path: root/Biz/Log.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2024-11-15 14:55:37 -0500
committerBen Sima <>2024-12-21 10:06:49 -0500
commit6513755670892983db88a6633b8c1ea6019c03d1 (patch)
tree44e9eccdb7a3a74ab7e96a8fee7572dd6a78dc73 /Biz/Log.hs
parentae7b7e0186b5f2e0dcd4d5fac0a71fa264caedc2 (diff)
Re-namespace some stuff to Omni
I was getting confused about what is a product and what is internal infrastructure; I think it is good to keep those things separate. So I moved a bunch of stuff to an Omni namespace, actually most stuff went there. Only things that are explicitly external products are still in the Biz namespace.
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz/Log.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Log.hs b/Biz/Log.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c82c28..0000000
--- a/Biz/Log.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
--- | Log reporting interface
--- Some guidelines:
--- * don't allow `mark` in final code
--- * don't use `br` after `info`, unless verbose mode is requested (--loud flag in bild)
--- * always use `br` after `good`, `fail`, and `pass`
--- * often use `br` after `warn`, unless its really unimportant
--- * labels should be roughly hierarchical from general->specific
-module Biz.Log
- ( Lvl (..),
- good,
- pass,
- info,
- warn,
- fail,
- wipe,
- -- * Debugging
- mark,
- -- * Operators
- (~&),
- (~?),
- -- * Wai Middleware
- wai,
- -- * Low-level
- msg,
- fmt,
- br,
- )
-import Alpha hiding (pass)
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
-import Rainbow (chunk, fore, green, magenta, red, white, yellow)
-import qualified Rainbow
-import qualified System.Environment as Env
-import qualified System.IO as IO
-import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
-data Lvl = Good | Pass | Info | Warn | Fail | Mark
--- | Get the environment. This should probably return 'Biz.App.Area' instead of
--- 'String', but I don't want to depend on everything in 'Biz.App', so some kind
--- of refactor is needed.
-area :: IO String
-area =
- Env.lookupEnv "AREA"
- /> maybe "Test" identity
-msg :: Lvl -> [Text] -> IO ()
-msg lvl labels =
- area +> \case
- "Live" -> putDumb
- _ ->
- Env.getEnv "TERM" +> \case
- "dumb" -> putDumb
- _ -> Rainbow.hPutChunks IO.stderr [fore color <| clear <> chunk txt <> "\r"]
- where
- -- For systemd-journal, emacs *compilation* buffers, etc.
- putDumb = putStr <| txt <> "\n"
- txt = fmt (label : labels)
- (color, label) = case lvl of
- Good -> (green, "good")
- Pass -> (green, "pass")
- Info -> (white, "info")
- Warn -> (yellow, "warn")
- Fail -> (red, "fail")
- Mark -> (magenta, "mark")
- clear = "\ESC[2K"
--- | Helper function for formatting outputs of labels.
-fmt :: [Text] -> Text
-fmt = Text.intercalate gap
-gap :: Text
-gap = ": "
-br :: IO ()
-br = Rainbow.hPutChunks stderr ["\n"] >> IO.hFlush stderr
-wipe :: IO ()
-wipe = hPutStr stderr ("\r" :: Text) >> IO.hFlush stderr
-good, pass, info, warn, fail :: [Text] -> IO ()
-good = msg Good
-pass = msg Pass
-info = msg Info
-warn = msg Warn
-fail = msg Fail
--- | Like 'Debug.trace' but follows the patterns in this module
-mark :: (Show a) => Text -> a -> a
-mark label val =
- unsafePerformIO <| do
- msg Mark [label, tshow val]
- br
- pure val
--- | Pipelined version of 'mark'.
--- @
--- mark label val = val ~& label
--- @
-(~&) :: (Show a) => a -> Text -> a
-val ~& label = mark label val
--- | Conditional mark.
-(~?) :: (Show a) => a -> (a -> Bool) -> Text -> a
-(~?) val test label = if test val then mark label val else val
-wai :: Wai.Middleware
-wai app req sendResponse =
- app req <| \res ->
- info
- [ str <| Wai.requestMethod req,
- show <| Wai.remoteHost req,
- str <| Wai.rawPathInfo req
- ]
- >> br
- >> sendResponse res