path: root/Hero/Host.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2020-07-19 21:21:03 -0700
committerBen Sima <>2020-07-19 21:21:03 -0700
commitddc9b826bdc568004451fb14b458476e4c7e5061 (patch)
tree3f3808a2c916c8070ad38e2754f95d721b7b526d /Hero/Host.hs
parent17a2f2364326d0eb527631353942fccecd7e2a7f (diff)
hero: rename stuff to new structure
Working toward
Diffstat (limited to 'Hero/Host.hs')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Hero/Host.hs b/Hero/Host.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc31c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hero/Host.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+-- | Hero web app
+-- : exe mmc
+-- : dep acid-state
+-- : dep aeson
+-- : dep clay
+-- : dep containers
+-- : dep envy
+-- : dep http-types
+-- : dep ixset
+-- : dep lucid
+-- : dep miso
+-- : dep mtl
+-- : dep network-uri
+-- : dep protolude
+-- : dep safecopy
+-- : dep servant
+-- : dep servant-auth
+-- : dep servant-auth-server
+-- : dep servant-lucid
+-- : dep servant-server
+-- : dep split
+-- : dep split
+-- : dep string-quote
+-- : dep text
+-- : dep wai
+-- : dep wai-app-static
+-- : dep wai-extra
+-- : dep wai-middleware-metrics
+-- : dep warp
+-- : dep x509
+module Hero.Host
+ ( main,
+ )
+import Alpha
+import Biz.App (CSS (..), Manifest (..))
+import qualified Clay
+import qualified Crypto.JOSE.JWK as Crypto
+import Data.Acid (AcidState)
+import qualified Data.Acid.Abstract as Acid
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
+import Hero.Core
+import qualified Hero.Assets as Assets
+import qualified Hero.Keep as Keep
+import qualified Hero.Look as Look
+import qualified Hero.Look.Typography as Typography
+import qualified Lucid as L
+import Lucid.Base
+import Miso
+import Miso.String
+import Network.HTTP.Types hiding (Header)
+import Network.Wai
+import Network.Wai.Application.Static
+import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
+import Servant
+import qualified Servant.Auth.Server as Auth
+import qualified System.Directory as Directory
+import qualified System.Envy as Envy
+import qualified System.Exit as Exit
+import qualified System.IO as IO
+main :: IO ()
+main = bracket startup shutdown run
+ where
+ run (cfg, app, _) = (heroPort cfg) app
+ prn = IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr
+ startup = Envy.decodeEnv >>= \case
+ Left e -> Exit.die e
+ Right cfg ->
+ do
+ keep <- (heroKeep cfg)
+ skey <- upsertKey (heroSkey cfg)
+ say "hero"
+ prn $ "port: " ++ show (heroPort cfg)
+ prn $ "keep: " ++ heroKeep cfg
+ prn $ "node: " ++ heroNode cfg
+ prn $ "skey: " ++ heroSkey cfg
+ let jwts = Auth.defaultJWTSettings skey
+ cs = Auth.defaultCookieSettings
+ ctx = cs :. jwts :. EmptyContext
+ proxy = Proxy @(AllRoutes '[Auth.JWT])
+ static = serveDirectoryWith $ defaultWebAppSettings $ heroNode cfg
+ server =
+ -- assets, auth, and the homepage is public
+ static
+ :<|> cssHandlers
+ :<|> pure heroManifest
+ :<|> pubHostHandlers
+ :<|> authHandler cs jwts
+ -- app and api are private
+ :<|> wrapAuth (jsonHandlers keep)
+ :<|> wrapAuth appHostHandlers
+ -- fall through to 404
+ :<|> Tagged handle404
+ return
+ ( cfg,
+ serveWithContext
+ proxy
+ ctx
+ server,
+ keep
+ )
+ shutdown :: App -> IO ()
+ shutdown (_, _, keep) = do
+ Keep.close keep
+ return ()
+upsertKey :: FilePath -> IO Crypto.JWK
+upsertKey fp = Directory.doesFileExist fp >>= \exists ->
+ if exists
+ then Auth.readKey fp
+ else Auth.writeKey fp >> Auth.readKey fp
+-- This part is a little confusing. I have:
+-- - 'App' which encapsulates the entire runtime state
+-- - 'Config' has stuff I can set at startup
+-- - 'HeroKeep' is the database and any other persistance
+-- - the above are then put together in the 'startup' private function in
+-- `main` above
+-- I'm sure this can be cleaned up with a monad stack of some sort, but I
+-- haven't the brain power to think through that. For now, just try and keep
+-- things named clearly so I don't get confused.
