+ xresourcesFile;
xmonadPackages = self: [
#self.taffybar # fails to build
@@ -30,6 +15,10 @@ in
imports = [
+ # nix-channel --add catppuccin
+ #<catppuccin/modules/home-manager>
home = {
pointerCursor = {
@@ -100,6 +89,10 @@ in
+ #catppuccin.flavor = "latte";
+ #catppuccin.enable = true;
fonts.fontconfig.enable = true;
gtk.enable = false; # this fails because of some missing service file
@@ -140,141 +133,6 @@ in
postExec = "${pkgs.notmuch}/bin/notmuch new";
- polybar = {
- #
- enable = true;
- config = {
- "bar/top" = {
- background = colors."${theme}".background;
- font-0 = "FiraSans:size=${toString fontSize}";
- font-1 = "Font Awesome 5:pixelsize=11;1";
- font-2 = "MaterialIcons:size=10:antialias=false;2";
- foreground = colors."${theme}".foreground;
- height = "30";
- module-margin = 1;
- modules-center = "date";
- modules-left = ["ewmh" "volume-bar"];
- modules-right = [ "battery" "cpu" "mem" "temp" ];
- monitor = "\${env:MONITOR:HDMI-2}";
- monitor-fallback = "\${env:MONITOR:eDP-1}";
- radius = 0;
- separator = "|";
- tray-background = colors."${theme}".background;
- tray-detached = false;
- tray-maxsize = 16;
- tray-offset-x = 0;
- tray-offset-y = 0;
- tray-padding = 0;
- tray-position = "right";
- tray-scale = 1;
- width = "100%";
- };
- "module/ewmh" = {
- type = "internal/xworkspaces";
- label-active-foreground = "#fff";
- };
- "module/date" = {
- type = "internal/date";
- internal = 5;
- date = "%Y.%m.%d";
- time = "%H.%M";
- label = "%date%..%time%";
- };
- "module/battery" = {
- type = "internal/battery";
- battery = "BAT0";
- adapter = "AC";
- full-at = 99;
- };
- "module/volume-bar" = {
- type = "internal/alsa";
- master-soundcard = "hw:1";
- bar-volume-font = 2;
- bar-volume-width = 9;
- format-volume = "<label-volume><bar-volume>";
- label-volume = " .) ";
- label-muted = " .) mute";
- label-volume-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- format-muted-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- bar-volume-foreground-0 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- bar-volume-foreground-1 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- bar-volume-foreground-2 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- bar-volume-foreground-3 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- bar-volume-foreground-4 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- bar-volume-foreground-5 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- bar-volume-foreground-6 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- bar-volume-gradient = true;
- bar-volume-indicator = "•";
- bar-volume-fill = "•";
- bar-volume-empty = "·";
- bar-volume-empty-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- };
- "module/ethernet" = {
- type = "internal/network";
- interface = "enp1s0";
- label-connected = "eth up: %upspeed:9% down: %downspeed%";
- label-disconnected = "no eth";
- };
- "module/wifi" = {
- type = "internal/network";
- interface = "wlan1";
- label-connected = "wifi up: %upspeed% down: %downspeed%";
- label-disconnected = "no wifi";
- };
- "module/cpu" = {
- type = "internal/cpu";
- interval = 3;
- format-padding = 1;
- format = "<label> <ramp-coreload>";
- label = " %percentage:2%%";
- ramp-coreload-0 = "▂";
- ramp-coreload-1 = "▃";
- ramp-coreload-2 = "▄";
- ramp-coreload-3 = "▅";
- ramp-coreload-4 = "▆";
- ramp-coreload-5 = "▇";
- ramp-coreload-0-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- ramp-coreload-1-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- ramp-coreload-2-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- ramp-coreload-3-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- ramp-coreload-4-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- ramp-coreload-5-foreground = colors.${theme}.highlight;
- };
- "module/temp" = {
- type = "internal/temperature";
- interval = 3;
- thermal-zone = 0;
- warn-temperature = 70;
- format = "<ramp> <label>";
- format-padding = 1;
- label = "%temperature-c%";
- ramp-0 = "_";
- ramp-1 = ".";
- ramp-2 = ":";
- ramp-3 = "|";
- ramp-4 = "!!";
