path: root/Biz/Lint.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2024-11-15 14:55:37 -0500
committerBen Sima <>2024-12-21 10:06:49 -0500
commit6513755670892983db88a6633b8c1ea6019c03d1 (patch)
tree44e9eccdb7a3a74ab7e96a8fee7572dd6a78dc73 /Biz/Lint.hs
parentae7b7e0186b5f2e0dcd4d5fac0a71fa264caedc2 (diff)
Re-namespace some stuff to Omni
I was getting confused about what is a product and what is internal infrastructure; I think it is good to keep those things separate. So I moved a bunch of stuff to an Omni namespace, actually most stuff went there. Only things that are explicitly external products are still in the Biz namespace.
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz/Lint.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Lint.hs b/Biz/Lint.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c971c04..0000000
--- a/Biz/Lint.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
--- | Global linter.
--- : out lint
--- : run ormolu
--- : run hlint
--- : run ruff
--- : run deadnix
--- : run shellcheck
--- : run indent
--- : run nixfmt
-module Biz.Lint (main) where
-import Alpha
-import qualified Biz.Cli as Cli
-import qualified Biz.Log as Log
-import Biz.Namespace (Ext (..), Namespace (..))
-import qualified Biz.Namespace as Namespace
-import Biz.Test ((@=?))
-import qualified Biz.Test as Test
-import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import qualified Data.String as String
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import qualified System.Directory as Directory
-import qualified System.Environment as Environment
-import qualified System.Exit as Exit
-import qualified System.Process as Process
-main :: IO ()
-main = Cli.main <| Cli.Plan help move test pure
-move :: Cli.Arguments -> IO ()
-move args =
- Environment.getEnv "CODEROOT" +> \root ->
- case Cli.getAllArgs args (Cli.argument "file") of
- [] ->
- changedFiles
- +> traverse Directory.makeAbsolute
- /> map (Namespace.fromPath root)
- /> catMaybes
- /> Namespace.groupByExt
- +> run mode
- +> exit
- files ->
- files
- |> filter (not <. Namespace.isCab)
- |> traverse Directory.makeAbsolute
- +> filterM Directory.doesFileExist
- /> map (Namespace.fromPath root)
- /> catMaybes
- /> Namespace.groupByExt
- +> run mode
- +> exit
- where
- mode =
- args
- `Cli.has` Cli.longOption "fix"
- ?: (Fix, Check)
-test :: Test.Tree
-test =
- "Biz.Lint"
- [ Test.unit "haskell files return two Results" <| do
- results <- run Check <| Map.singleton Hs <| [Namespace ["Biz", "Lint"] Hs]
- length results @=? 2
- ]
-help :: Cli.Docopt
-help =
- [Cli.docopt|
-all your lint are belong to us
- lint test
- lint [options] [<file>...]
- -f, --fix Apply fixes automatically
- -h, --help Print this info
-exit :: [Result] -> IO ()
-exit results = Exit.exitWith <| (n > 0) ?: (Exit.ExitFailure n, Exit.ExitSuccess)
- where
- n = length <| filter bad results
- bad = \case
- (Warn _) -> False
- Done _ (Bad _) -> True
- _ -> False
-printResult :: Result -> IO Result
-printResult r = case r of
- Warn err ->
- Log.warn ["lint", err]
- >>
- >> pure r
- Done (Linter {..}) (Bad err) ->
- ["lint", exe]
- >>
- >> (err /= "")
- ?| (putText <| Text.pack err)
- >> pure r
- Done (Linter {..}) Good ->
- Log.good ["lint", exe]
- >>
- >> pure r
- NoOp ext ->
- ["lint", "noop", show ext]
- >> pure r
-changedFiles :: IO [FilePath]
-changedFiles =
- git ["merge-base", "HEAD", "origin/live"]
- /> filter (/= '\n')
- +> (\mb -> git ["diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=d", mb])
- /> String.lines
- where
- git args = Process.readProcess "git" args ""
-data Mode
- = -- | Just check the files and return an exit code.
- Check
- | -- | Fix the files in place, return 0 if successful, otherwise return 1.
