path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common.nix b/lib/common.nix
index 1b25fb0..a87ebb5 100644
--- a/lib/common.nix
+++ b/lib/common.nix
@@ -289,12 +289,15 @@ in
git rev-parse HEAD > /dev/null 2>&1
- alias fzf-tmux='fzf-tmux -p "70%"'
+ fzf_down() {
+ fzf --height 50% --min-height 20 --border \
+ --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(hidden|90%|)' "$@"
+ }
_gf() {
is_in_git_repo || return
git -c color.status=always status --short |
- fzf-tmux -p "70%" -m --ansi --nth 2..,.. \
+ fzf_down -m --ansi --nth 2..,.. \
--preview '(git diff --color=always -- {-1} | sed 1,4d; cat {-1}) | head -500' |
cut -c4- | sed 's/.* -> //'
@@ -302,7 +305,7 @@ in
_gb() {
is_in_git_repo || return
git branch -a --color=always | grep -v '/HEAD\s' | sort |
- fzf-tmux --ansi --multi --tac --preview-window right:70% \
+ fzf_down --ansi --multi --tac --preview-window right:70% \
--preview 'git log --oneline --graph --date=short --color=always --pretty="format:%C(auto)%cd %h%d %s" $(sed s/^..// <<< {} | cut -d" " -f1) | head -'$LINES |
sed 's/^..//' | cut -d' ' -f1 |
sed 's#^remotes/##'
@@ -311,14 +314,15 @@ in
_gt() {
is_in_git_repo || return
git tag --sort -version:refname |
- fzf-tmux --multi --preview-window right:70% \
+ fzf_down --multi --preview-window right:70% \
--preview 'git show --color=always {} | head -'$LINES
_gh() {
is_in_git_repo || return
- git log --date=short --format="%C(green)%C(bold)%cd %C(auto)%h%d %s (%an)" --graph --color=always |
- fzf-tmux --ansi --no-sort --reverse --multi --bind 'ctrl-s:toggle-sort' \
+ git log --date=short --format="%C(green)%C(bold)%cd %C(auto)%h%d %s (%an)" --graph --color=always --no-merges |
+ fzf_down --ansi --no-sort --reverse --multi --exact \
+ --bind 'ctrl-s:toggle-sort' \
--header 'Press CTRL-S to toggle sort' \
--preview 'grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{7,\}" <<< {} | xargs git show --color=always | head -'$LINES |
grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{7,\}"
@@ -327,7 +331,7 @@ in
_gr() {
is_in_git_repo || return
git remote -v | awk '{print $1 "\t" $2}' | uniq |
- fzf-tmux --tac \
+ fzf_down --tac \
--preview 'git log --oneline --graph --date=short --pretty="format:%C(auto)%cd %h%d %s" {1} | head -200' |
cut -d$'\t' -f1