- ramp-0-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- ramp-1-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- ramp-2-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- ramp-3-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
- ramp-4-foreground = colors.${theme}.highlight;
- format-warn = "<label-warn>";
- label-warn = " %temperature-c%";
- label-warn-padding = 1;
- label-warn-foreground = colors.${theme}.highlight;
- };
- "module/mem" = {
- type = "internal/memory";
- interval = 3;
- format = "<label>";
- label-padding = 1;
- label = " |[]| %percentage_used%%";
- };
- };
- script = ''
- polybar top &
- '';
- };
dunst = {
enable = true;
diff --git a/lib/polybar.nix b/lib/polybar.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c454cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/polybar.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
+ inherit (import ./const.nix) fontSize homedir;
+ inherit (import ./theme.nix { inherit pkgs lib; })
+ colors theme;
+in {
+ services.polybar = {
+ config = {
+ "bar/top" = {
+ background = colors."${theme}".background;
+ font-0 = "FiraSans:size=${toString fontSize}";
+ font-1 = "Font Awesome 5:pixelsize=11;1";
+ font-2 = "MaterialIcons:size=10:antialias=false;2";
+ foreground = colors."${theme}".foreground;
+ height = "30";
+ module-margin = 1;
+ modules-center = "date";
+ modules-left = ["ewmh" "volume-bar"];
+ modules-right = [ "battery" "cpu" "mem" "temp" ];
+ radius = 0;
+ separator = "|";
+ tray-background = colors."${theme}".background;
+ tray-detached = false;
+ tray-maxsize = 16;
+ tray-offset-x = 0;
+ tray-offset-y = 0;
+ tray-padding = 0;
+ tray-position = "right";
+ tray-scale = 1;
+ width = "100%";
+ };
+ "module/ewmh" = {
+ type = "internal/xworkspaces";
+ label-active-foreground = "#fff";
+ };
+ "module/date" = {
+ type = "internal/date";
+ internal = 5;
+ date = "%Y.%m.%d";
+ time = "%H.%M";
+ label = "%date%..%time%";
+ };
+ "module/battery" = {
+ type = "internal/battery";
+ battery = "BAT0";
+ adapter = "AC";
+ full-at = 99;
+ };
+ "module/volume-bar" = {
+ type = "internal/alsa";
+ master-soundcard = "hw:1";
+ bar-volume-font = 2;
+ bar-volume-width = 9;
+ format-volume = "<label-volume><bar-volume>";
+ label-volume = " .) ";
+ label-muted = " .) mute";
+ label-volume-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ format-muted-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ bar-volume-foreground-0 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ bar-volume-foreground-1 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ bar-volume-foreground-2 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ bar-volume-foreground-3 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ bar-volume-foreground-4 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ bar-volume-foreground-5 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ bar-volume-foreground-6 = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ bar-volume-gradient = true;
+ bar-volume-indicator = "•";
+ bar-volume-fill = "•";
+ bar-volume-empty = "·";
+ bar-volume-empty-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ };
+ "module/ethernet" = {
+ type = "internal/network";
+ interface = "enp1s0";
+ label-connected = "eth up: %upspeed:9% down: %downspeed%";
+ label-disconnected = "no eth";
+ };
+ "module/wifi" = {
+ type = "internal/network";
+ interface = "wlan1";
+ label-connected = "wifi up: %upspeed% down: %downspeed%";
+ label-disconnected = "no wifi";
+ };
+ "module/cpu" = {
+ type = "internal/cpu";
+ interval = 3;
+ format-padding = 1;
+ format = "<label> <ramp-coreload>";
+ label = " %percentage:2%%";
+ ramp-coreload-0 = "▂";
+ ramp-coreload-1 = "▃";
+ ramp-coreload-2 = "▄";
+ ramp-coreload-3 = "▅";
+ ramp-coreload-4 = "▆";
+ ramp-coreload-5 = "▇";
+ ramp-coreload-0-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ ramp-coreload-1-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ ramp-coreload-2-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ ramp-coreload-3-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ ramp-coreload-4-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ ramp-coreload-5-foreground = colors.${theme}.highlight;
+ };