- Fix
-data Linter = Linter
- { exe :: Text,
- -- | Arguments added when in the "check" mode
- checkArgs :: [Text],
- -- | Arguments added when in the "fix" mode
- fixArgs :: Maybe [Text],
- -- | An optional function to format the output of the linter as you want
- -- it, perhaps decoding json or something
- decoder :: Maybe (String -> String)
- }
-ormolu :: Linter
-ormolu =
- Linter
- { exe = "ormolu",
- checkArgs = ["--mode", "check", "--no-cabal"],
- fixArgs = Just ["--mode", "inplace", "--no-cabal"],
- decoder = Nothing
- }
-hlint :: Linter
-hlint =
- Linter
- { exe = "hlint",
- checkArgs = [],
- -- needs apply-refact >, which needs ghc >9
- -- fixArgs = Just ["--refactor", "--refactor-options=-i"]
- fixArgs = Nothing,
- decoder = Nothing
- }
-ruffFormat :: Linter
-ruffFormat =
- Linter
- { exe = "ruff",
- checkArgs = ["format", "--check", "--silent"],
- fixArgs = Just ["format", "--silent"],
- decoder = Nothing
- }
-ruff :: Linter
-ruff =
- Linter
- { exe = "ruff",
- checkArgs = ["check"],
- fixArgs = Just ["check", "--fix"],
- decoder = Nothing
- }
-data DeadnixOutput = DeadnixOutput
- { file :: FilePath,
- results :: [DeadnixResult]
- }
- deriving (Generic, Aeson.FromJSON)
-data DeadnixResult = DeadnixResult
- { column :: Int,
- endColumn :: Int,
- line :: Int,
- message :: String
- }
- deriving (Generic, Aeson.FromJSON)
-deadnix :: Linter
-deadnix =
- Linter
- { exe = "deadnix",
- checkArgs = "--fail" : commonArgs,
- fixArgs = Just <| "--edit" : commonArgs,
- decoder = Just decodeDeadnixOutput
- }
- where
- commonArgs =
- [ -- "--no-underscore",
- -- "--no-lambda-pattern-names",
- "--output-format",
- "json"
- ]
-decodeDeadnixOutput :: String -> String
-decodeDeadnixOutput deadnixJson =
- deadnixJson |> Char8.pack |> Aeson.decodeStrict |> \case
- Nothing -> panic "could not decode deadnix output"
- Just o -> formatDeadnixOutput o
- where
- formatDeadnixOutput DeadnixOutput {..} =
- joinWith "\n" <| map formatDeadnixResult results
- where
- formatDeadnixResult DeadnixResult {..} =
- file <> ":" <> show line <> ":" <> show column <> ": " <> message
-nixfmt :: Linter
-nixfmt =
- Linter
- { exe = "nixfmt",
- checkArgs = ["--check"],
- fixArgs = Nothing,
- decoder = Nothing
- }
-shellcheck :: Linter
-shellcheck =
- Linter
- { exe = "shellcheck",
- checkArgs = [],
- fixArgs = Nothing,
- decoder = Nothing
- }
-indent :: Linter
-indent =
- Linter
- { exe = "indent",
- checkArgs = [],
- fixArgs = Nothing,
- decoder = Nothing
- }
-data Status = Good | Bad String
- deriving (Show)
-data Result
- = Done Linter Status
- | Warn Text
- | NoOp Namespace.Ext
-run :: Mode -> Map Namespace.Ext [Namespace] -> IO [Result]
-run mode nsmap = nsmap |> Map.assocs |> traverse (runOne mode) /> concat
-runOne :: Mode -> (Ext, [Namespace]) -> IO [Result]
-runOne mode (ext, ns's) = results +> traverse printResult
- where
- results :: IO [Result]
- results =
- -- i would run these with mapConcurrently, but the output gets mangled. to
- -- do it right i need a queue for the results. someday.
- sequence <| case ext of
- Namespace.Hs ->
- [ lint mode ormolu ns's,
- lint mode hlint ns's
- ]
- Namespace.Py ->
- [ lint mode ruffFormat ns's,
- lint mode ruff ns's
- ]
- Namespace.Sh -> [lint mode shellcheck ns's]
- Namespace.Nix -> [lint mode deadnix ns's, lint mode nixfmt ns's]
- Namespace.C -> [lint mode indent ns's]
- _ ->
- ns's
- |> map Namespace.toPath
- |> joinWith ", "
- |> str
- |> ("no linter for " <>)
- |> Warn
- |> (pure :: Result -> IO Result)
- |> (pure :: IO Result -> [IO Result])
-lint :: Mode -> Linter -> [Namespace] -> IO Result
-lint mode linter@Linter {..} ns's =
- ["lint", exe, (tshow <| length ns's) <> " files"]
- >> Process.readProcessWithExitCode (str exe) args ""
- /> \case
- (Exit.ExitSuccess, _, _) ->
- Done linter Good
- (Exit.ExitFailure _, msg, _) -> case decoder of
- Nothing -> Done linter <| Bad msg
- Just fmt -> Done linter <| Bad <| fmt msg
- where
- args = case (mode, fixArgs) of
- (Fix, Just args_) ->
- map str args_ ++ map Namespace.toPath ns's
- (Fix, Nothing) ->
- map Namespace.toPath ns's
- (Check, _) ->
- map str checkArgs ++ map Namespace.toPath ns's