path: root/xmonad.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xmonad.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/xmonad.hs b/xmonad.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 30fe52a..0000000
--- a/xmonad.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-- EZConfig:
-- Media keys:
-- Audio control:
-- XMonad API:
-- Contrib API:
-import Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XF86
-import XMonad
-import XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow
-import XMonad.Config
-import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops (ewmh)
-import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
-import XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition
-import XMonad.Layout.Dwindle as Dwindle
-import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
-import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
-import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
-import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
-import XMonad.Layout.Spiral
-import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
-import XMonad.Layout.TwoPane
-import XMonad.Util.CustomKeys (customKeys)
-import XMonad.Util.EZConfig (additionalKeys)
--- Colors
-data Colors = Colors
- { foreground :: String
- , background :: String
- , highlight :: String
- }
-lightTheme = Colors
- { highlight = "#67b11d"
- , background = "#f6f1e1"
- , foreground = "#655370"
- }
-darkTheme = Colors
- { highlight = "#5d4d7a"
- , background = "#292b2e"
- , foreground = "#b2b2b2"
- }
-getColorsFromXtheme :: IO Colors
-getColorsFromXtheme = do
- x <- readFile "/home/ben/.local/share/xtheme"
- return $ case filter (/= '\n') x of
- "light" -> lightTheme
- "dark" -> darkTheme
- _ -> darkTheme
-nixBin :: String
-nixBin = "/home/ben/.nix-profile/bin/"
-altMask :: KeyMask
-altMask = mod1Mask
-insKeys :: XConfig l -> [((KeyMask, KeySym), X ())]
-insKeys conf@(XConfig {modMask = modMask}) =
- [ ((modMask, xK_y), spawn $ nixBin <> "passmenu")
- , ((modMask, xK_m), spawn "cmdtree")
- , ((modMask, xK_o), spawn "cmdtree")
- -- sticky windows
- , ((modMask, xK_a ), windows copyToAll) -- @@ Make focused window always visible
- , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_a ), killAllOtherCopies) -- @@ Toggle window state back
- -- media/ function keys
- -- backlight
- , ((0, xK_F5), spawn "xbacklight -dec 5")
- , ((0, xK_F6), spawn "xbacklight -inc 5")
- , ((0, xF86XK_KbdBrightnessDown), spawn "xbacklight -dec 5")
- , ((0, xF86XK_KbdBrightnessUp), spawn "xbacklight -inc 5")
- -- volume controls
- , ((0, xK_F1), amixer "toggle")
- , ((0, xK_F2), amixer "2%+")
- , ((0, xK_F3), amixer "2%-")
- , ((0, xF86XK_AudioMute), amixer "toggle")
- , ((0, xF86XK_AudioLowerVolume), amixer "2%-")
- , ((0, xF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume), amixer "2%+")
- ]
-amixer :: String -> X ()
-amixer cmd = spawn $ "amixer -q sset Master " <> cmd
--- | Golden-ratio spiral
-goldenSpiral :: SpiralWithDir a
-goldenSpiral = spiral (6 / 7)
-myWorkspaces :: [String]
-myWorkspaces = ["1[chat]", "2[emacs]", "3[work]", "4[dandel]", "5[sabten]", "6[study]"] ++ map show [7 .. 9]
-addSpace :: l a -> ModifiedLayout Spacing l a
-addSpace = spacingRaw
- True (Border 5 5 5 5)
- True (Border 5 5 5 5)
- True
-myTabCfg theme = def
- { fontName = "xft:Fira Sans:size=10:ant"
- , activeBorderColor = highlight theme
- , inactiveBorderColor = background theme
- , activeColor = highlight theme
- , inactiveColor = background theme
- }
-myLayout theme = avoidStruts $
- noBorders (tabbed shrinkText $ myTabCfg theme)
- ||| tiled
- ||| Mirror tiled
- ||| noBorders Full
- ||| twopane
- ||| Mirror twopane
- ||| emptyBSP
- ||| goldenSpiral
- ||| Spiral L Dwindle.CW (3/2) (11/10) -- L means the non-main windows are put to the left.
- where
- -- The last parameter is fraction to multiply the slave window heights
- -- with. Useless here.
- tiled = addSpace $ ResizableTall nmaster delta ratio []
- -- In this layout the second pane will only show the focused window.
- twopane = addSpace $ TwoPane delta ratio
- -- The default number of windows in the master pane
- nmaster = 1
- -- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane
- ratio = 1/2
- -- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes
- delta = 3/100
-myConf theme = additionalKeys c (insKeys c)
- where c = def
- { modMask = mod4Mask -- ^ super instead of alt
- , normalBorderColor = background theme
- , focusedBorderColor = highlight theme
- , borderWidth = 3
- , manageHook = manageDocks <+> manageHook def
- , layoutHook = myLayout theme
- , terminal = "/home/ben/.nix-profile/bin/xterm"
- , workspaces = myWorkspaces
- }
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- theme <- getColorsFromXtheme
- xmonad $ ewmh $ docks $ myConf theme