+ "module/temp" = {
+ type = "internal/temperature";
+ interval = 3;
+ thermal-zone = 0;
+ warn-temperature = 70;
+ format = "<ramp> <label>";
+ format-padding = 1;
+ label = "%temperature-c%";
+ ramp-0 = "_";
+ ramp-1 = ".";
+ ramp-2 = ":";
+ ramp-3 = "|";
+ ramp-4 = "!!";
+ ramp-0-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ ramp-1-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ ramp-2-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ ramp-3-foreground = colors.${theme}.foreground;
+ ramp-4-foreground = colors.${theme}.highlight;
+ format-warn = "<label-warn>";
+ label-warn = " %temperature-c%";
+ label-warn-padding = 1;
+ label-warn-foreground = colors.${theme}.highlight;
+ };
+ "module/mem" = {
+ type = "internal/memory";
+ interval = 3;
+ format = "<label>";
+ label-padding = 1;
+ label = " |[ %percentage_used%% ]|";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/theme.nix b/lib/theme.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1020514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/theme.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{ pkgs, lib }:
+ inherit (import ./const.nix) homedir;
+in rec {
+ theme = lib.removeSuffix "\n" (builtins.readFile "${homedir}/.local/share/xtheme");
+ base16-scheme = "atelier-sulphurpool";
+ base16-scheme-filename = lib.strings.concatStrings (lib.strings.splitString "-" base16-scheme);
+ xresourcesFile = "${pkgs.base16}/xresources/base16-${base16-scheme-filename}.${theme}.256.xresources";
+ colors = { # derived from spacemacs
+ "dark" = {
+ highlight = "#5d4d7a";
+ background = "#292b2e";
+ foreground = "#b2b2b2";
+ };
+ "light" = {
+ highlight = "#67b11d";
+ background = "#f6f1e1";
+ foreground = "#655370";
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/urxvt.nix b/lib/urxvt.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fe2351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/urxvt.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{ ... }:
+ #inherit (import ./const.nix) fontSize;
+ fontSize = 10;
+in {
+ programs.urxvt = let font = name: size: "xft:${name}:size=${toString size}:ant"; in {
+ enable = true;
+ fonts = [
+ (font "Fira Code" fontSize)
+ (font "FiraCodeNerdfont" fontSize)
+ "xft:Noto Emoji"
+ ];
+ #keybindings = {
+ # # why don't any of these work?
+ # "Shift-Control-C" = "eval:selection_to_clipboard";
+ # "Shift-Control-V" = "eval:paste_clipboard";
+ # "Shift-Control-+" = "command:\033]710;${font 12}\007\033]711;${font 12}\007";
+ # "Shift-Control--" = "command:\033]710;${font 8}\007\033]711;${font 8}\007";
+ #};
+ iso14755 = true; # unicode chars
+ #transparent = true;
+ #shading = 10;
+ };
diff --git a/lib/vimrc b/lib/vimrc
index fe4c099..720045f 100644
--- a/lib/vimrc
+++ b/lib/vimrc
@@ -111,172 +111,173 @@ function! <SID>SynStack()
echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
-set background=dark
+set background=light
"let g:colors_name = 'bs_monochrome'
-let s:white = ['White', 15]
-let s:black = ['#0e1111', 16]
-let s:dblack = ['#111111', 1]
-let s:bgray = ['#181818', 233]
-let s:lgray = ['LightGray', 255]
-let s:cgray = ['#737373', 243]
-let s:dgray = ['DarkGray', 248]
-let s:sblue = ['LightBlue', 67]
-let s:yellow = ['LightYellow', 226]
-let s:red = ['DarkRed', 160]
-let s:green = ['DarkGreen', 28]
-let s:purple = ['LightMagenta', 13]
-let s:default_fg = s:lgray
-let s:default_bg = s:black
-let s:italic = 'italic'
-let s:bold = 'bold'
-let s:underline = 'underline'
-let s:none = 'NONE'
-let s:default_lst = []
-let s:default_str = ''
-if !exists("g:monochrome_italic_comments")
- let g:monochrome_italic_comments = 0
-let s:comment_attr = g:monochrome_italic_comments ? s:italic : s:none
+"let s:white = ['White', 15]
+"let s:black = ['#0e1111', 16]
+"let s:dblack = ['#111111', 1]
+"let s:bgray = ['#181818', 233]
+"let s:lgray = ['LightGray', 255]
+"let s:cgray = ['#737373', 243]
+"let s:dgray = ['DarkGray', 248]
+"let s:sblue = ['LightBlue', 67]
+"let s:yellow = ['LightYellow', 226]
+"let s:red = ['DarkRed', 160]
+"let s:green = ['DarkGreen', 28]
+"let s:purple = ['LightMagenta', 13]
-" A function for setting colors, if I want it...
