path: root/Biz/Language/Bs/Primitives.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2020-04-15 15:24:32 -0700
committerBen Sima <>2020-04-15 17:19:43 -0700
commite9a53b69ad68e531a789eff3128f7304fd411808 (patch)
tree7c0382cb3c49458e8c989eaaa042bc37b37a9699 /Biz/Language/Bs/Primitives.hs
parentcb77d0eb623c7a398ca86a632d0ea37ac385cc3d (diff)
Lint fixes, also delete Biz.Language
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz/Language/Bs/Primitives.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Language/Bs/Primitives.hs b/Biz/Language/Bs/Primitives.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c70499..0000000
--- a/Biz/Language/Bs/Primitives.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
--- | bs primitives
--- I would like to reduce the number of primitives in the language to some
--- minimal number, like SKI combinator or Nock instructions. I'm not sure what
--- the minimal number is. The idea is to move primitives from here into core.scm
--- over time.
-module Language.Bs.Primitives where
-import Control.Exception
-import Control.Monad.Except
-import Data.Text as T
-import Data.Text.IO as TIO
-import Language.Bs.Expr
-import Network.HTTP
-import Protolude
-import System.Directory
-import System.IO
-type Prim = [(T.Text, Expr)]
-type Unary = Expr -> Eval Expr
-type Binary = Expr -> Expr -> Eval Expr
-mkF :: ([Expr] -> Eval Expr) -> Expr
-mkF = IFun . IFunc
-primEnv :: Prim
-primEnv =
- [ ("+", mkF $ binopFold (numOp (+)) (Numb 0)),
- ("*", mkF $ binopFold (numOp (*)) (Numb 1)),
- ("string-append", mkF $ binopFold (strOp (<>)) (Tape "")),
- ("-", mkF $ binop $ numOp (-)),
- ("<", mkF $ binop $ numCmp (<)),
- ("<=", mkF $ binop $ numCmp (<=)),
- (">", mkF $ binop $ numCmp (>)),
- (">=", mkF $ binop $ numCmp (>=)),
- ("==", mkF $ binop $ numCmp (==)),
- ("even?", mkF $ unop $ numBool even),
- ("odd?", mkF $ unop $ numBool odd),
- ("neg?", mkF $ unop $ numBool (< 0)),
- ("pos?", mkF $ unop $ numBool (> 0)),
- ("eq?", mkF $ binop eqCmd),
- ("null?", mkF $ unop (eqCmd Nil)),
- ("bl-eq?", mkF $ binop $ eqOp (==)),
- ("and", mkF $ binopFold (eqOp (&&)) (Bool True)),
- ("or", mkF $ binopFold (eqOp (||)) (Bool False)),
- ("not", mkF $ unop $ notOp),
- ("cons", mkF $ Language.Bs.Primitives.cons),
- ("cdr", mkF $ Language.Bs.Primitives.cdr),
- ("car", mkF $,
- ("quote", mkF $ quote),
- ("file?", mkF $ unop fileExists),
- ("slurp", mkF $ unop slurp),
- ("wslurp", mkF $ unop wSlurp),
- ("put", mkF $ binop put_)
- ]
-unop :: Unary -> [Expr] -> Eval Expr
-unop op [x] = op x
-unop _ args = throw $ NumArgs 1 args
-binop :: Binary -> [Expr] -> Eval Expr
-binop op [x, y] = op x y
-binop _ args = throw $ NumArgs 2 args
-fileExists :: Expr -> Eval Expr
-fileExists (Tape txt) = Bool <$> liftIO (doesFileExist $ T.unpack txt)
-fileExists val = throw $ TypeMismatch "read expects string, instead got: " val
-slurp :: Expr -> Eval Expr
-slurp (Tape txt) = liftIO $ wFileSlurp txt
-slurp val = throw $ TypeMismatch "read expects string, instead got: " val
-wFileSlurp :: T.Text -> IO Expr
-wFileSlurp fileName = withFile (T.unpack fileName) ReadMode go
- where
- go = readTextFile fileName
-openURL :: T.Text -> IO Expr
-openURL x = do
- req <- simpleHTTP (getRequest $ T.unpack x)
- body <- getResponseBody req
- return $ Tape $ T.pack body
-wSlurp :: Expr -> Eval Expr
-wSlurp (Tape txt) = liftIO $ openURL txt
-wSlurp val = throw $ TypeMismatch "wSlurp expects a string, instead got: " val
-readTextFile :: T.Text -> Handle -> IO Expr
-readTextFile fileName h = do
- exists <- doesFileExist $ T.unpack fileName
- if exists
- then (TIO.hGetContents h) >>= (return . Tape)