+-- | This can be generalized I think, put in Biz.App, or something
+type App = (Config, Application, AcidState Keep.HeroKeep)
+data Config
+ = Config
+ { heroPort :: Warp.Port,
+ heroNode :: FilePath,
+ heroKeep :: FilePath,
+ heroSkey :: FilePath
+ }
+ deriving (Generic, Show)
+instance Envy.DefConfig Config where
+ defConfig = Config 3000 "_bild/Hero.Node/static" "_keep" "/run/hero/skey"
+instance Envy.FromEnv Config
+-- | Convert client side routes into server-side web handlers
+type AppHostRoutes = ToServerRoutes AppRoutes Templated Action
+-- | These are the main app handlers, and should require authentication.
+appHostHandlers :: User -> Server AppHostRoutes
+appHostHandlers _ =
+ comicCoverHandler
+ :<|> comicPageHandler
+ :<|> comicPageFullHandler
+ :<|> comicVideoHandler
+ :<|> discoverHandler
+ :<|> chooseExperienceHandler
+-- | Marketing pages
+type PubHostRoutes = ToServerRoutes PubRoutes Templated Action
+pubHostHandlers :: Server PubHostRoutes
+pubHostHandlers =
+ homeHandler :<|> loginHandler
+type JsonApi = "api" :> "comic" :> Get '[JSON] [Comic]
+-- TODO: need a "you're not logged in" page
+wrapAuth ::
+ Auth.ThrowAll route =>
+ (user -> route) ->
+ Auth.AuthResult user ->
+ route
+wrapAuth f (Auth.Authenticated user) = f user
+wrapAuth _ _ = Auth.throwAll err401
+jsonHandlers :: AcidState Keep.HeroKeep -> User -> Server JsonApi
+jsonHandlers keep _ = Acid.query' keep $ Keep.GetComics 10
+type CssRoute = "css" :> "main.css" :> Get '[CSS] Text
+cssHandlers :: Server CssRoute
+cssHandlers =
+ return . Lazy.toStrict . Clay.render $ Typography.main <> Look.main
+type AuthRoute =
+ "auth"
+ :> ReqBody '[JSON] LoginForm
+ :> Post '[JSON]
+ ( Headers
+ '[ Header "Set-Cookie" Auth.SetCookie,
+ Header "Set-Cookie" Auth.SetCookie
+ ]
+ User
+ )
+instance Auth.ToJWT User
+instance Auth.FromJWT User
+-- | Endpoint for performing authentication
+-- TODO: get creds from keep
+-- TODO: load initial library for user
+authHandler ::
+ Auth.CookieSettings ->
+ Auth.JWTSettings ->
+ LoginForm ->
+ Handler
+ ( Headers
+ '[ Header "Set-Cookie" Auth.SetCookie,
+ Header "Set-Cookie" Auth.SetCookie
+ ]
+ User
+ )
+authHandler cookieSettings jwtSettings loginForm =
+ case loginForm of
+ (LoginForm "" "test") -> do
+ applyCreds $ User "" "ben" []
+ (LoginForm "" "test") -> do
+ applyCreds $ User "" "mike" []
+ _ -> throwError err401
+ where
+ applyCreds usr = do
+ mApplyCookies <- liftIO $ Auth.acceptLogin cookieSettings jwtSettings usr
+ case mApplyCookies of
+ Nothing -> throwError err401
+ Just applyCookies -> return $ applyCookies usr
+-- | See also 'server' above
+type AllRoutes auths =
+ ("static" :> Raw)
+ :<|> CssRoute
+ :<|> ("manifest.json" :> Get '[JSON] Manifest)
+ :<|> PubHostRoutes
+ :<|> AuthRoute
+ :<|> (Auth.Auth auths User :> JsonApi)
+ :<|> (Auth.Auth auths User :> AppHostRoutes)
+ :<|> Raw
+heroManifest :: Manifest
+heroManifest =
+ Manifest
+ { name = "Hero",
+ short_name = "Hero",
+ start_url = ".",
+ display = "standalone",
+ theme_color = "#0a0a0a",
+ description = "Comics for all"
+ }
+-- | Type for setting wrapping a view in HTML doctype, header, etc
+newtype Templated a = Templated a
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance L.ToHtml a => L.ToHtml (Templated a) where
+ toHtmlRaw = L.toHtml
+ toHtml (Templated x) = do
+ L.doctype_