-function! s:hi(...)
- let group = a:1
- let fg = get(a:, 2, s:default_fg)
- let bg = get(a:, 3, s:default_bg)
- let attr = get(a:, 4, s:default_str)
- let cmd = ['hi', group]
- if fg != s:default_lst
- call add(cmd, 'guifg='.fg[0])
- call add(cmd, 'ctermfg='.fg[1])
- endif
- if bg != s:default_lst && bg != s:default_bg
- call add(cmd, 'guibg='.bg[0])
- call add(cmd, 'ctermbg='.bg[1])
- endif
- if attr != s:default_str
- call add(cmd, 'gui='.attr)
- call add(cmd, 'cterm='.attr)
- endif
- exec join(cmd, ' ')
-call s:hi('Normal')
-highlight clear Cursor
-highlight clear CursorLine " clear the underline nonsense
-call s:hi('Cursor', s:black, s:sblue)
-call s:hi('lCursor', s:black, s:sblue)
-" these are the cross-hair colors
-call s:hi('CursorLine', s:black, s:lgray, s:none)
-call s:hi('CursorColumn', s:black, s:lgray, s:none)
-call s:hi('CursorLineNr', s:white, s:sblue, s:bold)
-call s:hi('ColorColumn', s:lgray, s:dblack, s:none)
-call s:hi('Search', s:black, s:purple)
-call s:hi('Visual', s:black, s:green)
-call s:hi('ErrorMsg', s:white, s:red)
-call s:hi('StatusLine', s:black, s:purple)
-call s:hi('StatusLineNC', s:black, s:purple)
-call s:hi('VertSplit', s:black, s:purple)
-" Tildes at the bottom of a buffer, etc.
-call s:hi('NonText', s:dgray)
-" Folding.
-call s:hi('FoldColumn', s:dgray)
-call s:hi('Folded')
-" Line numbers gutter.
-call s:hi('LineNr', s:dgray)
-" Small arrow used for tabs.
-call s:hi('SpecialKey', s:sblue, s:default_bg, s:bold)
-" File browsers.
-call s:hi('Directory', s:white, s:default_bg, s:bold)
-" Help.
-call s:hi('helpSpecial')
-call s:hi('helpHyperTextJump', s:sblue, s:default_bg, s:underline)
-call s:hi('helpNote')
-" Popup menu.
-call s:hi('Pmenu', s:white, s:sblue)
-call s:hi('PmenuSel', s:sblue, s:white)
-" Notes.
-call s:hi('Todo', s:black, s:yellow, s:bold)
-" Signs.