- else throw $ ReadFileError $ T.concat [" file does not exist: ", fileName]
-put_ :: Expr -> Expr -> Eval Expr
-put_ (Tape file) (Tape msg) = liftIO $ wFilePut file msg
-put_ (Tape _) val = throw $ TypeMismatch "put expects string in the second argument (try using show), instead got: " val
-put_ val _ = throw $ TypeMismatch "put expects string, instead got: " val
-wFilePut :: T.Text -> T.Text -> IO Expr
-wFilePut fileName msg = withFile (T.unpack fileName) WriteMode go
- where
- go = putTextFile fileName msg
-putTextFile :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Handle -> IO Expr
-putTextFile fileName msg h = do
- canWrite <- hIsWritable h
- if canWrite
- then (TIO.hPutStr h msg) >> (return $ Tape msg)
- else throw $ ReadFileError $ T.concat [" file does not exist: ", fileName]
-binopFold :: Binary -> Expr -> [Expr] -> Eval Expr
-binopFold op farg args = case args of
- [] -> throw $ NumArgs 2 args
- [a, b] -> op a b
- _ -> foldM op farg args
-numBool :: (Integer -> Bool) -> Expr -> Eval Expr
-numBool op (Numb x) = return $ Bool $ op x
-numBool _ x = throw $ TypeMismatch "numeric op " x
-numOp :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> Expr -> Expr -> Eval Expr
-numOp op (Numb x) (Numb y) = return $ Numb $ op x y
-numOp _ Nil (Numb y) = return $ Numb y
-numOp _ (Numb x) Nil = return $ Numb x
-numOp _ x (Numb _) = throw $ TypeMismatch "numeric op" x
-numOp _ (Numb _) y = throw $ TypeMismatch "numeric op" y
-numOp _ x _ = throw $ TypeMismatch "numeric op" x
-strOp :: (T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text) -> Expr -> Expr -> Eval Expr
-strOp op (Tape x) (Tape y) = return $ Tape $ op x y
-strOp _ Nil (Tape y) = return $ Tape y
-strOp _ (Tape x) Nil = return $ Tape x
-strOp _ x (Tape _) = throw $ TypeMismatch "string op" x
-strOp _ (Tape _) y = throw $ TypeMismatch "string op" y
-strOp _ x _ = throw $ TypeMismatch "string op" x
-eqOp :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Expr -> Expr -> Eval Expr
-eqOp op (Bool x) (Bool y) = return $ Bool $ op x y
-eqOp _ x (Bool _) = throw $ TypeMismatch "bool op" x
-eqOp _ (Bool _) y = throw $ TypeMismatch "bool op" y
-eqOp _ x _ = throw $ TypeMismatch "bool op" x
-numCmp :: (Integer -> Integer -> Bool) -> Expr -> Expr -> Eval Expr
-numCmp op (Numb x) (Numb y) = return . Bool $ op x y
-numCmp _ x (Numb _) = throw $ TypeMismatch "numeric op" x
-numCmp _ (Numb _) y = throw $ TypeMismatch "numeric op" y
-numCmp _ x _ = throw $ TypeMismatch "numeric op" x
-notOp :: Expr -> Eval Expr
-notOp (Bool True) = return $ Bool False
-notOp (Bool False) = return $ Bool True
-notOp x = throw $ TypeMismatch " not expects Bool" x
-eqCmd :: Expr -> Expr -> Eval Expr
-eqCmd (Atom x) (Atom y) = return . Bool $ x == y
-eqCmd (Numb x) (Numb y) = return . Bool $ x == y
-eqCmd (Tape x) (Tape y) = return . Bool $ x == y
-eqCmd (Bool x) (Bool y) = return . Bool $ x == y
-eqCmd Nil Nil = return $ Bool True
-eqCmd _ _ = return $ Bool False
-cons :: [Expr] -> Eval Expr
-cons [x, (List ys)] = return $ List $ x : ys
-cons [x, y] = return $ List [x, y]
-cons _ = throw $ ExpectedList "cons, in second argument"
-car :: [Expr] -> Eval Expr
-car [List []] = return Nil
-car [List (x : _)] = return x
-car [] = return Nil
-car _ = throw $ ExpectedList "car"
-cdr :: [Expr] -> Eval Expr
-cdr [List (_ : xs)] = return $ List xs
-cdr [List []] = return Nil
-cdr [] = return Nil
-cdr _ = throw $ ExpectedList "cdr"
-quote :: [Expr] -> Eval Expr
-quote [List xs] = return $ List $ Atom "quote" : xs
-quote [expr] = return $ List $ Atom "quote" : [expr]
-quote args = throw $ NumArgs 1 args