+ L.html_ [L.lang_ "en"] $ do
+ L.head_ $ do
+ L.title_ "Hero [alpha]"
+ L.link_ [L.rel_ "manifest", L.href_ "/manifest.json"]
+ L.link_ [L.rel_ "icon", L.type_ ""]
+ -- icons
+ L.link_
+ [ L.rel_ "apple-touch-icon",
+ L.sizes_ "180x180",
+ L.href_ $
+ Assets.cdnEdge
+ <> "/old-assets/images/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png"
+ ]
+ L.link_
+ [ L.rel_ "icon",
+ L.type_ "image/png",
+ L.sizes_ "32x32",
+ L.href_ $
+ Assets.cdnEdge
+ <> "/old-assets/images/favicons/favicon-32x32.png"
+ ]
+ L.link_
+ [ L.rel_ "icon",
+ L.type_ "image/png",
+ L.sizes_ "16x16",
+ L.href_ $
+ Assets.cdnEdge
+ <> "/old-assets/images/favicons/favicon-16x16.png"
+ ]
+ L.link_
+ [ L.rel_ "manifest",
+ L.href_ $
+ Assets.cdnEdge
+ <> "/old-assets/images/favicons/manifest.json"
+ ]
+ L.link_
+ [ L.rel_ "mask-icon",
+ L.href_ $
+ Assets.cdnEdge
+ <> "/old-assets/images/favicons/safari-pinned-tab.svg"
+ ]
+ L.meta_ [L.charset_ "utf-8"]
+ L.meta_ [L.name_ "theme-color", L.content_ "#000"]
+ L.meta_ [L.httpEquiv_ "X-UA-Compatible", L.content_ "IE=edge"]
+ L.meta_
+ [L.name_ "viewport", L.content_ "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"]
+ cssRef animateRef
+ cssRef bulmaRef
+ cssRef fontAwesomeRef
+ cssRef "/css/main.css" -- TODO: make this a safeLink?
+ jsRef "/static/mmc.js"
+ jsRef "/static/usersnap.js"
+ L.body_ (L.toHtml x)
+ where
+ jsRef href =
+ L.with
+ (L.script_ mempty)
+ [ makeAttribute "src" href,
+ makeAttribute "async" mempty,
+ makeAttribute "defer" mempty
+ ]
+ cssRef href =
+ L.with
+ (L.link_ mempty)
+ [L.rel_ "stylesheet", L.type_ "text/css", L.href_ href]
+handle404 :: Application
+handle404 _ respond =
+ respond
+ $ responseLBS status404 [("Content-Type", "text/html")]
+ $ renderBS
+ $ toHtml
+ $ Templated
+ $ the404
+ $ initModel homeLink
+fontAwesomeRef :: MisoString
+fontAwesomeRef = ""
+animateRef :: MisoString
+animateRef =
+ ""
+-- TODO: if I remove this, then the login form (and probably other stuff) gets
+-- messed up. When I remove this, I need to also port the necessary CSS styles
+-- to make stuff look good.
+bulmaRef :: MisoString
+bulmaRef =
+ ""
+homeHandler :: Handler (Templated (View Action))
+homeHandler = pure . Templated . home $ initModel homeLink
+comicCoverHandler :: ComicId -> Handler (Templated (View Action))
+comicCoverHandler id =
+ pure . Templated . comicCover id . initModel $ comicLink id
+comicPageHandler :: ComicId -> Page -> Handler (Templated (View Action))
+comicPageHandler id n =
+ pure . Templated . comicReader id n . initModel $ comicReaderSpreadLink id n
+comicPageFullHandler :: ComicId -> Page -> Handler (Templated (View Action))
+comicPageFullHandler id n =
+ pure . Templated . comicReader id n . initModel $ comicReaderFullLink id n
+comicVideoHandler :: ComicId -> Page -> Handler (Templated (View Action))
+comicVideoHandler id n =
+ pure . Templated . comicReader id n . initModel $ comicVideoLink id n
+discoverHandler :: Handler (Templated (View Action))
+discoverHandler = pure . Templated . discover $ initModel discoverLink
+chooseExperienceHandler :: ComicId -> Page -> Handler (Templated (View Action))
+chooseExperienceHandler id n =
+ pure . Templated . comicReader id n . initModel $ chooseExperienceLink id n
+loginHandler :: Handler (Templated (View Action))
+loginHandler = pure . Templated . login $ initModel loginLink