-call s:hi('SignColumn')
-" --- Languages ---------------------------------------------------------------
-call s:hi('Statement', s:white, s:default_bg, s:bold)
-call s:hi('PreProc', s:white, s:default_bg, s:bold)
-call s:hi('String', s:sblue)
-call s:hi('Comment', s:cgray, s:default_bg, s:comment_attr)
-call s:hi('Constant')
-call s:hi('Type', s:white, s:default_bg, s:bold)
-call s:hi('Function', s:white)
-call s:hi('Identifier')
-call s:hi('Special')
-call s:hi('MatchParen', s:black, s:lgray)
-call s:hi('vimOption')
-call s:hi('vimGroup')
-call s:hi('vimHiClear')
-call s:hi('vimHiGroup')
-call s:hi('vimHiAttrib')
-call s:hi('vimHiGui')
-call s:hi('vimHiGuiFgBg')
-call s:hi('vimHiCTerm')
-call s:hi('vimHiCTermFgBg')
-call s:hi('vimSynType')
-hi link vimCommentTitle Comment
-call s:hi('pythonEscape', s:sblue)
-call s:hi('javaScriptFunction', s:white, s:default_bg, s:bold)
-call s:hi('perlSharpBang', s:cgray)
-call s:hi('perlStringStartEnd', s:sblue)
-call s:hi('perlStringEscape', s:sblue)
-call s:hi('perlMatchStartEnd', s:sblue)
-call s:hi('elixirAlias', s:default_fg, s:default_bg, s:none)
-call s:hi('elixirDelimiter', s:sblue)
-call s:hi('elixirSelf', s:default_fg, s:default_bg, s:none)
-" For ||, ->, etc.
-call s:hi('elixirOperator')
-" Module attributes like @doc or @type.
-hi link elixirVariable Statement
-" While rendered as comments in other languages, docstrings are strings,
-" experimental.
-hi link elixirDocString String
-hi link elixirDocTest String
-hi link elixirStringDelimiter String
-call s:hi('rubyConstant')
-call s:hi('rubySharpBang', s:cgray)
-call s:hi('rubyStringDelimiter', s:sblue)
-call s:hi('rubyStringEscape', s:sblue)
-call s:hi('rubyRegexpEscape', s:sblue)
-call s:hi('rubyRegexpAnchor', s:sblue)
-call s:hi('rubyRegexpSpecial', s:sblue)
-" --- Diffs --------------------------------------------------------------------
-call s:hi('diffFile', s:cgray)
-call s:hi('diffNewFile', s:cgray)
-call s:hi('diffIndexLine', s:cgray)
-call s:hi('diffLine', s:cgray)
-call s:hi('diffSubname', s:cgray)
-call s:hi('diffAdded', s:white, s:green)
-call s:hi('diffRemoved', s:white, s:red)
+"let s:default_fg = s:lgray
+"let s:default_bg = s:black
+"let s:italic = 'italic'
+"let s:bold = 'bold'
+"let s:underline = 'underline'
+"let s:none = 'NONE'
+"let s:default_lst = []
+"let s:default_str = ''
+"if !exists("g:monochrome_italic_comments")
+" let g:monochrome_italic_comments = 0
+"let s:comment_attr = g:monochrome_italic_comments ? s:italic : s:none
+"" A function for setting colors, if I want it...
+"function! s:hi(...)
+" let group = a:1
+" let fg = get(a:, 2, s:default_fg)
+" let bg = get(a:, 3, s:default_bg)
+" let attr = get(a:, 4, s:default_str)
+" let cmd = ['hi', group]
+" if fg != s:default_lst
+" call add(cmd, 'guifg='.fg[0])
+" call add(cmd, 'ctermfg='.fg[1])
+" endif
+" if bg != s:default_lst && bg != s:default_bg
+" call add(cmd, 'guibg='.bg[0])
+" call add(cmd, 'ctermbg='.bg[1])
+" endif
+" if attr != s:default_str
+" call add(cmd, 'gui='.attr)
+" call add(cmd, 'cterm='.attr)
+" endif
+" exec join(cmd, ' ')
+"call s:hi('Normal')
+"highlight clear Cursor
+"highlight clear CursorLine " clear the underline nonsense
+"call s:hi('Cursor', s:black, s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('lCursor', s:black, s:sblue)
+"" these are the cross-hair colors
+"call s:hi('CursorLine', s:black, s:lgray, s:none)
+"call s:hi('CursorColumn', s:black, s:lgray, s:none)
+"call s:hi('CursorLineNr', s:white, s:sblue, s:bold)
+"call s:hi('ColorColumn', s:lgray, s:dblack, s:none)
+"call s:hi('Search', s:black, s:purple)
+"call s:hi('Visual', s:black, s:green)
+"call s:hi('ErrorMsg', s:white, s:red)
+"call s:hi('StatusLine', s:black, s:purple)
+"call s:hi('StatusLineNC', s:black, s:purple)
+"call s:hi('VertSplit', s:black, s:purple)
+"" Tildes at the bottom of a buffer, etc.
+"call s:hi('NonText', s:dgray)
+"" Folding.
+"call s:hi('FoldColumn', s:dgray)
+"call s:hi('Folded')
+"" Line numbers gutter.
+"call s:hi('LineNr', s:dgray)
+"" Small arrow used for tabs.
+"call s:hi('SpecialKey', s:sblue, s:default_bg, s:bold)
+"" File browsers.
+"call s:hi('Directory', s:white, s:default_bg, s:bold)
+"" Help.
+"call s:hi('helpSpecial')
+"call s:hi('helpHyperTextJump', s:sblue, s:default_bg, s:underline)
+"call s:hi('helpNote')
+"" Popup menu.
+"call s:hi('Pmenu', s:white, s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('PmenuSel', s:sblue, s:white)
+"" Notes.
+"call s:hi('Todo', s:black, s:yellow, s:bold)
+"" Signs.
+"call s:hi('SignColumn')
+"" --- Languages ---------------------------------------------------------------
+"call s:hi('Statement', s:white, s:default_bg, s:bold)
+"call s:hi('PreProc', s:white, s:default_bg, s:bold)
+"call s:hi('String', s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('Comment', s:cgray, s:default_bg, s:comment_attr)
+"call s:hi('Constant')
+"call s:hi('Type', s:white, s:default_bg, s:bold)
+"call s:hi('Function', s:white)
+"call s:hi('Identifier')
+"call s:hi('Special')
+"call s:hi('MatchParen', s:black, s:lgray)
+"call s:hi('vimOption')
+"call s:hi('vimGroup')
+"call s:hi('vimHiClear')
+"call s:hi('vimHiGroup')
+"call s:hi('vimHiAttrib')
+"call s:hi('vimHiGui')
+"call s:hi('vimHiGuiFgBg')
+"call s:hi('vimHiCTerm')
+"call s:hi('vimHiCTermFgBg')
+"call s:hi('vimSynType')
+"hi link vimCommentTitle Comment
+"call s:hi('pythonEscape', s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('javaScriptFunction', s:white, s:default_bg, s:bold)
+"call s:hi('perlSharpBang', s:cgray)
+"call s:hi('perlStringStartEnd', s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('perlStringEscape', s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('perlMatchStartEnd', s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('elixirAlias', s:default_fg, s:default_bg, s:none)
+"call s:hi('elixirDelimiter', s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('elixirSelf', s:default_fg, s:default_bg, s:none)
+"" For ||, ->, etc.
+"call s:hi('elixirOperator')
+"" Module attributes like @doc or @type.
+"hi link elixirVariable Statement
+"" While rendered as comments in other languages, docstrings are strings,
+"" experimental.
+"hi link elixirDocString String
+"hi link elixirDocTest String
+"hi link elixirStringDelimiter String
+"call s:hi('rubyConstant')
+"call s:hi('rubySharpBang', s:cgray)
+"call s:hi('rubyStringDelimiter', s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('rubyStringEscape', s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('rubyRegexpEscape', s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('rubyRegexpAnchor', s:sblue)
+"call s:hi('rubyRegexpSpecial', s:sblue)
+"" --- Diffs --------------------------------------------------------------------
+"call s:hi('diffFile', s:cgray)
+"call s:hi('diffNewFile', s:cgray)
+"call s:hi('diffIndexLine', s:cgray)
+"call s:hi('diffLine', s:cgray)
+"call s:hi('diffSubname', s:cgray)
+"call s:hi('diffAdded', s:white, s:green)
+"call s:hi('diffRemoved', s:white, s:red)
+colorscheme catppuccin_latte
" load ~/.vimrc.local last for local overrides
if filereadable(expand('~/.vimrc.local'))
source ~/.vimrc.local